第二学期福州延安中学与屏东中学初一英语期末试卷 下载本文



(满分100分; 考试时间120分钟) 出卷:延安 池翠兰 审核:屏东 黄贞霞

第一部分 听力 (20分钟)


( )1.


( )2. A B C

( )3. A B C

( )4. A B C

( )5. A B C

Ⅱ听对话及问题,选择正确答案,对话及问题读两遍(5分) ( )6.A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall ( ) 7.A.Shanghai B.Kumming C.Hainan

( ) 8.A.In the car B.At the traffic lights C.On the playground ( ) 9.A.There are two B. There is one C.Zero

( ) 10.It's a farmhourse B.It's apartment building C.It's a townhouse Ⅲ听对话,选择正确答案,对话读两遍(5分) 听第一段对话,完成第11-12小题。 ( )11. When is Nancy's birthday?

A.Next Sunday B.Tomorrow C.Today

( )12.What's Maria's present for Nancy? A.pencil B.A pen C.A story book 听第二短对话,完成第13-15小题。

( )13.What was the matter with Bill yesterday?A.His right hand got hurt

B.He fell off the tree C.He fell off his bike

( )14.Where did Bill hurt hlmself?

A.On his bike B.On the tree C.On the road ( )15.How is Bill now?

A.He is fine B.He is not fine C.It isn's mentioned(没提到) Ⅳ.听新闻填空,读两遍。(5分)

16 Game Place:School 17 Day: 18 Time : 19 p.m--6:30p.m Team :Class 2 and Class 4 It's 20 Please come and watch it

第二部分 英语知识运用(50分)


( )21.He usually plays___piano on Saturday and plays____basketball on Sunday. A./,the B.the,/ C.the,the

( )22.There are ____floors in this building and Mr.Wang’s office is on___floor. A.twelve,twelfth B.twelve,the twelfth C,twelve,twelve ( )23._____of them takes many photo in the summer holidays every year. A.All B.Some C.Each ( )24.Tom was born____London____May lst,2001. A.in;in B.in;on C.on;on ( ) 25.I often watch him _____with his dog. A.playing B.plays C.play ( ) 26.--The sun is shining_____and it’s very hot. --Let’s go and have a dink.

A.heavily B.strong C.brightly ( )27.the singer_____China last Sunday.

A.got B.arrived in C.arrived at

( )28.We’d better_____alone in the river.

A.not swim B,not to swim C.don’t swim ( )29.When National Day comes,we have a holiday. A.seven-day B.seven-days C.seven days ( )30.—_____do you go to the zoo with your parents?