小学英语语法专项练习题含答案-(1) 下载本文




1.orange_______________2.box__________3.woman____________ 4.tomato________5.bus_______ 6.boy________ 7.baby _______ 8.watch_______ 9.photo________

10.class_______ 11.foot________12.house________13.pen_______ 14.car________ 15.horse________ 16.radio_______ 17.dish________18.child________

答案:1 oranges 2. Boxes 3. women 4. tomatoes 5.buses 6. boys 7babies 8.watches 9. Photos 10 classes 11. feet 12 houses 13 pens 14 cars 15 horses 16. radios 17 dishes 18 children 二.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式

1.doctors_________2.cities_______3.pianos__________4..ears________ 5.churches_______6.leaves_________7.teeth________ 8.zoos____

9.brushes ________ 10.knives__________11.men _________12.pears _________ 答案1. doctor 2 city 3 piano 4. ear 5. church 6. leaf 7 tooth 8zoo 9brush 10 knife 11.man 12 pear


1. Please give me__(two /two cups of )coffee. 2. There are a lot of___(sheep /sheeps ) on the farm.

3. I’d like some__ (bread / breads ) and___ (potato /potatoes). 4. Look! There is a ___(mouse /mice) in the corner. 5. He bought_____(a piece of /a piece ) paper.

6. “Where is___ (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan. 7. ____ (The girl’s/The girls’ ) hobby is drawing.

8. Aunt Lucy sent_____ (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me. 红色为答案 冠词练习



1._____ear2.______actor3._____hen4.______toy5.____university 6.______ elephant7.______hat 8.______umbrella 9.______rabbit 10.______idea 11.______hour 12_______ honest boy 13.______interesting book 14.______easy question 15.______orange dress 16_______X-ray machine 17______ice cream 答案

1. an 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. an 7 a. 8. an 9. a 10. an 11. an 12.an 13 an 14. an 15.an

16.an 17 an 二.选择填空

1.Mom tells her little daughter _____ old story every night. A. a B. / C. an D. the

2. ______computer on the table is Susan’s. A. A B. An C. The D. /

3.There is ______ map of the world on ______wall. ______map is mine. A. a, a, A B. a, the, The C. the, the, The D. the, the, A 5. ______Spring comes after______winter. A. /, / B.The, / C.The, the D.A, the

6.I bought ______shoes yesterday. ______ shoes are very beautiful. A. a, The B. a pair of, The C. the, The D. a pair, The pair 7.He was ______ soldier in the Second World War. A. a B. an C. the D. /

8.She can play______ and ______. A. the tennis, the guitar B. tennis, guitar C. the tennis, guitar D. tennis, the guitar

9.I can see______moon and ______clouds in the sky. A. the, a B. a, a C. the, / D. the, the

11. ______Tian’anmen Square is in__Beijing. A. /, / B. A, / C. The, / the

D. /, 2

12.—Can you tell me ______nearest bookshop?

—Go straight and turn right at_______third crossing, and you will see it. A. the, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, / 红色为答案。

三 根据中文,写出下列固定搭配的英文。

1.拉小提琴______________ 2.总而言之______________ 3.看一看________________ 4.在早上________________ 5.顺便说一下___________ 6.在左边________________ 7.吃晚餐________________ 8.下棋__________________ 9.在家_______________ 10.开始时_________

答案1. play the violin 2. in a word 3. take a look 4. in the morning 5. by the way. 6 on the left 7 have supper 8. play chess 9. at home 10 at the beginning 数词练习


1. one 2. two 3. three 4. nine 5. twelve 6. twenty 7. eighty-eight 8. sixty-two 9. fifty-four 10. four hundred

11. the sixth 12. the thirteenth 13. the eleventh 14.the ninety-sixth

答案: 1. the first 2. the second 3. the third 4.the ninth 5the twelfth 6. the twentieth 7. the eight-eighth 8. the sixty-second. 9. the fifty-fourth 10. the four hundredth 11.six 12 thirteen 13. eleven 14. ninety-six 二.选择填空

1._______ of the visitors are foreigners.

A. Three five B. Three-fifth C. Three-fifths D. third five 2. There are _______ people on the square.

A. hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. five hundreds 3. The teacher asked us to write a _______composition in one hour.