

一、单项填空 从所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

( )1. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has time to read newspapers.

A. few B. little C. a little D. a few

( )2. —How many people do you think are still in the dining room now?

—I am afraid there are few of them, ______?

A. are there B. aren’t I C. aren’t there D. am I

( )3. All injuries _________ to the teachers.

A. should report B. must go C. shouldn’t go D. must be reported

( )4. By the time my parents returned home yesterday, I ____ the dinner already. A. had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. cook ( )5、Could you tell me if _____ tomorrow? A. he comes B. he will come C. will he come D. he came

( )6、In our factory _____ of the workers _____ from Jiangxi. A. three fifths; are B. three fifth; are C. three fifths; is C. three fifth; is

( )7、________ it is getting dark, ______ the farmers are still working in the field. A. Though, but B. But, though C. Though, / D. But, / ( )8、I ______come back ________twelve o’clock last night.

A. wasn’t; until B. not; until C. didn’t; until D. don’t; until

( )9. She was ________ excited _______ she laid out all the jams.

A.such …that B.so…that C.too … that D.too…to

( )10. She didn’t like the porridge _______ it was too salty.

A.because B.but C.before D.so

( )11. ________ interesting news it is!

A. How an B. What an C. How D. What

( )12. The list of the telephone numbers the wall next to the telephone in the kitchen

A. are stick on B. is stuck to C .are stuck in D. is stuck at

( )13. You throw the cigarette end on the ground. It may cause fire. A. must B. can C.mustn’t D. should

( )14. ------Must I return your digital camera to you tomorrow, Andy? ------ No , you _________ .I can do without it for a couple of days.

A.needn’t B.won’t C.may not D.mustn’t

( )15. ------Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? ------- ______. I’d like a glass of water.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All ( )16. ---My father will be here tomorrow. ---Oh, I thought that he _____ today.

A.will come B.comes C.is coming D.would come

( )17. The woman ________ lives across the street has visited China many times..

A.when B.where C.who D.whom

( )18. ---Do you know _________ now?. ---In the people’s Hotel.

A. where is Tom working B. where did tom work C. where Tom is working D. where Tom worked

二、完形填空) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

When I was little, I wanted to play basketball for school. __19__I wasn’t good at it. I kept on trying, though.

I started playing in 2nd grade. My brother, who was in 7th grade, would always __20__ me. He would _21_ the basket on purpose(故意地)so I wouldn’t lose against him. One day, though, another boy shouted at my brother: “Go away! You fool!”

My brother _22_ to stop playing basketball with me. I felt so _23_ that I wanted to stop playing. About a week later, though, I saw my brother play in a real game. He was so good that I _24_ I had to keep playing. Now five years later I start in my school’s basketball team. All my hard work has paid off.

I always tell others never to give up either. If someone puts you down, remember they are only one person, and you must __25____ stop trying. Never giving up helped me in other ways too. At school, when someone told me that algebra(代数)is too hard for me to understand, I decided not to give up trying to understand it. I knew that if I just kept on trying, I would __26 it in the end. Again, it ___27 a lot of work, but now I do algebra well.

In the future, no matter how __28 I am, I will always tell myself never to give up.

You have to keep on trying, even when it hurts you so much that every part of your body __29__ you to stop. When you _30_ become a success, you’ll know that the reason you have become successful is that you never gave up. 19. A. And B. So C. Or D. But 20. A. help B. stop C. beat D. catch 21. A. shoot B. hit C. miss D. get 22. A. finished B. had C.avoid D. began 23. A. sad B. glad C.happy D. shy 24. A. realized B. taught C. said D. changed 25. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually 26. A. understand B. forget C. see D. find 27. A. got B. spent C. paid D. took 28. A. easy B. old C. strong D. beautiful 29. A. wants B. hopes C. helps D. lets 30. A.already B. luckily C. easily D. finally

阅 读 部 分



Safety Tips for Bicyclers

Always wear a helmet. Whether you're on a motorcycle, or a bicycle, wear a helmet. Doing so can greatly reduces your chance of death or head injury in the accident.

