2012-2013学年厦门市高一(下)质量检测英语试题(必修4)--胡桂容--杨敏 下载本文

高一英语——学生姓名 6.14







I. 听力理解(略)

II. 单项选择(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)

13. The little tramp went to search for gold, but without success; this character was really social failure.

A. a; / A. support A. are A. cut down A. can you improve A. whatever A. to work --- .

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帝豪校区:2042800 帝豪大厦六楼608 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼

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B. /; / B. deliver B. will be B. cut off

B. you can improve B. wherever B. to be working

C. /; a C. represent C. is C. cut in C. you improve C. however C. working

D. a; a D. swing D. have D. cut up D. improve you D. whenever D. worked

14. The young lady considered using a nurse-midwife to her baby naturally 15. Either they or one of their classmates to attend the meeting tomorrow.

16. People there were almost completely from the outside world after the earthquake. 17. Only by practicing more your spoken English. 18. I won’t give in difficulties I come across in my life.

19. Yesterday I went to visit my best friend and found her hard on her lessons. 20. ---Could you tell me how I can get to Peterson Building, please?

A. Don’t ask me C. You’re welcome A. do; to go A. crowding in A. comment A. However

B. to do; go B. crowded in B. campaign B. Besides

B. Sure. You can take the No. 3bus D. Thank you all the same C. to do; to go C. crowd in C. preserve C. Otherwise

D. do; go D. to crowd in D. approach D. Therefore

21. It’s so hot now. I would rather some reading at home than to the cinema. 22. She tried to sleep, but the memories of the childhood came on her.

23. Beijing began a citywide anti-smoking to avoid smoking in the working in the working places. 24. There are unhappy smiles. , the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.

高一英语——学生姓名 6.14

III. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

Diagnosed(诊断)with cancer in July 2008, Bruce Feiler worried first about his young family. He 25 that he needed to write a letter.


As you know, I have learned that I 26 from cancer. The afternoon I telephoned Linda and wept. I went home, lay down on my bed and 27 the sky for several hours 28 all the ways my life would change. I kept coming back to my 29 Eden and Tybee and how difficult life might be for 30 . Would they wonder who I was?

A few days later, I thought of a way I might help recreate(再创造)my 31 for them, I started making a 32 of my six friends-from all parts of my life, these are the men who share my values, who helped 33 and guide me, who have been 34 pain and happiness with me, and the men who know my voice. I would call this group of men “the Council(委员会)of Dads”.

That morning I began writing this letter. Will you help be their dad? Will you be my voice? 35 I hope I will recover from my illness and 36 we will all be able to enjoy many family 37 together in the future. But I would like my daughters to know the word through all of you. I understand this request might come as 38 of a burden(负担). However, it is not 39 to be huge responsibility of time or emotion, . A few words, a few gestures, a welcome 40 every now and then will make sure that your presence will be always a guide in the girls’ lives.

41 it has been painful to write, this unexpected idea at this moment in our lives has brought great 42 and comfort to Linda and me. We are pleased to know that our girls will 43 from you some of the valuable lessons you have taught me over the years. And we are 44 that we all have an excuse to keep more closely in touch in the seasons to come, and above all, we know that the council of dads can, if needed, be me.

25. A. concluded 26. A. recover 27. A. reached for 28. A. imagining 29. A. parents 30. A. it 31. A. dad 32. A. bargain 33. A. form 34. A. through 35. A. Instead 36. A. when 37. A. occasions 38. A. nothing 39. A. used 40. A. hug 41. A. As though 42. A. struggle 43. A. learn 44. A. frightened

B. wondered B. suffer B. raced for B. observing B. daughters B. them B. friend B. deal B. entertain B. between B. Thus B. that B. situations B. anything B. referred B. partner B. Even though B. respect B. hear B. disappointed

C. doubted C. escape C. laughed at C. whispering C. sons C. another C. voice C. decision C. shape C. across C. Naturally C. whether C. conditions C. everything C. intended C. flight C. Now that C. force C. keep C. excited

