黄河科技学院毕业论文 第 I 页
摘 要
黄河科技学院毕业论文 第 II 页
Discussion on the small and medium-sized enterprise brain drain
reason and countermeasure analysis
Author:Zou Rongqing
Tutor:Xia Ling
The reform of the economic system of the small and medium enterprises to rapid development, become a new system of socialist market economy the most dynamic economic growth and an important part of it, in promoting economic growth, alleviate obtain employment pressure, optimize economic structure, promote the consumption demand has played an important role. With the aggravation of the market competition, small and medium enterprises will face more severe challenges, in the future market occupies a space for one person, small and medium-sized enterprise must from human resources to obtain the competitive advantages, for enterprises to create better conditions for development. But the problem of serious loss to the enterprise has brought inestimable loss, high wastage rate hinders the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. So how to make rational use of human resources, tarry talent, appear particularly important.
By collecting data, this article from the present small and medium-sized enterprise human resource management problems in the process of the brain drain problem analysis, to human resources development and management theory as a guide, a comprehensive elaborated the small and medium-sized enterprise brain drain question. First analyzed the small and medium-sized enterprises current situation of brain drain and brought negative effect, illustrates the necessity of study, and then from the external factors, small and medium-sized enterprise own factor and individual factor analysis of enterprise talent loss
黄河科技学院毕业论文 第 III 页
formation main reason, put forward to answer the outflow of talents in small enterprises management countermeasures and suggestions: from the development of economy, improvement of human resources management system, enterprise culture construction, improve the management level and other aspects to solve the problem.
Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprise, Brain drain,Reason, Countermeasure