Obey all traffic laws. Riders of motorcycles, and bicycles are required to follow all traffic safety laws, just like drivers of cars and trucks.

Use electric or hand signals. To make sure cars or trucks see you, always make signals when changing lanes(车道) or turning on a bicycle. This may mean using proper hand signals, including the \

Be extra careful at crossroads. These are the most dangerous places for bikes of all kinds. Don't take the chance to think that car drivers will see you like they would see another car. ( )31.Wearing a helmet can ____________________ . A. help your head get injuries in all accident

B. pretect you from possible head injuries or death C. stop your chances of having traffic accidents

D. make you look more smart and handsome on a bike.

( )32. When changing lanes or turning , what should a cyclist do? A.Follow a car or a truck closely.

B. Make signals to cars and trucks only if you know signals. C. Make sure cars or trucks see you with signals. D. Obey traffic safety laws only in those area.

( )33. According to the passage, at a crossroad, a cyclist ______________ . A. will be dangerous B. take a chance to see cars. C. will see a car accident D. must be more careful ( B )

Once long ago, there was a brave and smart rooster. His job was to bring up the sun every morning. Every morning he

would crow(公鸡打鸣) to bring up the sun. One dark night, a robber came quietly into the barn(牲口棚) while the rooster was sleeping. He caught the rooster by the throat, and said, “Rooster, you will never bring up the sun again! I am going to kill you! The world will always be black as night. No one will see me as I rob people’s houses.”

The rooster, who was brave and smart, put his ear near the robber’s mouth. “What are you saying? I have been swimming in the lake and quacking for so long that I can’t hear you. I am deaf as stone.”

The robber laughed. “You can’t quack, only ducks quack. Enough of this. You are a rooster! Roosters are the ones who crows cock-a-doodle-doo!” “Pardon my deaf ears,” said the rooster. “ I don't hear you . Could you speak a bit louder?” “ Cock-a-doodle-doo!” said the robber.

“Please speak louder,” said the rooster, “because I am so deaf!”

“COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!” shouted the robber as loudly as he could.

The dark night suddenly went away as the big yellow sun came up over the hills. “I thank you,” said the rooster. “You have crowed the sun up for me and my neighbours. In fact, I can hear you clearly. My ears are as sharp as the point of my beak.”The robber was afraid of the sunlight. People would see him and know who he was in the daylight. He jumped up and ran out of the barn.

The rooster still crows every morning to bring up the morning sun. ( )34. What is the rooster’s job?

A. His job is to look after the chickens. B. His job is to learn to crow.

C. His job is to bring up the sun in the morning.. D. His job is to teach others to work for him and bring up the sun. ( )35. The robber thought if he killed the cock,___________________. A. he could have a good meal of chicken B. he could be free to rob people’s house

C. he could bring up the sun in the morning instead D. nobody would catch him when he robbed others ( )36.Why does the rooster pretends to have deaf ears?

A. Because he doesn’t like to hear the crow.

B. Because he wanted to make the robber crow for him. C. Because he did not like noises.

D. Because he is playing a game with the robber. ( )37. What do you think of the robber?

A. He is a wise and kind person. B. He is good at thinking. C. He is cruel and foolish. D. He is good at helping people.




live, each, same , time, bed, size, family, large, storybook Once upon a __1____, there was a __2___ of three bears who ___3____ in a house in a forest. There were Father Bear, Mother Bear, and Baby Bear. Each one had a dish for breakfast and the dish was just the right __4____. Father Bear had a ___5___ dish, Mother Bear had a medium-sized dish, and since Baby Bear was very small, he had a small dish. And it was the ___6___ with their chairs and with their __7____, too. Everything was just the right size for __8___ bear. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5. ________ 6.________ 7.________ 8. ________ 五、根据中英文提示完成下面的句子。 1) 他跑得多快呀!

he is running. 2)发生火灾时,要尽快离开建筑物.

Leave the building when there is a fire. 3)这部电影太有趣了,我想再看一遍。

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