扬州市2016届中考第一次模拟英语试题含答案 下载本文

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49. Most of us don?t think _____ about how we spend our money. (两次) 50. It is said that sleep loss may lead to bad and dangerous . (决定) 51. The Keukenhof garden is the ____ and most famous flower garden in the world. (large) 52. ____ , we are starting to use energy from the sun, wind and water. (lucky) 53. Treating ____ to a glass of wine may help you relax at the end of the day. (you) 54. It is ____ to get help, so she is doing everything herself. (possible) 55. The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is _____ as the “Art Palace of Nature”. (praise) 五、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)


When I first started studying at an American high school, I was very shy because I had hardly ever talked to any foreigners. I knew that if I wanted to fit into American society, I had to get over my shyness and get closer to my classmates and teachers.

I soon found out that lunchtime was usually the best time for people to socialize with each other. I ate alone on the first day, but I soon found some company. There was an Asian boy called Gary at my lunch table. I was excited when I first saw him because I thought he might be Chinese. It turned out that he was from South Korea. As we talked more, I was surprised to find out that he was an adopted(收养的) child of an American family. Gary became the first friend I made in this foreign country. I made more friends at other lunch tables, which brought me more confidence.

I tried to make friends with my teachers as well. My first teacher friend was Mr Artifier. He is a biological teacher and we both like raising reptiles(爬虫) as pets. So I had a lot to share with Mr Artifier after school. Although many times we had to communicate with body language because I didn?t know how to say all the terms in English. We did enjoy ourselves.

As time went by, I made more and more friends. The first step always seems so hard until you take it seriously. Making new friends in 56 Problem 58 of problem solving The first friend The first 62 friend Shortly after starting to study at an American high school, I realized that 57 stopped me from talking to foreigners. I got closer to my classmates and teachers to fit in abroad. I found that 59 was the best time to socialize with others. I 60 an Asian boy for Chinese. To my 61 , he was born in South Korea but was adopted by an American family. My Biology teacher, Mr Artificer, shares the same 63 with me: raising reptiles as pets. We had much 64 together, although we often had to communicate using body language. Making more friends makes me more confident. What matters most is that you take the 65 step. Thoughts 六、缺词填空(共10空;每空l分,计l0分)


China has long tradition of tea-drinking. However, recently more and more Chinese people are turning to a different drink. C 66 has become an increasingly popular choice of Chinese people living abroad and in the c 67 huge cities. In big cities such as Beijing, coffee shops can be found on nearly every major street corner. I?m Anna Matteo in Washington. I spoke with some Chinese women to learn w 68 they like coffee over tea since moving to the United States.21cnjy.com

BeiBei Su, who came to the USA eight years ago, says she likes tea b 69 than coffee.

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Many young Chinese people drink coffee socially. Yang Lin lives in the U.S. but g 70 up in Fujian province -- an area known for its tea. She used to only drink tea while in China. But now, she says, she drinks b 71 and for different reasons. Drinking coffee for her is a s 72 event. She and her co-workers like to sit in a café and talk over a cup of coffee. Ms. Yang says that as a child, her family would gather together in the evening and talk about the day's events over a steaming pot of tea. So now, even the smell of Fujian tea brings back these warm family m 73 .

Voyo is another Chinese woman who now lives in Washington, D.C. She would r 74 choose to drink coffee than tea. She says that after moving to the U.S. her tastes changed. “I used to be a tea drinker b 75 I came to the United States. But now I am a very heavy coffee drinker.” What about you? Are you a coffee drinker or tea drinker? Or both? 七、书面表达(计30分)

A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)


76. 一起吃晚餐庆祝父亲节怎么样? ▲ 77.昨天整个下午我们都在玩游戏。 ▲ 78. 人们随处乱扔垃圾是不对的。 ▲ 79. 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens)不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。 ▲ 80. 谭盾喜欢淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声,因为对他来说,最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。 ▲ B. 写作(计20分)

81. 最近二十一世纪学生英文报(21 st Century Teens) “你说我说Your words” 栏目就“初中毕业后是否应该出国留学”这一话题进行了讨论。请根据所给提示, 以Study abroad or study in China?为题,写一篇短文参与该栏目的讨论。要点如下: 21·世纪*教育网 你班部分学生的观点 良好的语言环境,更利于语言学习 更多了解外国文化 其他学生的观点 年龄太小,不能照顾自己 增加父母的经济负担 你的观点 …… …… 要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;

3)词数:100词左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名和校名等。

Study abroad or study in China?

In recent years, more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from junior middle school. In our school we had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age. ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

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一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 1-5 BCDBA 6-10 ADCCD 11-15 DAABB 二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)

16-20 DADCB 21-25 AADAC 26-30 CDBBC 三、阅读理解(共l5小题;每小题2分,计30分)

31-33 ADC 34-37 BDAC 38-41 DBCB 42-45 DBCA 21*cnjy*com 四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)(每空一词)

46. ancient 47. allow 48. jokes 49. twice 50. decisions 51. largest 52. Luckily 53. yourself/yourselves 54. impossible 55. praised 五、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)

56. America 57. shyness 58 Method(s)/Way(s) 59. lunchtime 60. mistook 61. surprise 62. teacher 63. hobby/ interest 64. fun 65. first 六、缺词填空(共10空;每空l分,计l0分)

66. Coffee 67. country's 68. whether 69. better 70. grew 71. both 72. social 73. memories 74. rather 75. before 七、书面表达(计30分)

A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分) 76. What about having dinner together to celebrate Father?s Day? 77.We were playing games the whole afternoon yesterday. 78.It is wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.

79. Yangzhou Gardens are famous /well-known not only / both in China but also / and in the world . / Yangzhou Gardens are famous /well-known both at home and abroad.

80.Tan Dun loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best music comes from nature.

B. 写作(计20分)

In recent years, more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from junior middle school. In our school we had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age. Some students hold the opinion that it can provide better studying conditions. They can make rapid progress in their foreign language study. It is also a good chance for them to learn a foreign culture.

However, other students hold the opposite opinion. They think they are too young to take care of themselves. Moreover, studying abroad can cost a lot.

As for me, I would like to go further study abroad .Studying abroad is challenging, but we should learn to depend on ourselves. We can see the wonderful outside world as well. When I come back to China, I can make a great contribution to my country. 21教育网

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