七年级英语下册 时态练习绝对好啊(无答案)人教新目标版 下载本文

2011年 七年级英语下册 时态练习绝对好啊(无答案)人教新目标版

1 Where _____ (be) the Browns?

2 We Fang ______ (practice)__________ (speak) English every day. 3 His uncle _______ (not walk) to his office every day. 4 Marry can _______ (see) the pictures on the wall.

5 The shop near the two schools ______ (have) a lot of school things. 6 The shop usually _______ (open) at 9 in the morning.

7 They ______ (go) back to visit their grandparents every year. 8 In summer, it _______ (rain) little in this city. 9 Tom _______ (speak) Chinese well.

10 My father ________ (watch) CCTV news at 7 every evening. 11 __________ (not be) afraid of that, young people.

12 Ton’s sister ________ (read) China Daily every morning.

13 He sometimes __________ (not do) his homework in the evening. 14 The students must _______ (keep) quiet in the classroom. 15 Peter always ______ (go) to school by bike. 16 _______ Li Lei _______ football?

17 She _______ (take) a bus to the evening school. 18 Everyone ______ (be) here.

19 My sister _______ (like) English very much. 20 Let’s ____ (go ) home together.

21 ______ he _______ (watch) TV every day? 22 Sue ___________ (not play) sports.

23 They ________ (not like) playing basketball. 24 ______ Tom _____ (like) broccoli?

25 There ______ (be) much ice cream. Let us _______ (eat) some. 26 His father ________ (not like) _________ (watch) TV. 27 He usually goes to school on ______ (he) bike. 28 Who ______ (be) on duty today? I ____ (be). 29 They _____ (be) new students.

Their names ______ (be) Lucy and Lily. 30 Please _____ (put) your bag over there. 31 My mother _______ (have) a nice new bag. 32 How old ___ William and Tom? (be) 33 My brother ____ 13 years old. (be) 34 When ___ our football game ? (be)

35 She _______(want) _________(join) the _________(swim) club. 36 Do you like ______ (dance) or ____ (sing)? 37 Come and ____ (join) us!

38 The woman speaks English.(否定句)

39 He _______ (want) to be a reporter. 40 I have a pen pal in China.(一般疑问句) 41 他经常在夜里工作。 42 我姐姐喜欢写故事。

1 Look! It ____________ (rain) outside. 2 Mr. Green is _______ (tell) a story now.

3 Listen! My sister _______ (sing) in her room.

4 Be quiet! They __________ (have) a meeting in the next room. 5 Tell me who is ______ (sing) at the moment, please. 6 Listen! Someone __________ (come) to our room.

7 Look! The Greens _________ (get) ready for their dinner. 8 Please get ready. The bus _______ (come).

9 Are the girls _______ (dance) with the young person? 10 Our teacher _____________ (write) a letter now.

11 He __________ (listen) to the news over the radio now. 12 Quickly! We are _______ (wait)for you. 13 Look! They _________ (swim) in the pool.

14 There ____(be) a book and two pens on the desk. 15 Tom is doing his homework.(一般疑问句)

16 The boy is writing a letter .(划线提问)

17 你们在谈论什么? 18 他在等公共汽车。

19 She is watching TV. (划线提问)

20 He often draw a picture at home.(用now改写)

21 每个人正在玩的很高兴。

22 一些人正在拍照,另一些人正躺在沙滩上。

23 They are playing with snow.(划线提问)

24 看!有的人在游泳,有的人在看书。

25 The Reads __________(have) lunch under the tree now.

26 One of the girls _________(do)some reading at the moment. 27 我正在中央大街上散步。 28 汤姆和吉姆在打扫房间。 29 我们正在讨论这部喜剧片。 30 他们正在学校里踢足球。

31 南希的妈妈每天晚上都看电视,但是她现在在打扫房间。 1 When _______ (were) you born? I ____ (be) born in 1991.

2 I _____ (do) my homework last evening.

3 He ______ (play) soccer with his friends last night. 4 Did you _______ (clean) the room yesterday? 5 I _______ (study) _______ my English test. 6 They _____ (go) to the mountains last weekend. 7 How ____ (be) your weekend?

8 Lucy’s weekend ____ (be) boring.

9 What are you doing? (用last Sunday改写) 10 I studied for the math test yesterday.

11 He ___ (be) in Jinan yesterday. But he ___ (be) in Shanghai now. 12 He ____ (go) to the movies last evening. 13 我昨天晚上呆在家里看电视。

14 ---上周末你干什么了?

--- 我去海滩了。

15 星期天下午,我去购物了。

16 我看了一场有趣的访谈节目。

17 上床睡觉的时间到了。

18 我帮助她找到了爸爸。 I _____ (help) her find her father. 19 昨天天气凉爽,所以,我们去打篮球了。

20 我买这本书用了10元钱。

21 昨天晚上我练习弹吉他,但是现在,我正在玩电脑游戏。

22 请给我看看你的新手表。(两种表示)

23 吉姆的姐姐找不到钢笔了。她正在找它。

24 格林夫人昨天下午跟孩子们在花园里玩。现在,她正在为孩子们做饭。

25 他上星期买了一件新裙子。

26 我经常在家里跟爸爸练习英语。但是,昨天爸爸没有回家。

27 星期天上午,我跟表姐一起去公园玩。

28 昨天晚上我们玩得很开心。

29 去年,街上有很多树。但是,今年没有了。

30 两天前,我不愿做任何事情,只想睡觉。(two days ago)

选词填空。请从方框内选择适当的词语完成这封信。(10分) Writing, talking, sitting , playing, swimming , flying, sunny, studying, drawing, having Dear Bob,

My name is Rich .I’m fourteen years old .I’m(1)__________ in a middle school .My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class .It’s(2) _______ today . My classmates and I are(3) ________ a good time on the beach .It’s a nice place .The water is blue and clear . Many birds are(4) ________ over the sea .Many people are (5)_________ . Some boys are(6) _________ football . Some people are (7)________ on the beach . A girl is(8) _________ pictures on a chair .Another girl is (9)________ photos .I’m (10)_________to you ! What are you doing ? I hope you can write to me soon .

Best wishes! Rich 根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1.We are ________(take) photos now .

2.How about _________(go) to the Great Wall . 3.Army _______(like ) talking to people. 4.I can ________(speak)English and French .

5.Bridge Street is a good place _________( have) fun .