最新苏教译林版英语六年级上册全册教案第一学期全套教学设计 下载本文

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 1st period)

【教学目标】 (一)知识目标

(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。 (3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。 (二)能力目标

(1)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力和做批注的习惯。 (2)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯。

(3)通过一系列读的活动,让学生逐步了解故事内容,顺利完成相应的任务,并尝试复述故事。 (三)情感目标

(1)通过趣味阅读增强学习的兴趣。 (2)学会表达对事物的客观评价。 【教学重点】

(1)故事内容的理解。 (2)阅读策略的学习。

(3)根据对原故事的理解,能完成相应的练习。 (4)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 【教学难点】

(1)故事中大量动词过去式的理解、运用和发音。 (2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。 【课前先学】

1. Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves.

long long ago 很久以前 king 国王 one day 某一天 magic clothes 魔法衣

clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过 shout 大喊 point at 指向 wear 穿着 【教学过程】

Step 1. Preparation 1. Teach “king”.

Teacher draws a picture about the king. Step 2. Presentation & Practice

Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like? (播放动画)

引导Ss: He likes new clothes. (teach “magic clothes”) 2. Talk about the background

T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story?

Chinese is OK. (The King’s New Clothes)

T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837.

In the story, the king’s clothes are new. But the story is very, very old.

Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king. (PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐)

2. Paragraph 1and 2 1) Look and learn T: I’m the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I don’t think so!

to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me?

T: Who can make new clothes for me? (teach “make ? for ?”学生跟读) 板书

2) Read like a king (板书) 3)Read and underline

T: Who can make new clothes for him?

T: But they can. Why? Please read and underline. (学生自读) Ss read and underline.

引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. 3. Paragraph 3

PPT: 音效:织布机

T: What kind of clothes are they? Look! (拿出新衣) T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes? (No!) Does he like the new clothes? Why?

But he says “Oh, yes. They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. How to read it

well? Listen and imitate. T: You are the king. 4. Paragraph 4

1) Learn the text

T: What do the people think of the clothes? (出示人群和男孩的图片) Let’s read!(出示图片4文字)

T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!) T: Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No) Then who? (The boy.)

What does he say? (出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)

Here’s a new word. (teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing) Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 2) Mini Theatre

T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period. 一位学生扮演

国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。 Step 3. Production

1. Talk about the characters 2. Read the story. 1) Read and repeat

T: What a lovely king! Boys and girls, you learn so well! It’s time to read after the tape!

Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation. 2) Read by themselves T: Read by yourselves. 3. Act the story

T: You can read very well. And you know them well now. Why don’t we act the story!

Rules: Four students a group. If you read well, you can get one star. If you can read without the books, you can get two stars. And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars. (Ss practice and act)

4. 1) Who do you want to be?

T: 引导学生总结Welcome back! Today we learned the story . If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭)

T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them! Can you see them? (No./ Yes.) T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself! 作业设计:

1. Design an ending for the story. The king is back home,?

2. Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet.



Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 2nd period)

【教学目标】 (一)知识目标


2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。 (二)能力目标

1.知道什么是过去式,掌握过去式的构成,会正确使用过去式进行英语表达。 2. 通过小组合作学习,拓展故事内容。 (三)情感目标