新视野大学英语1第三版读写教程答案解析 下载本文


Part II key to exercises Section A

Pre-reading activities 2.

1. I am very close to my parents. In fact, we are like friends. I never keep a secret from them. When I have problems, I ask them for their advice. They give me directions about life. I like this relationship with my parents, and I think this is what parent-child relationship should be like.

2. if I were not very close to my parents, I would do the following to improve our relationship:

. find out where the problem is and talk to my parents about it; . do something that makes them happy;

. call them often when I am away from home; . keep them informed of what I am doing; . be open and willing to communicate.

Reading comprehension Understanding the text 1

1. The daughter bought a large and expensive vehicle probably because her mother

advised her to buy a practical and gas-efficient car. The daughter did this on purpose because at this age, she was being rebellious. 2. The mother wants to show that although her daughter tries to show she is an adult,

actually she is not.

3. The mother is hap that their daughter is dependent now, but on the other hand,

she feels doubtful whether her daughter could take good care of herself. 4. The mother wants to show that her daughter is not ready t e an adult yet. 5. The mother puts her daughter’s books onto a single shelf to deal with later. 6. The mother finds an envelope with items such as old family photographs, letters,

greeting cards, and love notes they gave their daughter and sees the words “DO NOT THROW AWAY” marked on the envelope. Her attitude then changes.

7. At first the mother decides to throw some of the items away and donate the rest

to charity. After she sees the brown envelope, she changes her mind and puts the back in place.

8. Because the mother knows that the sweet childhood memories will bring her

daughter back.

Critical thinking 2

1. If I were the daughter, I would be very much touched when I read the article.

I would call my mom to say sorry for acting rebelliously and would tell her how








much I love her. Probably I would return home as soon as I can.

I don’t think it is wise to refuse parents’ advice or even do the opposite without a good reason. Your parents care about you more than anybody else and always want to share their experience with you. If you follow their advice, you can at least learn from their experience and avoid making some silly mistakes if you don’t take their advice, you may still get experience-but in a hard way. Besides, your parents may directly point out our weaknesses that your peers wouldn’t. so, listening to your parents’ advice can make you smarter and help you grow mature. Good communication will, in my view, help build a good relationship the following are my ways to strengthen communication with my parents: . visit them whenever possible;

. invite them to see what I am doing at college;

. teach them to use new communication tools, such as WeChat and Skype, so that they can communicate with me wherever I am;

. try to look at things from their perspectives; and . share with them my feelings, problems or ambitions.

Although there is no standard pattern for a good parent-child relationship , some common factors can contribute to a more successful relationship: . respect each other;

. support and encourage each other; . understand each other; . have fun together; and . be friends.

Yes, many parents are expecting to much of their children. First, most families have only one child and parents want to make a perfect child out of them. Second, competition is intense in school and at work today. So parents want their children to learn as much as possible so as to gain advantages over others in competition. It’s not uncommon that some parents force their children to achieve what is even hard for adults. But they ignore the fact that winning is not the only important thing and that children should have their own enjoyment and preferences.

No, I don’t think parents today are expecting too much of their children. Competition is becoming increasingly intense in school and at the workplace. So it is natural for parents to help their children to make full use of their talent and become as competitive as possible. They know better about how far their children can go. Besides, more and more parents, including my parents, think it is more important for their children to be healthy and happy. Of course, while they expect that their children study hard and achieve success, they should at the same time see to it that their children are not overworking themselves.

Language focus



Words in use 3

1. awaits 2. efficiency 3. donation 4. polished 5. stuffed 6. historical 7. emotional 8. embarrassed 9. dump 10. curb

word building 4

Words learned new words formed -er

employ employer computer compute interpreter interpret -ic

atom atomic artist artistic economy economic history historic electronic electron -ous

envy envious continue continuous famous fame various vary 5

1. interpreted 2. employer 3. artistic 4. historic 5. compute 6. continuous 7. economic 8. fame 9. electron 10. atomic 11. envious
