八年级下期中考试试卷 下载本文


八年级英语试题 B卷

时间:60分钟 满分:100分


本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分; 卷I和卷II均在答题纸上作答。 考试结束,上交答题纸。


I﹑单项选择 (本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)

( )1. ---Eric hurt his leg playing tennis yesterday. I hope he will get better soon.

---_________. A.I hope so, too

B. Hope not

C. I can’t stand it

D. You are wrong

( )2. ---I am a little hungry. Daddy.

---See the cakes on the plate? But you can only take _____ . Dinner is ready soon. A.it A.play

B. one B. playing

C. this C. to play C. without

D. that D. plays D. of

( )3. Alice is interested in ___________ the violin. ( )4. Fish can’t live ______________ water.

A.with B. in

( )5. ---Would you like some tea?

---_____. A.Yes, please. A.ran out of A.drinks A.

B. The same to you. C. Me, too. B. ran out C. ran of B. drinking C. drink turn off B. put on D. set up

D. My pleasure. D. ran away D. to drink C.



( )6. Li Lei ________ his money. He had to borrow some from his friends. ( )7. You should _________ more water when you have a cold. ( )8. Don’t _________ the bus until it stops.

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( )9. ---______________?

--- I argued with my best friend. A. A.

How were you ? B. What’s wrong C. Can I help you close B. to close

D. Good morning

( )10. Don’t forget ___________ the door when you leave.

C. closing D. closes

( )11. ----Can I ______________ your bike?

---With pleasure. But you mustn’t ______________ it to others. A. A. A. A. A.

lend; borrow

B. borrow; lend C. lend; lend D. borrow; borrow

( )12. Scientists try their best to __________ ways to treat all kinds of terrible illnesses.

come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give up put off B. go off

C. take off D. get off

( )13. My alarm didn’t __________ . So I woke up late. ( )14. They are good friends. They ____________ with each other.

get on well B. go on well C. get on with D. get with when

B. before C. so that D. after

( )15. With his left arm, he bandaged himself ________ he would not lose too much blood. ( )16. Peter didn’t tell his parents that he was going home because he wanted to give them a ____________.

A. A.

note needn’t

B. surprise C. call B. mustn’t C. can’t

D. gift D. shouldn’t

( )17. Please don’t make so much noise. I __________ hear the speaker very well. ( )18. ----I can’t stand swimming in cold rivers in winter.

---But it’s _________ for your health. You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons. A.


B. harmful C. painful

D. careful

( )19. ---Look at the stone house. Do you know _____________ it was built? --- In 1956. It’s quite old.

A. A.

when took


C. where D. why

D. brought

( )20. They _______ him a very good job but he refused.

B. offered C. lent

( )21. There was no __________ in the old house . So I could see nothing.

A.wind A.

B. light C. wood D. cloud B. heavily C. hardly D. clearly

( )22. It’s raining __________ now. I’m afraid I can’t get to school on time.


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( )23. She _________ a newspaper while her father was watching TV.


was reading B. read with friends ____________ important, too. A.


B. is

C. be

D. being

( )25. ---Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or on the QQ? ---______________. I enjoy chatting face to face. A.


B. Both

C. Neither

D. None

II、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

A few years ago, I was about fourteen or fifteen years old. One 26 , my parents went out for a walk after dinner. I stayed at home alone watching TV. Later I heard my cat, Aster, meowing (喵喵叫) at the 27 . She was a funny and proud cat. She was good at catching mice and sometimes, she would like to show me her “prize”. I went over to 28 the door. She ran in quickly with 29 in her mouth. After she dropped it on the floor, I found it was a mouse, again. It 30 died(死亡). My mother always liked to keep the floor 31 , so I had to find something to pick the mouse up and 32 it away. When I came back, I found the mouse disappeared (消失). I looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. We had a basement (地下室) under the house, so there were so many places and holes for it to stay. I 33 looking for it at last. But that was not the 34 of that. About a year later, I was helping my mom clean up the basement. I saw some bones (骨头) of a dead 35 . ( )26. A. morning B. noon ( )27. A. floor ( )28. A. close B. bed B. open C. evening C. sofa C. break C. everything C. seriously C. crowded C. wash C. gave up C. stress C. dog D. afternoon D. door D. repair D. nothing D. almost D. full D. die D. depended on D. duck C. reads

D.is reading

( )24. Life shouldn’t just be about grades. Free time activities like sports and hanging out

( )29. A. something ( )30. A. already ( )31. A. dirty ( )32. A. throw B. anything B. clearly B. clean B. give B. tried out B. beginning B. mouse ( )33. A. cheered up ( )34. A. training ( )35. A. cat D. end 2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语试题B卷 3 / 8