八年级下unit5单元复习题 下载本文


Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm


语法精讲 过去进行时的运用 1.过去进行时的判断

(1)一般句中用到表示具体动作且为可延续性的动词,同时句中用到表示在过去某一具体范围不大(从几分钟到半天左右)的时间状语,如at ten o'clock last night,at this time yesterday,at that time,from 7 to 9 last Sunday morning 等时,用过去进行时. eg:

The young pioneers were planting trees on a hill at six o'clock yesterday afternoon.昨天下午6点那个少先队员在小山上植树。

(2)在叙述过去差不多同时发生的两个动作,用到从属连词when 或while时,如果一个动作是可延续性的表具体动作的动词,而另一个动作是不可延续性的动词时,一般可延续的那个动词用过去进行时,而不可延续的那个用过去时. eg:

While the child was playing basketball on the road, a car hit him.当那个孩子在路上打篮球时,一辆小汽车撞了他.


过去进行时强调某一动作是在过去某时正在进行,用到的动词是表示具体行动,动作可延续,同时用到的时间状语表示的范围要小且具体。而一般过去时对谓语动词没有限制,用到的时间状语范围不受限制,一般过去时着重表示在过去做过,基本上结束了的动作。表过去状态、抽象、不表具体动作行为的动词不用过去进行时,但可以用一般过去时. eg:

Mr.Green was mending his daughter's bike this morning.今天早上格林先生在修他女儿的自行车. (强调动作正在进行)

Mr.Green mended his daughter's bike this morning. 今天早上格林先生修了他女儿的自行车。(表明动作做过,并结束了)



1.I____________ (listen) to music at three o'clock last Friday.

2.John ___________(do) his homework with his classmates at this time yesterday.

3.Mr.Wang was reading a report when I _______ (call) him.

4.I ________ (go) to the park with my parents last weekend.

5.While I was sleeping,my parents ___________(make) breakfast. 6._____ Mary ________ (draw) a picture when the teacher came in?

7.I saw him in the library yesterday. He _____________ (read) a book at the moment. Ⅱ.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。

8.Sandy was talking with her friends at this time yesterday.(改为否定句)

Sandy ______ _________ with her friends at this time yesterday.

9.While we were walking on the road,it began to rain.(用when改写句子)

We were walking on the road _______ ________ began to rain.

10. Bob was waiting__for__a__bus when I met him.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ Bob ________ when you met him? Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.当我看照片时,爸爸走了进来。

Father walked in while I _____ _______ at the photos.


______ _______ your sister doing at 9:00 this morning?


What ______ you doing when I _______ you last night?


What _______ _________ Mary _____ ________ a walk?


I was ________ when I ______ the traffic accident. 6.昨天下大雨时,你在做什么?

What _______ you doing when it rained ________ yesterday?


He was _______ _____ the bus at this time yesterday.


She _______ a hot shower after ________ up. 9.我给你打了电话,你为什么没接呢?

I ______ you. But why didn't you _______ up? 10.闹钟响时,我正在睡觉。

While I was sleeping,the alarm ______ _______ . 11.仔细检查你的作业,要确保没有错误。

Check your homework carefully to ______ ______ there isn't a mistake in it.


The rain ___ _____ _______ the windows yesterday. 13.不要睡着了,马上就要下车了。

Don't ______ ________.We'll get off right away/at once.


The wind ______ _______ this morning. 15.这场暴风雨摧毁了许多东西。

The storm ______ many things ________. 16.这个女孩沉默地站在河边看河里的鱼。

The girl was standing _____ _________ by the river and watching the fish in it.


A dictionary is very _______ for us ____ ________ English. 18.我爸爸拆除了旧的窗户,然后安装了一个新的。

My father ______ _________ the old window and set up a new one.


Lily has _______ __________ math


1.Today, more and more people begin to ________ the importance of saving water.

A.realize B.waste C.control D.cause 2.Coco was so sad because she ________ a good chance to become famous.

