七下作文范文Unit-3-12-严红艳 下载本文

Unit 3

范文一:假如你是张君,最近刚交了个美国笔友Jim。他想了解你及你们班同 学上学的方式,请你给他写一封60词左右的电子邮件,谈谈这一情况。 Dear Jim, How do my classmates and I go to school? Let me tell you now. Some students live far from school, so they take a bus to school. Some walk or ride bikes to school. It’s good for their health. My home is 2 kilometers from school. It’s not far. So I usually go to school on foot. What about you? Yours,

Zhang Jun


姓名 方式 王勇 步行 杰夫 (Jeff) 骑自行车 劳拉 (Laura) 乘地铁 张娜 坐校车 I’m Li Juan. I have four good friends. They go to school in different ways. Wang Yong usually goes to school on foot, because his home is just one kilometer from school. Jeff rides his bike to school. It takes him half an hour. He thinks it’s good exercise. Laura lives far from school, so she takes the subway to school. Zhang Na takes the school bus to school. She likes the bus ride because she can talk to her classmates. 范文三:假如你是高杰,请根据以下表格提示,给你的美国笔友戴夫(Dave)写一封电子邮件,向他介绍你的两位好朋友的上学方式、所需时间等情况。 姓名 彼得(Peter) 里克(Rick) 距离 约2千米 约10千米 方式 骑自行车 乘公共汽车 时间 约15分钟 约30分钟 Dear Dave,

I have two good friends. They are Peter and Rick. Peter lives about 2 kilometers from school. He rides his bike to school every day and it takes him about 15 minutes. Rick’s home is about 10 kilometers from our school. It’s a little far. So he usually takes the bus to school. The bus ride takes about 30 minutes Yours, Gao Ji Unit 4

范文一:假如你是王丹,刚刚转学,新学校有很多规则要遵守。请你根据以下表格提示,用英语给你的美国笔友Lisa写一封电子邮件,谈谈你的新学校的校规。 必须…… 不许…… 早晨八点前到校 课堂上不能听音乐 课前打扫教室 不能在教室里吃东西 在校穿校服 不能在走廊里跑 要求:1. 根据表格提示进行写作,内容要完整; Dear Lisa, I study in a new school now. There are lots of rules in my new school. We must get to school before 8 o’clock in the morning. We have to clean the classroom before class. We also have to wear the school uniform at school. We can’t listen to music in class. We can’t eat in the classroom or run in the hallways, either.

Do you have any school rules? Please write to me. Yours, Wang Dan 范文二:假如你是莉萨(Lisa),请你根据下面的要点提示给你的美国笔友吉尔(Jill)发一封电子邮件,告诉她你们班的班规并谈谈你对这些规则的看法。

要点:1. 不能迟到;2. 必须按时完成作业;3. 不能和同学打架;4. 每天必须打扫一次教室。 Dear Jill, I’m now in Class 4 Grade 7. Let me tell you some of my class rules. First, we can’t arrive late for school. Second, we have to finish our homework on time. Third, we can’t fight with our classmates. And last we must clean our classroom every day and keep it clean. I don’t think these rules are strict. We must follow them because they’re good for us. Yours, Lisa 范文三:假如你是王凯,你的美国笔友乔给你发来电子邮件询问你们学校在暑假期间对学生的要求。请你根据以下要点给他回一封电子邮件。50词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

要点:1. 按时完成作业;2. 不打架;3. 不去河里游泳;4. 不在马路上玩耍。 提示词:危险的 dangerous 马路 road Dear Joe, You ask me about the rules we have to follow during the summer vacation. Now let me tell you some of them. First, we must finish our homework on time. I think this is very important. Second, we can’t fight with others. Next, we can’t swim in the river because it’s very dangerous. But we can go to the swimming pool. And we can’t play on the road because there are many cars. Yours, Wang Kai

Unit 5


勤勤 3岁 喜欢吃肉(meat) 友好;漂亮;聪明 会玩球 Hi, everyone! Here you can see a lion. His name is Qinqin. He is 3 years old. He likes to eat meat a lot. Some people think Qinqin is kind of scary, but I don’t. He is very friendly. He is very beautiful and he is really smart. He can play with balls. Many people come to the zoo to watch his shows. Do you like him?



Welcome to our city zoo. This way, please. Look! This is a South China tiger. It likes eating meat. Do you like tigers? I don't like tigers. They're scary. Then, come to see this elephant. It's very big. It has a long nose and long teeth. It's very lovely. Oh, there are monkeys! They like playing in the tree. They're so cute. Monkeys are my favorite animals. Do you like them?

I hope you can enjoy yourselves here. See you next time.

Unit 6

范文一:假如现在是周日上午十一点, 请你根据表格提示,用英语写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍杰夫(Jeff)及其家人的活动。内容可适当发挥。

人物 活动 杰夫 使用电脑 杰夫的爸爸 听音乐 杰夫的妈妈 做午饭 杰夫的爷爷 喝茶 杰夫的弟弟 写作业 It’s eleven o’clock on Sunday morning. What are Jeff and his family doing? Jeff is using the computer. He loves to play computer games a lot. Jeff’s father is listening to music. Jeff’s mother is making lunch for the family. Jeff’s grandfather is drinking tea. Tea is his favorite. What about Jeff’s brother? He is doing his homework.

Unit 7

范文一:假如你是王婷,你和你的父母正在大连度假,今天你们去海滩玩了。请你根据表格提示,给你的美国笔友乔写一张明信片,介绍一下今天大连的天气以及你们的活动。60词左右,可适当发挥。明信片的格式已给出,不计入总词数。地点 大连 天气 晴朗,炎热 活动 爸爸打排球 妈妈沐日光浴 王婷游泳 Dear Joe, How is it going? I am on a vacation with my parents in Dalian. I love this city. It is sunny but kind of hot today. We are on the beach now. My father is playing volleyball. My mother is sunbathing. I love to swim and I am swimming right now. We are all having a good time. Best wishes. Wang Ting

范文二:同学们,你的家乡在哪里?那里的气候怎么样?你最喜欢哪个季节?为什么?请用英语写一篇60词左右的短文,向大家介绍以上情况。参考词汇:家乡 hometown 春天 spring 秋天 autumn 季节 season

My hometown is Taiyuan. Taiyuan is beautiful. In spring it’s warm. In summer it’s dry and hot. It often rains. In autumn it’s cool and in winter it’s windy and it snows sometimes. My favorite season is winter because I like snow. On snowy days I can make a snowman and have a snowball fight. Unit 8


Dear Julie, How’s it going? Welcome to our school. You can walk to our school from the train station. Now let me tell you the way. Go along Long Street and turn left at the first crossing. You can see a library on your left and a bank on your right. Then walk along Green Street and go past the second crossing. You can see our school on your right. It’s next to a hotel, across from a sports center. You can find it easily. Yours, Zhang Li