【精品人教版】高一英语必修三导学案全集[1][1] 下载本文

第二节 词组(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)

11. 有意义,行得通 ___________________________________________ 12. (在我)看来,(依我的)观点 _____________________________________ 13. 定居, 安下心来 _____________________________________________ 14. 对……有影响 _______________________________________________ 15. 为了纪念 __________________________________________________ 16. 以……为自豪 _____________________________________________ 17. 使某人想起某事 ____________________________________________ 18. 对… 感到乐观 ____________________________________________ 19. 使某人高兴的是 _____________________________________________ 20. 导致某事,造成某事 ___________________________________________ 第三节 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 21. 我觉得你第一次作这样的时间旅行,可能会感到有些困难。


22. 看来水是罪魁祸首。


23. John Snow推测第二种说法是正确的,但是他需要证明。


24. 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,John Snow建议所有水源都要经过检测。 ______________________________________________________________________

25. 她最感兴趣的是那条通过天文台的经线。


II 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


The ancient Greek were very __26__ in the nature of the world around them and put forward many interesting theories to explain things. Sometimes they were right, __27__ very often they were wrong.

For example, two Greek thinkers believed that substances(物质) could not __28__ or broken up indefinitely. If you kept on breaking them __29__ to form smaller and smaller particles (粒子) , they would be so small in the end __30__ they could not be divided any further. The Greek word “ indivisible” is “atoms”, and so these smallest particles __31__ atoms, meaning that they could not be divided.

But 2000 years later, in 1803 a British chemist named John Dalton declared that every chemical element(元素) was __32__ very small indivisible particles. Each element had its own special kind of particles, and when we __33__ these in different ways, all substances __34__ to man could be formed. Dalton followed the old Greek theory and named his indivisible particles atoms, and most scientists of his time __35__ him.

( )26. A. interested B. participating C. joining D. taken ( )27. A. and B. so C. but D. for ( )28. A. divide B. divided C. dividing D. be divided ( )29. A. up B. into C. on D. down ( )30. A. and B. that C. as to D. after ( )31. A. was named B. named C. name D. were named ( )32. A. made B. made of C. made up D. made up of ( )33. A. connect B. unite C. link D. combine ( )34. A. known B. come C. referred D. meant ( )35. A. agreed B. agree C. agreed with D. agreed in 第二节 语法填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)




One day, a poor traveler arrived in a small village. He didn’t have food __36__ money, so he had not eaten in days. The one thing he had was a cooking pot. Then, he poured in some water and placed it on a small fire. When a few villagers asked __37__ he was doing, he replied that he __38__ (make) Stone Soup which was __39__ ancient tasty recipe (配方) passed down to him __40__ his ancestors(祖先). He then dropped in a stone into the pot. __41__ the soup warmed, the traveler told them the __42__ (excite) things he'd seen. He tasted his soup and said it was coming along nicely, but a bit of salt and a few carrots would bring out the flavor(味道). One curious villager did bring him some salt and __43__ villager gave him some carrots from home. This continued on with the traveler casually asking for onions, a bit of meat and potatoes. Finally, everyone could enjoy the tasty meal __44__ was prepared for them from just a stone, and a few other items.

That is to say, working together, with a bit of everyone’s __45__ (contribute), we can be successful.


Long time ago, my great-grandfather ran a hotel downtown back. Folks __46__ (travel) through town would need a place to wash off the road dust, eat, and sleep. Every room in his hotel would be filled at most nights, but that is every room except one! As the story goes, this __47__ (thrill) room was haunted(被鬼缠). It was said that when the hotel was newly built a man fought for a girl in the bar. He __48__ (beat) in the left eye and finally died right there in the room. Since then, __49__ was able to sleep there because of __50__ ghost. A few years later, a young man wanted to rest in this hotel. It happened that __51__ was only this one room left! My grandpa told __52__ about the ghost, but the man said, \he took a bath and __53__ (get) ready for bed. Meanwhile, he heard, \__54__ one black eye.\don't scare me! __55__ you don't shut up, you're going to be the ghost with TWO black eyes!\

Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



It’s a man’s world, and many women don’t like it.

The women say they are treated like second-class citizens and therefore feel that their anger is justified. Women everywhere, they say, earn less money than men for the same kind of work. Women have less power in their communities than men, and in most cities and towns the political decisions are made by men. There are few women mayors or city officials. The same thing is true in labor unions, and religious groups. Even in unions where the members are almost all women, the heads of the unions are men. The presidents of almost all the big corporations in the country are men. There are few women ministers and no women priests.

Many women have been aware of these inequalities for a long time. Only recently, however, a drive for women’s rights made many more women and men, too, interested in fair treatment for women. Groups have formed to demand equal pay for equal work, changes in abortion laws, and round-the-clock day-care centers for children. Women have even started their own newspapers to fight for their cause. They have written books and marched in parades protesting their second-class place in society.

56. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Women want to make more money. B. Women hate the man’s world.

C. Women are organizing to demand their rights. D. Women’s liberation.

57. What is the important problem explained in this passage?

A. Women have joined protest groups. B. The heads of most unions are men.

C. Women are treated unfairly in their work, communities, and religious groups. D. Women don’t like men. 58. What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To persuade women to join women’s rights groups. B. To explain why a drive for women’s rights has started. C. To explain how it feels to be a woman in a man’s world. D. To help more women get equal treatment with men. 59. In this passage the words “second-class citizens” mean _______.

A. people who are treated as foreigners B. people who are not citizens

C. people who are not treated fairly in their life and work D. people who don’t want to be first-class citizens 60. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Women don’t like to be treated as second-class citizens.

B. Women make the same amount of money as men for the same kind of work. C. Men make political decisions in most places in U. S. A.

D. Women started their own newspapers and wrote books to fight for their equal rights.


\when he wrote books. His father was a lawyer, but a poor one, who lived at Florida, Missouri. The family was so poor that Samuel did not receive much teaching. He had to learn all that he could from the people whom he met. His father died when he was very young, and then there was even less money than before.

Many of the men in this part of America worked in the ships on the great River Mississippi, and he did this himself at one time (1857).

Where did he find the name \was part of one of the cries used by men who worked in the ships. When a man called \say, six feet deep ( \