新人教版英语七年级下册Unit 11知识点讲练 下载本文

七年级下册 Unit 11

Page 61

1. milk (1) 不可数名词,牛奶 (2)动词,给奶牛挤奶 milk the cow 题:我需要一些牛奶,你能帮我挤牛奶吗?

_______________________________________________________ ? 2. go for a walk = take a walk 散步

题:你想和我去散步吗?_____________________________________________ ? 3. feed chickens 喂鸡 (feed →fed )

【拓展】feed on 以…为食,feed sth. to sb. = feed sb. on sth. 把某物喂给某人 题:① 老虎以肉为食。_____________________________________.

② 他把肉喂给老虎吃。________________________________________. 4. talk with,talk to, talk about.

(1) talk with 和某人交谈(你说我也说);talk to也可表“和某人谈”,侧重“我说你听”。 (2) talk about 谈论,如:Let’s talk about it.

(3) talk with sb, about sth. 和某人交谈关于某事物。


________________________________________________________________. 5. take a photo = take a picture 拍张照片;→ take ( some ) photos / pictures 照相

题:我们在公园照了一些相。_____________________________________________. 6. quite a lot 相当多(后不接名词);I learned quite a lot. ( quite相当地 →quiet安静的) quite a lot of 相当多的(后接可数名词复数形式或不可数名词) 题:我有相当多的家庭作业要做。________________________________________________ 7. 一般过去时态:

一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态, 常与表_________ 的时间状语连用,如:__________,___________ 等。一般过去时态也可以表过去经常或反复发生的动作,也可与 __________, _________ 等表频率的时间状语连用。一般过去时态动词要变为_________. 动词过去式的变化规则有:

(1) 一般情况加_______, 如:_____ → _______; _____ → _______

(2) 以e结尾的动词,加_____,如:_____ → _______; _____ → _______ (3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要变y为i,再加ed,如:_____ → _______

(4) 只有一个_______字母加一个_______字母结尾的重读音节,要双写最后这个______字

母,再加ed,如:_____ → _______; _____ → _______;

(5) 有少数动词的过去式是不规则的, 如:_____ → _______; _____ → _______ (6) 清辅音后读 / /, 浊辅音后读/ /, 在 / / 和 / / 后读/id/.

问某人过去做过某事没有,要用助动词 ______ 即:_______ sb do sth ? 表达某人过去没做过某事常用_______ , 即:sb. ________ do sth. 还要注意be动词过去式(was, were)的用法。 题:① I ________ (visit) my grandparents yesterday. ② He always ________ (go) to work by bus last year. ③ He ______ (be) a teacher ten years ago.

④ I ________ (feed) some chickens last week. (先改一般疑问句,再改否定句) ________________________________________________. ________________________________________________.


⑤ He _______ (be) at home yesterday. (先改一般疑问句,再改否定句) ________________________________________________. ________________________________________________. ⑥ I rode a horse on the farm. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________ on the farm ? ⑦ The trip was interesting. (对划线部分提问) _______ __________ the trip ?

⑧ He found the job the year before last. (对划线部分提问) _______ __________ he ________ the job ? Page 62

1. show sb. around sth. 带某人参观某地 She showed me around her school.

show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物 Show me the photo. = Show the photo to me 题:Did the farmer _______ Carol ______ the farm ? ---- Yes. And Carol ______ some apples. A. showed, on; pick B. showed, in; picked

C. showed, around; picked D. show, around; picked 2. learn 表“学习”,用法有:

(1) learn about 学习,了解 (2) learn (sth.) from sb. 向某人学习 (3)learn to do sth. 学着去做某事

题:① 我对农事了解很多。____________________________________________________. ② 我能向你学习。______________________________________________________. ③ 你应该学着去照顾你自己。____________________________________________. 5. take sth. home 把某物带回家; take sb. to sw. 带某人去(home为地点副词,前不用to) 题:我爸爸昨天开车送我去学校。______________________________________________ 6. go fishing 去钓鱼(类似的还有:go shopping; go swimming; go skating ) 题:We went fishing last week. = We _______ _______ ________ last week.

