
学校代码: 10128 学 号: 201121209021


题 目:多路输出反激式开关稳压 电源的设计 学生姓名:XXX

学 院:电力学院 系 别:电力系 专 业:xxxxxxx 班 级:xxx 指导教师:XXX 副教授

二 〇 一 五 年 六 月

摘 要

开关电源是重要的动力之源。尽管开关电源的电路可以千变万 化,但器基本构成却大致相同。开关电源的特点有体积小、质量轻、效率高、稳压范围宽等等。凭借这些优点,很快代替了传统的线性稳压电源,并且在各种电子和电气产品中得到广泛应用,而众多开关电源中的反激式开关电源因为其所需元件少、拓扑结构简单、效率高等优点被广泛使用与多路输出、功率较小的电路当中。





Switch regulated power supply is the most important energy source.Although the kinds of switch power supply have a lot,but they have the same basic after all.The advantages of switch power supply are smaller size,light weight,high efficiency and a wide range of voltage and so on. With so many advantages, the type switch take the place of the traditional switch rapidly, so it is abroad used into many electron and electric production.The most of the flyback switch power supply is widely used in circuit which is multiplexed output and less power,because of its simple structure and less demand for peripherals.

This design is based on TOPSwich series, which relies on EMI filtration.The rectifier bridge rectifier on 220V AC.Optical coupling feedback. TL431 voltage regulator cooperation with TOPSwitch control.Reduction voltage of transfomer. The ability of PWM pulse width modulation control of TOPSwitch. It can make two output come ture.One is 15V;1A another is 5V;3A.The TOPSwitch is the center. It works by control off or on of the voltage duty ratio and the flyback converter. It make requirements of electronic equipment for source come true and inhibits grid interference,too.

The whole circuit use newest and simplest design,which has characteristic is compact structure,high frequency,property reliable etc.

Key words: Fiyback convert;Switch power ; PWM control

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