口译基础教程对话练习答案--仲伟合 下载本文

? 坎贝尔:你们在英国演出过,或是和英国的剧团合作过吗?

? 王婷: 有的。北京人艺在半个世纪的历程中,演出活动遍及全国,其鲜明的“北京

人艺演剧风格”以扎根于广大观众中。北京人艺一贯重视国际文化艺术交流。特别是自1980年以来,《茶馆》先后赴德国 瑞士 日本 加拿大 新加坡 英国等地演出,开创了中国话剧走出国门之先河。这使中国话剧在国外赢得了声誉,也促进了英国托比罗伯逊 美国阿瑟米勒查尔顿及前苏联奥列格热弗雷莫夫等著名艺术家于北京艺人在艺术实践上的合作。

? Wang:Sure. Beijing People’s Art Theatre has performed all over the country in the half

—century history, with its distinctive acting style and art exchange. One of the important events in the 1980’s was the tour of teahouse to Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, and Britain, thus becoming the first Chinese troupe ever to perform overseas. It has won Chinese theatre great reputation. The tours also led to international cooperation of the Theatre with international well-known artists such as Toby Robertson from Britain, Arthur Miller Charlton from the U.S., and Oleg Yevremov from the former Soviet Union in its art production.

? Campbell: That sounds exciting! Maybe one day I will consider moving to Beijing to

work for the Beijing People's Art Theatre and work with Chinese artists in a production. ? 坎贝尔:听起来令人激动!也许有一天我会考虑搬到北京来,为北京人艺工作,和


? 王婷: 那将是我们剧院的荣誉。除了中国话剧以外,我们还上演了不少国剧目,

主要有《贵妇还乡》 《上帝是我的宠儿》 《推销员之死》 《洋麻将》 《哗变》。其中多部剧作演出百场以上,多次分或国家级的“文华奖” “五个一工程奖”和北京市政府颁发的“金菊花奖”“文学艺术奖”。如果您有机会来执导一部剧作,一定是非常难忘的体验。 ? Wang: That will be our great honor! Apart from Chinese plays, our Theatre has also put

on a number of western plays including DerBesuch Der Alton Dame, Amadeus, Death of A Salesman, The Gin Game, and The Canine Mutiny Court-Martial. Among these many have been performed for over 100 times, and giver award like the national “Wen Hua Award”, “Five –One Best Works Award”, and the Beijing Municipal Government’s “Gold Chrysanthemum Award” and “Literature and Art Works Award”. I’m sure if you have the opportunity to come here to direct a play, it will be a much pleasant experience for you. ? Cambell: I have no doubt about it. It must be a rewarding experience as well. I'm looking

forward to that day.

? 坎贝尔:对此我毫不怀疑。那一定也是一段有益的经历。我期待这一天的到来。

Dialogue 2

? 导游:早上好!作为大家此次北京之行的一部分,下面我给各位简介一下京剧。 ? Guide: Good morning! As part of your present tour in Beijing, I would like to give you a

brief introduction to Beijing Opera. ? Visitor: Wonderful! I would really like to learn more about the Beijing Opera. I've heard a

lot about it. It is an important form of performing art in China, an age-old tradition, I

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Quite right. Beijing opera of china is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. 清乾隆五十五年,也就是公元1790年,四大徽班社陆续进京,并与北京戏曲界的昆曲、弋阳调、汉调结合,经过150多年的融合,吸收了一些民间曲调,最终演变出现在的京剧,成为中国最大的派系,无论是剧目、演员和观众规模,还是所产生的影响力在中国都是无与伦比的.

In the 55th year (or 1790 A.D.) of the reign of emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the four big Huiban opera troupes entered the capital and combined with Kunqu opera, Yiyang opera and Han opera in Beijing’s theatrical circle of the time. Though a period of more than 150 years of combination and integration of various kinds of opera there evolved the present Beijing opera, the major kind of opera in china, whose richness of repertoire, great number of performance artists and audiences, and profound influence are incomparable in china.

Visitor:So does Beijing Opera mainly feature singing, as the name \see, in the west, we also have various types of opera performance, in which singing skills are displayed by the acting professionals.



? I wouldn't say Beijing opera mainly features singing. It is actually a synthesis of stylized

action, singing, dialogue and mime, acrobatic fighting and dancing to represent a story or depict different characters and their feeling of gladness, anger, sorrow, happiness, surprise, fear and sadness.

