2018届新九年级暑假英语阅读复习教材——首字母填空(学生版)--- 中考暑假班教材 下载本文








(一)概述:考查实词(动词、名词、形容词和副词)为主,虚词(连词和介词)为辅。所考单词为教育考试院词汇手册范围内,不会超纲,也无侮辱性词汇。 (二)词性判断方法:

1、句子缺动词:每个句子(包括从句及并列句)都应该有且仅有一个动词。 Hobbies can r_____ pressure.


Using iPads is especially h_______ to students who are learning a language at different paces.


Twice a year parents are invited to have at_________ of the food.

They make promises to t________ to make changes in their lives over the coming year, such as to lose weight, to stop smoking, to get a new job…….


Many students bring food from home, u________ sandwiches. 5、句子缺介词:一般出现在名词前或者是动词后。

I realized I’ve seen the world in a different light t________ my darling’s eyes. 6、句子缺连词:句子中出现了两个谓语动词。

People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Korea, b_____ in China it would take half an hour.


It was 3:21 a.m. when ten-year-old Glenn Creamer was woken up by the smell of burning. Except for the cracking(爆裂声) of flames somewhere below, there was not a sound in the two-floor house. But he 1. ________ at once what was happening.

2. ______ his father was away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried

about the safety of his other, his 14-year-old sister Karen and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped them 3. _______ the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, couldn’t

move any more.

The ten-year-old raced back into the house and upstairs into his mother’s room.

He found it 4. _________ to wake her up and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy kept calm. As a fireman said later, “He acted with all the self-control of a trained adult.”

On the bedroom telephone, luckily still working, Glenn called 5. _______ father.

After Glenn made sure his father would telephone the firemen and ambulance service, he got on with the task 6. ______ saving his mother.

First he filled 7. ______ bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water

over his mother and her bed. In this way, she would be kept away from the fire before the firemen arrived. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden.

He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his

mother 8. ______ the smoke-filled house where fire had almost covered the ground floor?

Fetching a ball of string(绳) from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house 9.

_______ rushed upstairs to his mother’s room. He tied one end of the string to her hand. Then he began to run back. He laid out the string as he went through the hall and back out into the garden.

Minutes later he was telling fire Chief John Coughlan, “The string will lead 10.

________ to mother/can help you find mother.” Mrs. Creamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor.