名师推荐-最新牛津深圳版2018-2019学年英语八年级上学期Unit1主题阅读专练及答案 下载本文

Never Give Up !

八年级 Unit 1主题阅读



American Thomas Edison (1847-1931) was one of the greatest 1.__________(inventor) in the world. He made 1,093 2.__________ (invention) in his life. The most famous one was the light bulb!

Thomas Edison spent a long time 3.________ (make) the light bulb. He tried over 1,600 different kinds of material1 to get the right filament (灯丝) for the light bulb. He used things like the hair from a man’s beard (胡须) ! Some people 4. ____(think) he could not make it. 5.__________, finally he did.

Edison went to school for only three months. His teacher told him that he was so stupid that he couldn’t learn 6. _________ (something). But he kept 7. ______(study) on his own. He taught himself everything he needed 8. ________(know).

When Edison worked on 9. _____ new kind of battery (电池), he tried out 8,000 ways to make it. Then he said: “Well, at least we found 8,000 things that don’t work!”

This is the longest lasting light bulb 10. _______ the world. The light burns for 108 years in California (加利福尼亚), US. The light is still working today. II 完形填空

Can you imagine trying to write music if you were deaf? Most of us couldn’t dream of it. But for the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven, this was no 11._______ at all.

Never Give Up !

Beethoven did not begin life deaf. He was12._______ on Dec 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He lived a 13._______ life, and faced much sadness. One of his piano pieces, Für Elise (《致爱丽丝》), was written for a failed love interest – a woman 14. _______ Therese Malfatti.

At the 15. _______of 26, Beethoven began to lose his 16. _______. Yet he was 17._____ to go on writing music through hearing vibrations (振动). There is a story that after the performance of his famous Ninth Symphony (《第9号交响曲》), people cheered and clapped (鼓掌). Beethoven could not hear them clapping, and when he turned 18.______ and realized, he began to 19. _______.

Before Beethoven, most music was very controlled (克制的). He 20. _______ all this and created a powerful, violent sound. At first, many people hated his music, saying it was too emotional (情绪化的). But today, his name is a symbol for passion (热情) and genius (天才).

( ) 11. A. dream B. problem C. wish ( ) 12. A. out B. ill C. born ( ) 13. A. simple B. difficult C. happy ( ) 14. A. called B. written C. done ( ) 15. A. year B. age C. season ( ) 16. A. seeing B. feeling C. hearing

( ) 17. A. able B. interested C. excited

( ) 18 A. around B. off C. on ( ) 19. A. smile B. laugh C. cry ( ) 20. A. did B. changed C. made III.阅读理解


Never Give Up !

Charles Darwin, was born on February 12, 1809. His family lived not far from the River Severn, England. Charles’ father was a well-known doctor and he hoped that his son would also become a doctor.

As a boy Charles liked collecting things like eggs, stones, and leaves. When he was sixteen ,Darwin was sent to Edinbrugh University to become a doctor. But he was interested in the history of nature. Then he was sent to study in Cambridge University until 1831.

Later, he worked in the ship Beagle.The Beagle studied the waters in the sea near South America. It also visited New Zealand, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Darwin studied many new plants and animals.In 1842, Darwin went to live in Kent. There Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same, and that they really change .

By 1859, Darwin had finished his famous book The Origin of Species. It made a great hit in the world of science. He was opposed ( 反对) by the church and even by some scientists . But later, more and more scientists agreed with him. Darwin continued his studies in science until he died in 1882.

( )21.Where was Darwin born? A.In Germany America

( )22.What kind of books did Darwin like reading when he was a boy? A.Science book C.History books

B.Chemistry books D.Medical books

B.In France

C.In England


( )23.Darwin visited the following places with the ship Beagle except(除了)____

A.the sea near North America
