【精品人教版】高一英语必修三导学案全集[1][1] 下载本文


1). She spotted her friend in the crowd. 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。

2). She was wearing a white skirt with red spots 她穿着一件白底红点儿的裙子。 3). This is the very spot where he was murdered. 他就是在这儿遭谋杀的。 [重点用法]

spot sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 on the spot = on the scene到(在)现场;当场 [练习] 用spot的短语或其适当形式填空。 1). The police ______ him driving a stolen car.

2). The police were ______ ______ ______ within a few minutes of my telephone call. 3). He keeps his house _______. Keys: 1). spotted

4. passage n. 通道;(书、讲话、音乐等的)一段,一节;经过,通过,消逝;旅费 [典例]

1). They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。 2). He worked his passage to Australia. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费。 [重点用法]

with the passage of time 随着时间的推移 [练习] 按要求翻译或填空。

1). Her confidence grew. _______ _______ (随着时间的推移) that we were late.

2). Several passages _______ (介词) the book were printed in a national newspaper before it was published.

Keys: 1). with the passage of time 2). from

5. account n. 说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt. 认为;说明;解释总;计有 [典例]

1). I’ m going to the bank to open a new account. 我去银行开个新账户。 2). Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是因为坏天气。 [重点用法]

account for导致;做出解释;总计有

on account of = because of 因为



2). on the spot 3). spotless

account在银行开个户头 keep an account of记录,记载 [练习] 用account的短语填空。

1). The League members in our school ______ ______ half of the students. 2). He doesn’ t drink alcohol _______ _______ his health. 3). She couldn’ t _______ _______ her foolish mistake. Keys: 1). account for

6. seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;探索;寻求 [典例]

1). You must seek permission from the manager. 你需请求经理批准。 2). The explanation is not far to seek. 这种解释不难理解。 3). They are seeking to mislead us. 他们竭力误导我们。 [重点用法]

seek (for/after) sth./sb. 寻找某人/某物

seek to do sth. 试图做某事

2). on account of 3). account for

take sth. into account/consideration考虑到某事

seek happiness/comfort/wealth/success追求幸福﹑安逸﹑财富、成功 [练习] 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1). I think it’ s time we ________ (seek) legal advice. 2). They are seeking ________ (change) the rules. Keys: 1). sought

7. amount n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近 [典例]

1). Can you really afford this amount? 你真付得起这个总数吗? 2). The cost amounted to 250. 费用共达250英镑。 [重点用法]

a (large/small) amount of + n.[u] + v. (单数) (复数)

in (large/small) amounts [作状语]大(少)量地 amount to... 共达……,合计…… [练习] 用amount的短语翻译或所给词的适当形式填空。

(large/small) amounts of + n.[u] + v.

2). to change

1). Duting the earthquake, a large amount of damage _______ (do) in a very short time. 2). Large amounts of money _______ (spend) rebuilding the temple. 3). At that time, mall amounts of land _______ (use) for keeping animals. 4). Food was provided _______ _______ _______ (供应多少不等). 5). The total cost of repairs _______ _______ (供应多少不等) US$100.

Keys: 1). was done 2). were spent 3). were used 4). in different amounts 5). amounted to

8. bow [bau] vi.&vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 [b?u] n.[c] 弓,蝴蝶结;鞠躬 [典例]

1). We all bowed to the Queen. 我们都向女王鞠躬致敬。 2). His back was bowed with age. 他因年老而驼背。 [重点用法]

bow to/before sb. 向某人鞠躬

bow to sth. 向……低头;接受某事

[练习] 用bow的短语或其适当形式填空。

1). The boss ______ ______ the demands of the workers. 2). The cast ______ as the audience applauded. Keys: 1). bowed to 2). bowed


1. bring up 培养;抚养;养育或教育某人;提出;呕吐某物 [典例]

1). She brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩子。

2). Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生後不久 父母双亡, 是由姑母抚养大的。 [重点用法]

bring sb. up to be/as 培养某人成为 [练习] 用bring的短语填空。

1). He was ______ ______ ______ ______ authority (从小就受到尊敬师长的教育).

bring sb. up to do sth. 培养某人要……

2). He ______ ______ a good suggestion at the meeting. 3). She was so sick that she ______ ______ all that she had had.

Keys: 1). brought up to respect 2). brought up / put forward 3). brought up

2. go ahead 执行,进行,前进,(于祈使句)可以,往下说,用吧,开始吧 [典例]

1). Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 尽管天气不好,旅行将照常进行。2). The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按计划进行。 [短语归纳]

(be) ahead of 在之前;领先于;胜过

ahead of time / in advance 提前

[练习] 用ahead短语填空。

1). After a pause, he ______ _______ with his speech. 2). The new bridge was completed _______ _______ _______.

3). _______ _______ _______ (径直向前走) for 200 meters and then turn left. 4). —— Could I use your bike? —— _______ _______.

Keys: 1). went ahead/on 2). ahead of time 3). Go straight ahead 4). Go ahead

3. by accident = by chance 偶然;无意中 [典例]

1). Last time I ran across her in the street by accident. 上次我偶然在街上碰见她。 2). I only found it by accident. 我只是碰巧找到的。 [短语归纳] by + n. 短语: by contrast 对比之下 by mistake 错误地

by hand 用手,用体力

machine 用机器

[练习] 用by + n. 构成的词组填空。

1). I was in such a hurry that I took someone else’ s umbrella ________. 2). These toys are made ______ instead of ______, so they are very expensive. 3). She had found the file ______.

Keys: 1). by accident/chance 2). by hand; by machine 3). by accident


4. to be honest = to tell (you) the truth = honestly speaking老实说;说实话 [典例]

1). To be honest, I have no time to do it. 老实说,我没有时间做这件事情。

2). To be honest, I don't think we have a chance of winning. 说实话, 我认为我们没有获胜的可能.

[短语归纳] 英语中表示“……说”的短语: generally speaking一般来说 speaking坦率地说 in general一般地来说 to sum up概括地说

in other words换句话说 that is 也就是说

or rather更确切地说

exactly speaking确切地说

to be frank = frankly

[练习] 用表示“……说”的短语填空。 1). ________, women live longer than men.

2). He got home late last night, _______ early this morning. 3). ________, I don’ t enjoy the performance.

Keys: 1). Generally speaking 2). or rather 3). To be frank/honest

5. on the contrary 与此相反;正相反[只作状语] [典例]

1). It doesn’ t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it’ s rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美。

2). It wasn’ t a good thing; on the contrary, it was a huge mistake. 这并不是一件好事,相反,这是个巨大的错误。 [短语归纳] contrary短语:

to the contrary(表明是)相反的;相反地[作定语和状语] 物);与……相反

[练习] 用contrary短语填空。

1). The car isn’ t expensive. ______ ______ ______, it’s quite cheap. 2). I will come on Monday unless you write me ______ ______ ______. 3). I will continue to believe it until I get proof ______ ______ ______. 4). The results were ______ ______ expectation.

(be) contrary to 违反(某事