最新人教版五年级英语上册第二单元测试题 下载本文



( )1. A . math B those C. Thurday D thank ( )2. A peach B seat C teacher D heathly ( )3. A how B brown C town D snow ( ) 4. A. fresh B. fruit C. floor D. from ( )5. A.cry B. crow C. clock 二、选择填空.

( ) 1What day is it today ? A It’s Monday B It’s monday

( ) 2What do you have __ Wednesday? A on B in

( ) 3. Today is Monday . What day is it tomorrow ?

A It’s Monday B It’s Tuesday

( )4..Mother’s Day is the _______Sunday in Ma y. A. second B. first C. fifths ( )5.Tomorrow is_______. A.May B.June C.Thursday

( )6.I_____ English on Mondays. John ____ English on Mondays.too.

A.has have B.having have C.have has ( )7._____do you ___on Sundays? I often do my homework.

A.What do B.Where do C. How do ( )8. What about _____,Aunt Cathy? A.your B.you C.I

( ) 9.It’s 8:00. It’s time _______get up. A. to B. \\ C. for

( ) 10.-I often play ping-pong.-Great! I can play ______you. A. at B. with C. and ( ) 11.Amy Saturdays.

A. like B. on C. likes

( )12. I often paint or watch TV on Saturdays. Saturday is fun ____ me! A. for B. with C. to



( )1. Is she quiet? A. E. Mr. Zhao. ( )2. What day is it today ? B No, she is very active. ( )3. I don't like grapes. C. It's Tuesday. ( )4. Who's your English teacher? D. They are sour. ( )5、What’s your favourite fruit? E.. Fish.

( )6、What’s your favourite food? F.. I often do homework ( )7、What do you do on Sunday? G. .We have tofu and fish ( )8、What do you have for lunch H. .I like apple. 四、情景交际.

1.如果你想问“今天是星期几?”应该说:( )

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A. What do you do on Mondays? B. What day is it today? C. When is your birthday?

2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应该说:( ) A. Monday is my favorite. B. We have English, math, and P.E. C. What do you have on Monday? 3.如果你想说:“我喜欢星期六.”应该说:( ) A.What do you do on Saturdays?

B. like Sundays. I watch TV on Sundays. C. I like Saturdays. 4.别人问你:“What do you do on Saturdays?” 你应该回答:( ) A. I like Saturdays.

C. It’s Saturday today.

5.“你呢?”除了说“What about you?”外,还可以说:( ) A. Oops! B. Oh, Really? C. And you?


1. classes do what you like ?

___________________________________________________-- 2. do on what you Thursdays do ? ________________________________________ 3.Tom on does what do weekends ? _______________________________________ 4 for sweet me Sunday is .

_______________________________________ 5.have you on do what Tuesdays ? ______________________________________- 六、按要求改写句子.(10分)

1. It’s Saturday today.(对画线部分提问)


2. I have English, math and P.E on Mondays. (对画线部分提问)

___________________________________________ 3. I watch TV and do my homework on Saturdays. (对画线部分提

问)__________________________________________________ 4. I like Saturdays.(改为否定句 )

_______________________________________-- 5. What day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答)

___________________________________________ 6..He often _______ (play) games on Saturdays. 用正确形式填空

7.It’s time to have lunch (改为同义句)

_______________________________________- 七,根据首字母或语境填空 1.What d______is it today ?

2.What do you do on W____________? 3.I have P.E.on F______________.

4.The first day of the week is S_________ 5.The fifith day of the week is T ______- 八、阅读理解.(15分)

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1.阅读课程表,填写单词,完成短文.(8分) Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. 1 English Math Art English Chinese 2 Math English Music Art Chinese 3 Chinese History Science movie Music Social study 4 History Science movie P.E. Social study We go to school from___________ to__________ . On__________, On ,we have Math ,English and two History(历史) classes . On____________, we have Art, Music and we watch Science movies. ________ is my favorite .On ______- ,we have English ,Art , Music and P.E.

On____________, we have two Chinese classes and two Social study. English is my favorite

subject(课程)and I study hard . 2.阅读对话,回答问题.(7分)

Amy: What day is today?

Grandma: Saturday. What do you do today? Amy: I do homework and play ping-pong. Grandma: What do you do on Sundays?

Amy: I read books and watch TV. What about you? Grandma: I do some housework and watch TV, too. Amy: Let me help you. I do housework, too!

Grandma: Good girl, Thank you! Now you’re Amy. Answer the questions:

1.What day is today?____________________________

2.What do you do on Sunday? ____________________________ 3.What do you do on Saturday? _________________________

4.Do you do homework on Sunday? ______________

5..Do you play ping-pang on Sunday?___________________

读短文判断正误,正确打T 错误打F

WuDong has a good friand . His name is Peter. He is from the USA.

WuDong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week . They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday, Peter likes China and Chinese food. He like s rice and cakes very much .At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.Wudong and Peter likes making things .Now they are

making a plane.They like flying planes on Sunday morning .Peter speaks English and a little

Chinese.WuDong speaks Chinese and little English .They teach each other

( )1.Wu Dong has an American friend .

( )2.They go to school from Monday to Friday .

( )3.They often fly planes after class.

( )4.Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese


Unit Three what’s Your Favorite Food?

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、 读单词,找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,并写出序号.(10分) ( )1、A .cabbage B. washroom C. cat D. have

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