D. argued D. die D. stared at D. discovering D. friends D. others D. body D. list D. create D. beyond D. Quickly D. if D. behaviors D. something D. directed D. attention D. Thanks to D. strength D. come D. advanced

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帝豪校区:2042800 帝豪大厦六楼608 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼

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高一英语——学生姓名 6.14

IV. 阅读理解(共14题; 每小题2分,满分28分)


阅读短文,从所给选项中选出最恰当的句子,并将其字母标号填在相应的方框中(其中有一个多余选项)。 A. It is also a family festival. B. Bullfights(斗牛)take place daily at 6:30pm. C. Get dressed and look at yourself in the mirror. D. The town celebrates non-stop through the festival. E. The majority of people running are foreign tourists. F. There are two major types of San Fermin revelers(饮酒狂欢者)

Running with the Bulls (公牛)in Pamplona

If you go to Pamplona, Spain, during the Festival of San Fermín, be sure to wear all white and tie a red handkerchief about your neck. __________45________ The Festival of San Fermín, first made famous outside of Spain by Ernest Hemingway in his novel The Sun Also Rises (1926), takes place each year from July 6th to July 14th. No adjustment(调整)is made for the day of the week on which the dates fall. __________46________. The only break between one day and the next is the running of the bulls ,which takes place each morning at 8am.

__________47________The most common is the one who parties all night and finishes the day by queuing up at 6am to get a good view of the running of the bulls. Immediately after the run this group collects their sleeping bags from the bus station and wanders off to any piece of green grass to have a sleep. The other type of is the one who has spent the night in a car, a campground or a nearby town and who join the previous night’s partiers in the viewing queue at 6am. They then begin to party just after the last bull has passed through the narrow streets and entered the arena.

San Fermín is reserved not only for those revelers. __________48________It has various areas set aside for children’s entertainment. There is at least one square that allows children the opportunity to be chased by a pretend bull. There is also a carnival and traditional Basque Country sports such as stone lifting and tug-of-war.

__________49_______Tickets can be bought for the following days’ bullfights beginning at 8:00 each morning. If you are unable to buy a ticket, they can be had from scalpers(黄牛党)outside of the arena during the fight. These tickets can be expensive.

After the festival has concluded, the locals put away their white shirts, white pants and red handkerchiefs until next year.

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帝豪校区:2042800 帝豪大厦六楼608 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼

瑞景校区:2042400 牛庄21号楼五楼 博物馆校区:2042008 海洋花园一楼 莲坂校区:2042001 富山名仕园三楼 集美校区:6224111 集美综合楼三楼 滨北校区:2042006 中闽大厦五楼 卧龙校区:2042808 太川大楼六楼

高一英语——学生姓名 6.14


阅读文章后,从第50至53题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

He and she were sitting face to face. At this moment, the landlord(房东)came in and asked, “Are you sure you do not rent the house any more? ”He kept silent and she only shook her head. They were going to break up, so it was obvious that they would not continue renting the house.

After examining the house, the landlord screamed, “See how you have ruined my house? The walls are full of nails(钉子)!How could I rent the house to others? ”

He said, “The room is too small. So we could only hang them on the walls。”She began looking around her familiar room. Four years ago on the night of their marriage, he said, “I feel sorry to you for having you live in this small room. In the future I will earn a lot of money to buy our own house。”

The room was only 13square meters with two nails on the wall next to the door, one for her to hang her bag and the other for hanging umbrellas. At that time, she threw her bag and umbrella on the floor once she entered the room, feeling terribly upset . There were three nails on the left wall, on which hung his clothes yesterday. After he lived in the room, he removed all the clothes boxes and bought her a desk because he knew she loved writing and drawing. On the right wall were four nails used to fix their wedding photo. But now there were only four nails without the photos. She still remembered he got hurt on his fingers when trying to drive the nails home. It was she who pushed him to receive treatment in the hospital.

