商务英语 bec初级口语超详细讲义 下载本文

BEC初级口语电子讲义 第一课时 BEC Preliminary介绍 Ⅰ BP Introduction BEC初级介绍 (ⅰ)Why take BEC exams? * strong growth * rigorous quality control * wide suitability * wide business context * value for study and business career * international recognition for work and study (ⅱ) BP Content BP包含的内容 BP考试主要是考学生的语言能力,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。试卷所设计的语言文字基本上都与商务有关。另外,还考学生的英语语法、结构等内容。 BP考试分笔试和口试两大部分。笔试包括阅读、写作和听力。 听说读写 听力:电话、面谈、问路、讨论等 阅读:来往函电、表格、会议记录(memorandum)、广告(advertisement)、 通知(announcement)、日程安排(business schedule)、电话留言、简历(resume/CV)、商业文章、信息转换、产品目录(product catalog) 写作:写短文、商务信函(查询信、复查询信、抱怨信、图表描述) 口语:日常会话(daily conversation)、简单陈述(mainly presentation)、讨论问题 (ⅲ) Papers 试卷 Reading Writing Preliminary 1 hr 30 mins ﹡ Vantage 1 hr 45 mins Advanced 1 hr 1 hr 10 mins Listening Speaking ( 2 candidates) (ⅳ) Grades 评分等级 * one overall grade * each skill counts for 25% 40 mins 12 mins ﹡﹡ 40 mins 14 mins ﹡﹡ 40 mins 16 mins ﹡﹡ * candidates also receive profile of performance * Preliminary: two pass grades, namely, pass with merit and pass * Vantage and Advance: three pass grades (ⅴ) Introduction to BP Preparation Resource * vocabulary * textbook 《Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary》 《Further Ahead》(a communication skills course for Business English) * mock exam papers: 9 sets Ⅱ 学习方法 Learning Methods What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语? 国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等。 How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语? 1. 掌握一定的商务英语词汇、短语和句型。 (1) 词汇方面 commercial e.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials. prospect e.g. He called on some prospects but failed to make a sale. make e.g. These products are of Chinese make. The factory manufactured five makes of tractors.

(2) 短语方面

soft selling hard selling

Some sales people adopt a direct ‘hard sell’ approach, while others use a more indirect ‘soft sell’ approach. have a bad year

The corporation is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to dismiss a few office staff. break into/penetrate the market

There is chance that we’ll manage to break into the UK market.

(3) 句型方面

I am writing to you concerning… I can’t agree more.

You can always reach me at the number… We would very much appreciate it if you could… I noted with interest your advertisement for… That’s exactly what I think. You are wanted on the phone.

As requested, we enclose for your attention… 2. 熟悉世界贸易组织。

3. 熟悉国际商务英语有关行业的基本术语及其内涵意义。

4. 学习国际商务常识,略知相关专业知识。(一个中心,四个基本点)


四个基本点:国际经济、国际金融、营销策略、国际商法。 国际经济:4C规律(Competition, Contradiction, Coordination, Cooperation)等。 国际金融:外汇、国际收支、货币的一般知识。

营销策略:市场调研、营销组合、目标市场、战略营销等。 国际商法:合同、WTO协定文本(基本常识)、知识产权等。 5. 密切了解国际商务最新动态。