二年级上册英语期中试卷-轻松夺冠_外研社(一起) 下载本文

小学英语二年级期中试卷 听力部分(40%)

一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。 12%

( )1. A. worer B. coo ( ) 2. A. table B. des ( ) 3. A. doctor B. nurse ( ) 4. A. clean B. close ( ) 5. A. door B. boo ( ) 6.A tomato B. potato

二、 听音, 把你所听到的句子,把AB选项写在括号内。12%

( )1. A. Clean the table, please. B. Clean the chair, please. ( )2.A. Merry Christmas! B. Than you. ( )3.A What’s this? B.What’s she? ( )4.A. It’s a banana. B. It’s big. ( )5.A What are these? B. What’s this? ( )6.A Who’s she? B. What’s she?

三、听音, 给句子标序号。 8%

( )1.Good morning, SuHai. ( ) 2.What are these? They are beans ( ) 3.Loo at the moon. ( ) 4. What’s your father?

一、 圈出不同类的单词。10%

1. father nurse brother 2. big small bright 3. des pen chair 4. tomato apple carrot 5. door star sun


( )1、工人 A.doctor B. worer C. teacher ( )2、星星 A.sun B.moon C.star

( )3、土豆 A.bean B.carrot C.potato ( )4、妈妈 A..mother B.brother C.father ( )5、明亮的 A.right B.big C.bright ( )6、沙发 A.ant B.chair C.sofa


这些是什么? All right. 她是谁? It’s bright. 谢谢你 What are these? 好的 Than you 它是明亮的 Who’s she?

看星星 Loo at the moon.

四、 从B栏中选出A栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在提前括号内。10%

( )1、早上好,妈妈。 A. They are carrots. ( )2、你好,王兵。 B.These are my boos. ( )3、这些是我的书。 C.Good morning, MUM. ( )4、它们是胡萝卜。 D.H欧文 ( )5、你好吗? E.Hello, WangBing.

五、 从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号内。5%

( ) 1.Good afternoon. A. They are carrots. ( ) 2.Clean the des, please. B.He’s a doctor. ( ) 3.What are these? C. She’s my sister. ( ) 4. What’s he ? D.All right. ( ) 5.Who’s she?. E. Good afternoon.

六、 选择,把所选答案的序号写在提前括号内。5%

( )1. What can you see?- I can see_______ A. a potato B potato

( )2. What are these? They are _________. A. bean B.beans

( )3.Who’s she?- She’s my ________ A. mother B. father

( )4.What’s ____? It’s a tomato. A. this B.these

( )5.______ is your father?-He’s a doctor. A. Who B. What

( )6.Can you see beans?-Yes, I ___ A. do B. can

( )7. 当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说__________. A.Than you. B. All right.

( )8. 当别人问你身边站的是谁时,你可以对别人说________.

A.She’s my sister. B. She’s anurse.

( )9.当你想让别人擦窗户时,你可以说________. A.Clean the door,please. B.Clean the window,please.

( )10. 当你想问对方的爸爸的职业时,你应该说