? 京剧里一般有四类角色:生(男子)、旦(青年女子)、净(花脸,男)、丑(小丑,

男女皆有)。无论忠奸、美丑或是好坏,都能在京剧中得以生动地表现。 ? In Beijing opera there are four main types of roles: sheng (male), dan (young male), jing (painted face, male), and chou (clown, male or female). The characters may be loyal or treacherous, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, their images being vividly manifested.

? Visitor:That sounds amazing! I know that there are many very artistically gifted Chinese

people. To create such a unique form of performing art in which a variety of techniques are integrated is indeed a great contribution to human civilization.

? 太棒了!我知道不少中国人艺术天赋很高。你们创造出这样一种集合了多种技艺的


? 导游:京剧不仅表演技巧丰富,而且内容也很多。京剧的剧目多以前朝的民间故事、


? Guide:Not only is Beijing Opera rich in performing skills, but it also boasts a large

variety of contents. The repertoire of Beijing Opera is mainly engaged in fairy tales of preceding dynasties , important historical events, emperors ,ministers and generals, gifted

young men and great beauties ,from the primitive times to Yao, Shun ,Yu, the Spring and Autumn Period , the Warring States Period and the dynasties of Qin ,Han ,Tang ,Song ,Yuan ,Ming and Qing. ? Visitor:These dresses look fantastic! I have never seen anything parallel to this anywhere. ? 游客:这些衣服太美妙了! 我从未在其他地方见过像这么漂亮的。

? 导游:京剧的戏服色彩鲜艳,工艺精细,大多经过手工编制而成。在服饰设计开始

采用中国传统模式之后,京剧的戏服也相对具有很高的欣赏价值。 ? Guide: The customers in Beijing Opera are graceful, magnificent, elegant and brilliant,

most of which are made in handicraft embroidery. As the traditional Chinese patterns are adopted in costume design, the costumes are of a high aesthetic value.

? Visitor:Like Beijing Opera, the costume is in itself a piece of art Crafton, look at these

faces. They look really dramatic. Do they have any special meaning?

? 游客:像京剧一样,京剧的戏服本身就是一件工艺品。奥,看这些脸谱。他们非常


? 导游:您观察得细致入微。在人的脸上涂上某种颜色以象征这个人的性格和品质、

故事和命运。这是京剧的一大特点,也是理解剧情的关键。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇者;黑脸为中性,代表猛智者;蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄的勇敢冒险气质;黄脸和白脸含有贬义,代表凶诈者;金脸和银脸是神秘,代表神妖。 ? Guide: You are a keen observer. The different colors painted on the faces represent

different characters, qualities, stories and destinies of the role. This is a major feature of Beijing Opera as well as a key factor of understanding the plot. Generally speaking, red is the positive color, which stands for uprightness and loyalty; black is the neutral color, which means bravery and wisdom; blue and green, as neutral colors, indicate the vigorous and enterprising character of rebellious heroes; yellow and white are derogative colors representing cunning and cruel quality; and gold and silver show mysterious characters and are used to depict supernatural roles.

? Visitor:How interesting! I have never thought about the rich implications that different

faces have about the characters of the roles on stage. I think this is a very effective way of delivering messages to the audience.

? 游客: 真有趣! 我从没想过,不同脸谱有着如此丰富的关于舞台上角色性格的含


? Visitor:I'm looking forward to this Beijing Opera performance in a moment. You should

also come to the United State. People in my country; over this kind of lively performance. I'm sure Beijing Opera will be a great hit in the American cultural market.

? 游客:我期待等会儿观赏京剧表演。你们应该将京剧带到美国。美国人喜爱这种生


Unit 7

Dialogue One

? 记者:作为大英博物馆的馆长,您对此次在中国的展览有什么特别的感觉吗?

? REPORTER: As the director of the British Museum, do you have any special feeling

about this exhibition in China?

? MACGEGOR: The idea of bringing a selection of the whole world’s cultural to the

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world’s oldest, continuing culture is a very remarkable thing. And to do that in the newest museum in China, the Capital Museum is wonderful.

