四六级常考语法总复习 下载本文


it 常用句型


1. It is true/ obvious/clear/ possible/ certain that… 真题解析:

①It is simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner. (16年6 月CET6,第一套)经济增长一定会使环境改善也绝非事实。

②It is certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year. (16年6 月CET6,第一套)在下一年里取得缓慢的增长是完全可能的。 ③It is clear that consumers don’t always know what they are getting.

(16年6 月CET6,第三套)很明显,对于自己买的产品究竟是何等货色,消费者们并不总是很清楚。

2. It is hard/difficult/important/necessary/possible ( for sb.) to do sth. 真题解析:

①Therefore,it is advisable for us to distinguish the authenticity of information. (16年6 月CET6,第一套) 因此,对我们来说,学会甄别信息是可取的。 ②It is highly important to expand the metropolitan areas. (15年12月CET6,第一套) 扩大都市圈至关重要。

3. It is reported/learned/estimated that ...


It is estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. (16年6 月CET6,第二套) 据估计,这一举措将在未来十年节省数千亿美元。

4. It looks as if/as though… 真题解析:

It looks as though self-control is something that in one generation can disadvantage the next generation. (16年6 月CET6,第二套) 这样看来,上一代的自制力似乎会影响到下一代。

5. It is + 被强调部分 + that ... 真题解析:

①It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of I’m First in 2013.

(15年12月CET6,第一套) 正是由于信息缺乏,促使“我是第一代”机构于2013年成立。 ②It was only in the 20th century that Leonardo’s portrait of his patron’s wife rocketed to the number-one spot.(15年6月CET6,第一套)


③It’s when you find yourself surrounded by toxic friends who live in the past that you realize you’re not getting any younger. (15年6月CET6,第一套)


④It was his curiosity that made him invent so many things and achieved great success in his


正是他的好奇心驱使他发明了如此多的东西,从而最终在事业上取得了巨大的成功。 ⑤It is due to his focus on small things that Apple makes great success in the mobile field. (15年6月CET6,第三套) 正是由于他专注于做小事情,苹果公司才在手机行业取得了巨大的成功。

6. It takes(sb.)... to do sth. 真题解析:

It will take a long time to change the current trend in higher education.

(15年12月CET6,第二套) 改变高等教育的现状需要很长时间。

7.It is not until + 被强调部分 + that ... 真题解析: It wasn’t until I hit around 25 that I realized I’d missed a large chunk of my life for absolutely no reason. (15年6月CET6,第二套)



常见句型: 1.主语从句 真题解析:

①But what most students and parents don’t realize is that schools have hidden motives for offering early decision. (15年5月CET6,第二套)


2.宾语从句 真题解析:

①Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.(16年6 月CET6,第一套)


②?all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand.(16年6 月CET6,第一套)所有的事实都表明美国的高失业率是需求不足的结果。

③The study found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact. (16年6 月CET6,第三套)


④On the contrary, other people claim that it is a common phenomenon that a host of youngsters spend so much time reading on social networks. (15年12 月CET6,第一套) 而相反,另一些人却认为现在的年轻人花费太多的时间浏览社交网络。

⑤From the standpoint of a traditional educator, this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about major scientific ideas. (15年12 月CET6,第三套)

从传统教育工作者的角度来看,这一结果表明,学校教育未能帮助学生思考重要科学理念。 ⑥He points out that the most reproduced works of impressionism today tend to have been

bought by five or six wealthy and influential collectors in the late 19th century. (15年6月CET6,第一套)


3.表语从句 真题解析:

①And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying. (16年6 月CET6,第一套)

这也就从根本上解释了为什么我们面临巨大的结构性问题的论调被多次复制。 ②Chances are that the product is made in China. (15年12 月CET6,第二套)


③?this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies. (15年12 月CET6,第三套) 这种活动正是环境行动的未来所在。

④The lesson taught by plants is that sharing life expands and enhances the sphere of the living. (15年6月CET6,第一套) 植物教给我们的是分享生活,拓展生命空间,提升生命层次。 ⑤The problem is that this process effectively shortens the window of time students have to make one of the most important decisions of their lives up to that point. (15年6月CET6,第二套) 问题在于这个过程有效地将学生必须做出人生重大决策之一的一小段时间缩短到那一刻。

4.同位语从句 真题解析:

①But missing from all these data is the sense that today’s young care very much about their country, about political environment, or about the future of their society.

(16年6 月CET6,第三套) 但在这所有这些数据中,都没有信息表明当今年轻人关心自己的国家,关心政治环境,或者关心社会的未来。

②?the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company’s own.

(16年6 月CET6,第三套) 这一标签具有误导性,因为它给人们的印象是这些产品已被第三方认证,但实际上却是由公司自己认证的。

③There is an idea that sales are all about lies and that you have to be really tricky and clever with words to sell your products. (15年12月CET6,第一套) 有些人认为,销售充满谎言,要想卖出商品就必须能说会道。



1.分词作定语(分词前置,分词后置) 真题解析:

①A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world’s most powerful economies to say?(16年6 月CET6,第一套)
