2010年四川外国语学院翻译硕士考研真题精编 下载本文





deoxyribonucleic acid force majeure carbon dioxide magic realism OED


On the Origin of Species multipolarity ceoeriticism thriller film FOB

optimize economic structure

overall revitalization

Silicon Valley 社会主义和谐社会 白条 共赢 硕士点 钉子户 次贷危机 金砖四国 亲子鉴定 打黑除恶 整顿小煤矿 中国大陆 教师休息室 混合动力汽车 四项基本原则 发展是硬道理

二、篇章翻译(120分) Text A

In the beginning, the planet upon which we live was (as far as we now know) a large

ball of flaming matter, a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space. Gradually, in the course of millions of years, the surface burned itself out, and was covered with a thin layer of rocks. Upon these lifeless rocks the rain descended in endless torrents, wearing out the hard granite and carrying the dust to the valleys that lay hidden between the high cliffs of the steaming earth. Finally the hour came when the sun broke through the clouds and saw how this little planet was covered with a few small puddles which were to develop into the mighty oceans of the eastern and western hemispheres.

Then one day the great wonder happened. What had been dead gave birth to life. The first living cell floated upon the waters of the sea. For millions of years it drifted aimlessly with the currents, but during all that time it was developing certain habits that it might survive more easily upon the inhospitable earth. Some of these cells were happiest in the dark depths of the lakes and the pools. The y took root in the slimy sediments which had been carried down from the tops of the hills and they became plants. Others referred to move about and they grew strange jointed legs, like scorpions and began to crawl along the bottom of the sea amidst the plants and the pale green things that looked like jelly-fishes. Still others (covered with scales) depended upon a swimming motion to go from place to place in their search for food, and gradually they populated the ocean with myriads of fishes.

Meanwhile the plants had increased in number and they had to search for new dwelling places. There was no more room for them at the bottom of the sea. Reluctantly they left the water and made a new home in the marshes and on the