麦克雷戈:将整个世界文化的精粹展示给世界上最古老、最具生命力的文化是件不同寻常的事情。而且还是在中国最新的博物馆——首都博物馆,真是很棒。 记者:您们的箴言是“向世界展示世界”,对吗?但是在有些人的印象里,您们主要还是在第一世界,或者说发达国家举办展览。

REPORTER: Your motto is to show the world of the world, right? But some people have the impression that you’ve mainly held exhibition in the first world, or the developed world?

MACGEGOR: That’s exactly what we are trying to change. We’ve been trying to ensure that the collection is seen in as much of the world as possible. So we have exhibitions that around the world.

麦克雷戈:这一点正是我们力图改变的。我们一直都在努力,确保世界上尽可能多的地方都能看到我们的展品。这也正是我们举行环球展览的原因。 记者:您会如何评论与中国同行的合作?比方说,这次展览的准备工作做得怎么样? REPORTER: How would you comment on your cooperation with your Chinese counterpart? How has the preparation been for this exhibition, for example MACGEGOR: It’s been marvelous. Two colleagues from the Capital Museum came to the British Museum last year and we talked with them about how it might be displayed and displayed it very beautifully.



REPORTER: Some people are wondering why, given the British Museum’s collection of Chinese artifacts, none of them are on display in this exhibition, for example?

MACGEGOR: Well, it’s because you have much better Chinese materials here. It seemed rather unnecessary to bring Chinese things to China. As for this exhibition in the Capital Museum, we thought we were asked to bring the rest of the world this time.

麦克雷戈:这是因为你们这里的中国文物更好。把中国的东西带来中国似乎并不必要。这次在首都博物馆,我们觉得你们应该期待我们带来一些世界其他地方的东西。 记者:这些年来,大英博物馆的中国文物保存情况是怎样的?

REPORTER: How have the Chinese artifacts been preserved in the British Museum over the years?

MACGEGOR: Well, any scholar can come to see. They are available for examination and study. We have tried to look after them as much as we possibly can. We’ve also tried to make them as available as possible on the web.

麦克雷戈:学者们都可以来参观。这些文物可供细察和研究。我们一直都对它们呵护有加。另外我们还尽可能地把这些文物都放在网上。 记者:您能说说大英博物馆的资金来源吗? REPORTER: How is the British Museum funded?

MACGEGOR: Well, it’s normal for the museums in the UK that the government pays more than half but the museums then has to find the rest themselves. So we are perfectly relaxed about the position where the government gives 70% and we can earn the

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Dialogue Two

? 记者:2003年到2005年间,中法两国将会互办文化年。今年7月中国文化年已经


? REPORTER: From 2003 to 2005, China and France will hold culture year in each other’s

country. The Chinese Culture Year has successfully concluded in this July. What factors

remaining 30%.

麦克雷戈:一般英国的博物馆一半以上的资金都来自政府,其余的由他们自己筹集。我们博物馆70%的资金来自政府,剩余的30%自己又可以赚到,所以还是很轻松的。 记者:但是根据媒体报道,过去十年中,您们的预算减少了15%,观看展览者的数量也有所下降。这是真的吗?

REPORTER: But according to the media reports, over the past ten years, there has been a drop of 15% of your budget and the number of visitors has also dropped. Is that true?

MACGEGOR: The number of visitors rises and falls depending on things like avian flu or whatever with tourist travel. But our numbers are fairly steady at 4.7 million. And our finance is now at very good state.

麦克雷戈:访客的数量起起落落,主要取决于禽流感等影响游客旅游的因素。不过我们的访客数量较为稳定,一直保持在470万。现在我们的财政状况也非常好。 记者:您觉得与中国博物馆的接触如何?

REPORTER: How do you describe your contact with Chinese museums?

MACGEGOR: We have very friendly contacts with museums in China. We have very close scientific and academic collaboration working together to reset the collections and then to publish them.



REPORTER: As I know, this is not your first time in China. So how do you see the development of Chinese museums over the past decade or so? What do you think is the major issue facing Chinese museums?

MACGEGOR: We are amazed at the expansion of your museums and the number of new museums, I think the big questions is going to be whether Chinese museums focus on Chinese collections or they start showing cultures from the rest of the world.



REPORTER: What do you think are some of the challenges to show other cultures through exhibition?

MACGEGOR: I don’t think that’s difficult. I think most of the British museums, certainly including the British Museum, are very willing to share their collections.