A.gave B.took C.got D.missed 3.—Did Mike ________ the table tennis match? —No,he didn't. Tom________ him. A.win;beat B.win;won C.beat;won D.beat;beat 4.I see them walk_by my house every day. A.run to B.pass by C.come up D.clean up 5.—Why didn't you go to play football with us yesterday afternoon?

—I ______ my mother with the housework then. A.helped B.was helping C.am helping D.help 6.—Yang Lin,I know you didn't tell me the _______.How could you lie to me? —Sorry,Mom. I won't do it again.

A.plan B.place C.story D.truth 7.They finished the rest of their work in_silence.

A.quietly B.loudly C.carefully D.fast 8.After he was badly ill in bed,he finally __ the importance of health. But it was too late.

A.beat B.pushed C.realized D.added 9.—How are you getting on with your study?

—I have trouble ________ my English teacher. He speaks so fast.

A.understand B.understood C.understanding D.in understand

10.—Do you still remember________ with Yao Ming in Beijing?

—Yes, of course. Two years ago.

A.to meet B.meeting C.meet D.met 11.—William,it's rainy. Remember _____ an umbrella when you go out. —OK,Mum.

A.to take B.taking C.take D.takes 12.—How is your English study?

—Not bad. But I________ learning English grammar.

A.am interested in B.am good at C.have a little trouble D.have no trouble 13.—Mark's English is really poor. —That's true. He had a hard time ________ English movie yesterday.

A.see B.seeing C.saw D.to see

14 Get ready, boys! ___ news on TV said ____ new storm was coming soon.

A The, a B An, a C The , / D An, the

15 When we went in, we saw Tina sitting on the floor ___ the wall and crying alone.

A about B over C against D with 完形填空。

The local government plans to reward(奖励) a teenage girl,Xiang Xinyuan,who saved an 11-year-old boy out of a river in Guizhou.

It__1__ on a Tuesday night. As usual,Xiang was walking her pet dog along the Nanming River around 8 p.m. It was a(n) __2__ from her heavy homework. Xiang was a high school __3__,preparing for the university entrance examination(入学考试) in June. Xiang was enjoying a(n) __4__ moment. But then she saw a round-faced boy shouting for help in the river with his __5__ waving(挥动) in the air.

Xiang did not think much before she__6__ into the water. The water was very cold,but it also helped her to calm down(冷静下来) and try to think of some life-saving __7__.She tried her best to swim __8__ the boy and asked him to calm down. After reaching him,Xiang __9__ the boy's head and swam back. When swimming back,she felt her body was __10__.It was because she did not have time to take off her clothes or shoes before she jumped into the river.

With the help of several other people,Xiang

pulled the boy out of the water successfully.

1.A.happened B.ended C.reported D.opened 2.A.alarm B.area C.wood D.break 3.A.teacher B.worker C.student D.pupil 4.A.nervous B.relaxing C.noisy D.upset 5.A.hands B.legs C.feet D.eyes 6.A.pushed B.rose C.stood D.jumped 7.A.passages B.skills C.opinions D.dates 8.A.towards B.from C.off D.on 9.A.covered B.compared C.hurt D.lifted 10.A.strong B.healthy C.heavy D.icy


It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr. Green 1_______ (read) a newspaper when he heard his wife 2_________ (cry) in the next room. He hurried to her and asked,“What happened to you,my dear?”

“Oh,dear!” his wife called out,“My head hurts!Send for a doctor. Hurry 3________!” Their two children were both out at that moment and something was wrong with the telephone. Mr. Green had to go to a hospital 4________ (he).Bad luck!That day all the hospitals in the town were 5________(close).Mr. Green didn't know 6________ to go. Just then a friend of his saw him and asked,“What is the matter?”

Mr. Green told his friend. The man said,“Why not 7_______ (go) to Mr. Black?He can help you.”

