人教版八年级下册英语 期末总复习 题型专项训练(二)完成句子 选词填空 补全对话(有答案) 下载本文

only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him __69__. For example, I say, “Lucky! get my book,” and he does it at once.

Lucky is a fantastic dog. I’ll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for __70__my life.

Best wishes, Ben Smith 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70



B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: Excuse me, where is Judy? I haven’t seen her for a long time. B: 81._________________________. She wants to visit the Great Wall. A: Really? 82. _________________________? B: She went there last Monday.

A: 83. ____________________________? B: No, she’s never been there before. A: 84__________________________? B: No, she went there with her parents. A: When will she be back?

B: She’ll be back at the end of this month. A: Thank you.

B: 85. __________________________.



根据对话情景在下面空白处填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: Hello, Jane.

B: Hi, Peter. Have you heard what happened to Mary? A 81_____________________________? B; She is Peter’s sister.

A: Oh, yes. I know. She’s just come back from England. 82. ____________________?

B: A car hit her when she was walking down then street. A: How terrible! 83 ______________________? B: About an hour ago.


A: 84______________________? B: She is now in hospital.

A: I hope there is nothing serious. B: 85______________________.


B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: 81 ? B: I don’t feel very well, doctor. A: 82 ? B: Two days ago.

A: 83 ? B: Yes, I have. It’s 37.9℃.

A: Open your mouth and say “Ah…”. You have a cold and a sore throat.

B: 84 ?

A: No, there is nothing serious. 85 . You should also drink a lot

of hot water with honey. B: Thanks a lot. A: You’re welcome.


B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: 81 ? B: There is something wrong with my stomach. A: Don’t worry. Lie down and I will examine you. B: OK.

A: 82 ? B: Yes, I had a big lunch. A: What did you eat for lunch?

B: Two hamburgers, some French fries, four chicken legs and a tin of cola. I had no time to cook, so I had lunch at a fast food restaurant.

A: Oh, it sounds terrible. 83 . B: OK. I won’t eat too much. 84 ? A: Take the medicine and drink some hot water. And you will be better soon. B: 85 . I will follow your advice. A: You are welcome.



(二)完成句子 选词填空 补全对话



56.success 57. have been married 58. made great/much progress 59. To their surprise 60.one of the most clever/the cleverest girls 第二组

56. The more; the richer / more 57. has been away from 58.neither nor 59.depend on 60. takes after 第三组

56. allow us to bring 57. To my surprise 58. get along/on well with 59. has made great progress 60. The more 第四组

56.large population 57.had a stomachache 58.In my opinion 59. unbelievable 60.make great progress



61.need 62. making 63.look 64. whole 65. dishes 66.eating 67.simplest 68. never 69. Whenever 70.them



61. speaking 62.their 63. first 64.wants 65.dropped 66.dirty 67. lesson 68.times 69. has 70. are 第三组

61. walking 62. deeper 63. carefully 64. changed 65. kindness 66. happy 67. her 68. was 69. neighbors 70. what 第四组

61-65 set, difference, easily, difficulties, opening 66-70 mine, thought, lucky, orders, changing



81. She has gone to Beijing. 82. When did she go there? 83. Has she ever been there before? 84. Did she go to Beijing alone?/by herself? 85. You are welcome. 第二组

81. Who’s she/Mary? 82. What happened to her/What’s wrong /the matter/the trouble(with her)? 83. When was it /that? /When did it/that happen? 84. Where is she (now)? 85. I hope so. 第三组