人教版高中英语必修五Unit 1 Greatest scientists 下载本文

必修5 Unit 1 Greatest scientists

I. 单元基础知识

1. 核心单词

(1) vt. 打败;战胜 (2) n. 专家;行家 (3) v. 照顾;参加 (4) vt. 建设 (5) vt. 暴露;揭露 (6) vt. 吸收;吸引 (7) vt. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯 (8) physician n. (9) severe adj.

(10) announce v. →announcer n. (11) blame vt. & n.

(12) instruct vt. →n. instructions →adj. instructive 2.高频短语

(1) 除……之外 (2) 为……负责 (3) 有意义,讲得通 (4) 对……严格 (5) be absorbed in (6) make up one’s mind (7) make room for (8) put forward 3.重点句型

(1) ____its cause ____its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解对它的治疗。

(2) So many thousands of terrified people died_____________________. 因此每一次暴发(霍乱)都会有成千上万恐慌的人死去。

(3) He knew that cholera would ____ be controlled______ its cause was found. 他知道,在找到病源之前,霍乱疫情是无法控制的。

(4) To prevent this from happening again,John Snow__________the source of all the water supplies__________.


(5) He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system _________________________...


II. 考点精析及演练

1. conclude v. 断定,推断出;得出结论;使结束,终止(end) 【常见搭配】

conclude sth.(from sth.) /that... (从……)推断出,断定 arrive at/reach/come to/draw a conclusion得出结论 in conclusion总之;最后


①从特朗普的演讲中你得出什么结论了? ________ do you ________ the speech of Trump? ②他以一句名言“有志者,事竟成”结束了他的演讲。

He ____________ a famous saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. 2. absorb vt. 吸收;并入,并吞;吸引;使专心;理解,掌握 absorbed adj. 聚精会神的;专心致志的 【常见搭配】

absorb one’s attention吸引某人的注意

absorb oneself in (=be absorbed in) 全神贯注于……,专注于……


She was so ________ in work that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door at all.

A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn

D. devoted

3. blame vt. 责备;谴责;把……归咎于 n. 过失;责备 【常见搭配】

blame sb. for sth.因某事而责备某人 blame sth. on sb.把某事怪到某人头上

be to blame (for...)应承担责任;该受责备(用主动形式表被动意义)


It was the boy, rather than his teachers, that ________ for what the boy had done. A. were to blame B. were to blamed C. was to blame

D. was to be blamed

4. contribute vt. & vi.捐献;捐助;造成;贡献;投稿 contribution n.

【同义词】contribute to,result in,bring about,lead to 【常见搭配】

contribute...to...把……贡献给……;把……投稿给…… contribute to有助于;导致(=result in/lead to) make a contribution/contributions to对……作出贡献/捐款


(1) Various factors contributed to his downfall.

=Various factors / / / / his downfall.

(2) Overeating and lack of regular exercise easily ________ overweight and high blood pressure.

A. result from B. live with C. consist of D. contribute to 5. put forward提议,提出;拿出;推荐 【同义词】 come up with, raise, propose, present 常见put 短语:

put away将……收起;积蓄 put aside忽视;不理睬;储存 put off延期(delay/postpone/hang up) put in放入;插话 put through接通电话;完成;使经受 put out扑灭 put up搭建,提供住宿,举起 put up with忍受 【用法检测】