The landlord pulled the nails out when complaining at the same time. After the nails were removed, the walls were left with many holes. Suddenly, she felt quite heartbroken and cried, “Stop! We will continue renting the house and will only move away after we buy our own!”He looked at her with great surprise, and then turned round, tearing over his face.

She finally came to understand that marriage was like a wall and that all quarrels and cold wars were like the nails on the wall. When all the nails were removed, only a wall with holes would be left. But if all the nails were still in their own places, the wall was still fine. But in the past, what she saw was only those annoying nails。

They hung all the things back to the wall. He asked her, “Are you really willing to lead a tough life with me? ”She patted(拍)away the dirt on hands and said, “Yes! For me, it is not a suffering to live。

50. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. What a wonderful marriage! C. It’s not a suffering to live

A. the couple often quarreled with each other C. the husband didn’t love his wife at all A. the couple were to break up

C. he had to remove the nails on the wall A. The husband begged her not to break up

B. Marriage with cold wars D. Renting the house

B. the wife is satisfied with her marriage D. there are 13 nails in all in the wall B. he thought the house had been ruined D. the couple would stop renting his house

B. She thought the house was hard to rent to others

51. We can infer from the passage that

52. The landlord was very angry because 53. Why did the wife decide to continue renting the house?

C. The husband insisted on renting the house D. She came to understand what marriage was like

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帝豪校区:2042800 帝豪大厦六楼608 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼

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高一英语——学生姓名 6.14


阅读文章后,从第54至58题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

For many well-educated, rich Chinese travelers, buying a copy of Lonely Planet is the first task before taking a vacation abroad. Founded in 1973, Lonely Planet is the biggest guidebook series in the US, UK and Australia. It’s published in 11languages including Chinese.

But when the BBC confirmed on March 19that it had sold the entire Lonely Planet series to a US billionaire at a great loss, many commented that the deal meant the swan song for the printed guidebook. The rise of the Internet and the popularity of smart phones have become a burden(负担)on the print media. Why would travelers bring a heavy guidebook when they can download its digital(数码的)content to their smart phone in an minute? Furthermore, free travel content is everywhere on the Internet, from Wikivoyage to TripAdvisor to blogs written by travel writers.

“If you’re in your 20s or 30s, the first place you’re going to go for travel information is a social network,” said Howard Blumenthal, who writes the Digital Insider blog. “With so many people providing content, you don’t have to go to Fodor’s to get hotel information because there’s TripAdvisor and its competitors.”

Even for those who still want a guidebook in their hand, once they download an app to their electronic device(装置), they’re more than likely to kiss goodbye to their physical guidebooks.

But the Internet is not the only reason that guidebooks are gradually falling. Kevin Rushby, author of four popular travel books and travel writer for The Guardian, said that the problem with the guidebook is that “it gets too detailed that can kill any sense of personal exploration.”

Several times on recent trips Rushby found he hadn’t opened his guidebook at all. The maps in the guidebooks have been bettered by Google Maps. And the top sights are often lists of overcrowded, overpriced attractions surrounded by tour groups, he said.

And yet, despite the rise of new media(媒体), some experts believe there is still a place for printed books.

54. Which of the following can be the best title?

A. Guidebooks lose way to internet C. Download an app to your device A. Free content on blogs C. The weight of printed media

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帝豪校区:2042800 帝豪大厦六楼608 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼

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B. why not buy Lonely Planet? D. kiss goodbye to google maps B. The rise of the internet D. The appearance of smart phones

B. here comes the end of the printed guidebook

55. Which of the following has the least effect on the printed media?

56. We can learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 that A. the printed guidebook will take off soon

C. the deal is a success for the printed guidebook D. the swan song will be included in the printed guidebook A. Wikivoyage and TripAdvisor are two blogs B. Guidebooks encourage personal exploration C. Fodor’s is probably a printed travel guidebook

D. Lonely planet is the biggest guidebook all over the world A. The rise of new media

C. The disadvantages of printed books

B. The advantages of printed books

D. More of the writer’s opinions about internet

57. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

58. What will probably be discussed after the passage?