高中英语必修3外研版课时作业+综合练习打包18套课时作业(十) cultural corner writing(2) 下载本文

课时作业(十) Cultural Corner & Writing


1.They have ________(发明) a new way of making silk. 2.His black ________(皮革) couch looks expensive.

3.Though used for more than 5 years,my car is still in good ________(状况). 4.In the supermarket I had an ________(争论) with the saleswoman. 5.In China we enjoy ________(自由) of speech and religion. 6.We've never doubted her________(诚实).

7.Passengers on flying boats rested in________(柔弱的) seats. 8.The ________(燃料) in that area is running out.

9.Li Ning made great ________ (贡献) to China's gymnastics. 10.People respect the judge for his________(公正) in the work. Ⅱ.单项填空

1.(2013·烟台高一调研)The boy argues ________ his classmates ________ some things of little importance frequently,which makes them angry.

A.of;into C.on;for

B.with;about D.to;over

2.He is always ________ his excellent spoken English;while his sister takes ________ her beauty.

A.proud of;pride of C.proud in;pride of

B.proud in;pride in D.proud of;pride in

3.(2013·济宁高一质检)He promised to do that for me ________ I allowed him ________ for a few days.

A.on condition that;to leave B.on condition if;to leave C.on condition that;leaving D.on the condition that;leaving

4.I thought her nice and honest ________ I met her. A.first time

B.for the first time

C.the first time D.by the first time

5.It is too bad for someone in such a high ________ in the government to behave badly in public.

A.position C.profession

B.situation D.condition

6.—You are always scolding him,aren't you? —Yes,what he eats ________ harm to his health. A.does do C.does did

B.do do D.do does

7.—Do you know who ________ the telephone? —No,but it's really useful. A.invented C.discovered

B.found D.developed

8.________,walking is a cheap,safe,enjoyable,and readily available form of exercise.

A.As a conclusion C.As conclusion

B.In a conclusion D.In conclusion

9.(2013·济南高一检测)Smoking too much may ________ lung cancer and cause other diseases.

A.devote to C.contribute to

B.attend to D.e to

10.The film is ________ that one. Neither of them is worth seeing. A.not interesting than B.not more interesting than C.no more interesting than D.no interesting than Ⅲ.阅读理解


Confucius (551-497 BC) was a thinker,educator,and founder of the Ru School for Chinese thought.

He was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law,life,and the government that helped many people learn about nature,the world,and human beings.

Confucius's social philosophy largely centers around the concept of “ren”,which is “loving others” and “honoring one's parents”.Those who have developed “ren” are “simple in manner and slow of speech”.For Confucius,such concern for others is proved through the practice of the Golden Rule:“What you do not wish for yourself,do not do to others.”

Confucius thinks a good rulership was to have “de” or “virtue” which allows one to win people's support without using any force and keep good order in his state without troubling himself,and that a ruler should rule his people by his own example and treat them with love and concern.

A characteristic of Confucius' thought is his emphasis (强调) on education and study.“A good teacher is someone who knows well the ways of the past and the practices of the ancients.” and he also thinks “He who learns but does not think is lost.He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”

Confucius did not write down the principles of his philosophy;these were handed down only through his students.Lun Yu,a book piled (编撰) by some of his students,is considered the most dependable source of information about his life and teachings.One of the historical works that he is said to have piled and edited,The Spring and Autumn Annals,is describing Chinese history in the state of Lu from 722 to 481 BC.

Since Confucius's teachings and philosophy was so advanced, it was the education for China for 2,000 years.It is called Confucianism.

1.The passage mainly discusses ________. A.Confucius and his great thought B.the life of Confucius

C.Confucius's influence on students D.Confucius's teaching methods

2.Confucius's philosophic thinking can help people know about all the following EXCEPT ________.