Mr. Green remembered his friend Mr. Black was 8________ good doctor. He hurried to Mr. Black. When he got there,Mr. and Mrs. Black were having 9_________(they) evening meal. The doctor asked Mr. Green 10_________(drink) with him. He was happy

and sat at the table. After that they began to chat(聊天).And when Mrs. Black asked,“How is your wife?”“She is fine,thank…” Mr. Green stopped at once—he remembered his wife was waiting for a doctor at home. 综合填空: asleep, strong, when, cook, flashlight, beat, sudden, match, realize, up When Peyton was an 11-year-old boy, a rainstorm hit his hometown on a dark night. 1 _______ the storm came he was cleaning his room. His sister was 2________ and his mother was busy 3_________ in the kitchen. His father was watching TV. 4 _________ , all the lights went off. Then the rain 5____________ against the doors and windows heavily. The wind blew 6 ____________ , so his sister woke _________. She was scared and started to cry. The family couldn’t do anything. Peyton’s father took out the 8____________, but the batteries(电池) were dead. So his mother found some candles and a box of 9 ___________. The next morning, after they listened to the news on the radio, they 10 __________ that a heavy rainstorm had happened.


假设昨天晚上一场地震袭击了Lucy所在的城市。 很幸运,他们全家安然无恙。假如你是 Luchy, 请根据所给内容描述一下地震(earthquake)发生时家里人的活动情况,70词左右。 At 8:20 a.m Lucy Mother father Alice(sister) sleeping cooking working Watching TV


(一)短语翻译: 1.步行回家____________ 2.去上班___________ 3入睡_____________ 4.下大雨_____________ 5.洗热水澡__________________ 6.发出响声_________ 7.接电话_______________ 8.逐渐变弱__________ 9.确认;确信___________ 10.当暴风雨来的时候____________________ 11.在那个时候______________ 12.沉默地 _________________ 13.做某事有困难__________________ 14.一团糟_____________ 15.首先;起初____________ 16 吃惊地做某事___________________________ 17对某人做某事有帮助_______________________ 18让…四分五裂__________________________ 19 讲实话___________________ 20 拆除_________________

11.was__reading__ 12.crying__ 13.up__ 14.himself 15.closed 16.where 17.go 18.__a__ 19.their 20.__to__drink

1.at the time of… 在……时候 at that time 在那时

4.go off(闹钟)发出响声 6.pick up 接电话 feel like 觉得像;想要

fall asleep (3)sleepy adj.意为“困倦的;疲倦的”,可用于be/feel sleepy,意为“感到疲倦”

7.die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 die of 死于…… 8.wake up 醒来 wake sb.up 叫醒某人 9.break…apart 把……粉碎/分离;让……四tell the truth 意为“讲实话”,其反义短语为 tell 分五裂

a lie/lies,意为“撒谎”。

10.turn on the radio 打开广播/收音机 8.be surprised to do sth.吃惊地做某事 11.right away=at once 立刻;马上

9.have trouble doing sth.做某事有困难;费力be late for………迟到


2.Kate saw a dog by the side of the road.凯特10.take down 拆除


by the side of the road 在路边

3.Kate waited for someone to walk by.凯特等待有人从旁边经过。

(1)wait for sb.to do sth.等待某人做某事 【拓展】

wait for sb./sth.等待某人/物

can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事 (2)walk by 经过,路过

4.When the school basketball competition started,Kate was still making her way to school.当学校篮球赛开始的时候,凯特仍然在赶往学校的路上。

make one's way to sp.赶路去某地,在赶往某地的路上;前往;费力地前进

1.be helpful for sb.to do sth.对某人做某事有帮助

have fun doing sth.高兴/愉快地做某事 4.in silence 默默无闻地,沉默地 be in silence=be silent

5.have meaning to sb.对某人有意义 the meaning of…意为“……的意思”。 6.remember doing sth.记得做过某事 remember to do sth.记得要做某事 7.true adj.真实的 truth n.实情;事实 truly adv.真正地