7. grow apples 种苹果;grow up 长大; pick apples 摘苹果, pick up 捡起,拾起 题:① 一些人正在种苹果,还有些人正在摘苹果。


② Tom, there is too much litter on the floor. Please __________.

A. pick them up B. pick up them C. pick it up D. pick up it. 8. on the farm 在农场上 (不用 in );farmer 农民; farming 农事,耕作

题:Tom is a _________, he works ______ the farm. He knows a lot about _________. 9. excellent 极好的,优秀的。

题:他是一个优秀的学生。___________________________________. 10. countryside = country 乡村, in the countryside 在乡村


11. 常用助动词do代替动词原形短语,用does代替动词单三短语,用 did代替动词过去式短语。

题:① We don’t like English, but they ________.

② I like English very much and my sister also ________. ③ Who cleaned the blackboard ? ---- Sam ________.

Page 63

1. worry about = be worried about 为某人担心



2. 世界上独一无二的事物前要加the. 如:the sun, the moon 3. come out ① 出来 ② 出版 ③ 开花

题:① 太阳出来了。_______________________________________.

② 那新书上周出版了。 _____________________________________________. 4. luck,lucky 和luckily

(1) luck 名词,运气,如:Good luck! 祝你好运。bring good luck to sb. 给某人带来好运。 (2) lucky 形容词,幸运的,如:lucky number 幸运数字 (3) luckily 副词,幸运地(是),常单独使用。如:Luckily,I got to school in time. 题:You are a _______ man. He passed the exam _________.

5. and 是并列名词,前后动词形式要一致,前后动词共相同的主语。 题:① He often watches TV and ______ (play) basketball on weekends. ② I went outside and ________ (swim) in the river. Page 64

1. fire 火,be on fire 着火了,put out the fire 扑灭火 题:消防站着火了,让我们去灭火吧。


2. painting有颜色的画,如油画等; drawing 无颜色的画,如素描,简笔画 3. get popular 变得流行受欢迎。 be popular with 受某人的欢迎。 题:①在中国,在你的生日那天吃蛋糕正变得流行。

__________________________________________________________. ②这首歌很受年青人的欢迎。

__________________________________________________________. 4. both和all;each 和 every的区别:

(1) both (of ) 表“两者都”,all (of ) 表“多者都”,后都接名词复数。作主语时,视为复数,


(2) each 表两者或多者中的每一个,every 只表多者中得每一个,它们后接单数名词,作

主语时视为单数。当它们与of 连用时,后常接名词复数,作主语时常视为单数。但every不能和of连用。

题:① My parents are _______ teachers. ________ of them is great.

② Every ________ (student) is here. They ______ want to go there.

5. what about = how about 用来询问“... 怎么样呢?”,about是一个介词,后接动词ing。如: 题:① What about basketball ? --- Good idea. (play)

② Let’s play tennis. -----But it’s difficult _______ me. How about ________ ? A. for, play table tennis B. for, playing table tennis C. to, playing basketball D. to, play basketball

③ 翻译:去游泳怎么样? ___________________________________? ④ What about _______ (take) a walk after you finish ______ (eat) lunch ?

6. 不定式可作后置定语,修饰前面的名词. 如: something to eat 吃的东西;a place to play玩的地方; the best way to learn English 学英语的最好的方法。 【注意】当不定式中的动词与所修饰的名词或代词构成动宾关系且动词为不及物动词时,需用“不定式+介词”的结构,这种情况下的介词不能省略。如:a house to live in 住的房子;some paper to write on 写的纸。但如果所修饰的词是place时,不及物动词就不需要接介词,如:a place to live.

题:① Do you have anything ? (A. saying B. to say C. say )