
Unit2 What’s the Matter, Mike?

Period 1


1.发烧( )2. 牙痛( ) 3.感冒( ) 4.喉咙痛( ) 5.头痛( ) 6. 受伤( )


( )1.A. She has a fever. B. She has a cold.

( )2.A.She has a toothache. B.She has a sore throat .

( )3.A.I have a stomachache. B.I have a headache.

( )4.A.My finger hurts. B.My leg hurts.

Period 2


1. the ,matter ,what’s(?)

____________________________________ 2. sore ,my ,throat , is (.)

____________________________________ 3. have ,a ,fever ,I(.)


4.you , how ,do .feel(?)

_____________________________________ 二.选择恰当的答语

( )1.Nice to meet you. A.I’m sorry to hear that. ( )2.How do you feel? B.I have a high fever. ( )3.Where is the hospital? C.Nice to meet you too. ( )4.What’s the matter? D.I’m very happy. ( )5.I have a flu. E.It’s next to the cinema.

Period 3

一、根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上。 A:___ 1_______,young man.

B:Good morning,doctor. A.I feel sick A:How do you feel?

B.dink a lot of water B 2 . C.Good morning A:What’s the matter?

D.Bye-bye B: 3 . E.I have a headache A:Oh.you might have a cold.Please 4 . B:Thank you doctor.Bye. A: 5 . 二、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)

It’s winter.Many people feel sick.Look at Zoom and his mother.They’re in the hospital.

Doctor:Good morning,Zoom.How are you? Zoom:I feel sick.

Doctor:Oh,I’m sorry to hear that.What’s the matter? Zoom:I think I have a flu.

Doctor:Have you got a headache? Zoom:No,I haven’t.

Doctor:Have you got a sore throat. Zoom:No,I haven’t.

Doctor:Does your nose hurt? Zoom:No.

Doctor:Oh,I know.Do you like football games? Zoom:Yes,I do. Very much.

Doctor:I see.There is a football match this afternoon.And you ‘ll be fine after it. Mother:Oh,thanks.

1.Many people feel sick in the winter. ( )

2.Zoom got a headache. ( ) 3.Zoom hasn’t got a sore throat. ( ) 4.Zoom likes football games very much. ( ) 5.Zoom doesn’t want to watch football match. ( )

Period 4


( ) ( ) ( )( ) 二、填空

1.A:_________does Chen Jie ___________? B:She is tired.

2. A:____________Jim____________? B:Yes ,he is angry.

3. A:________ do you______________? B:I feel sick. 三.选择

1. Chen Jie_______very sad. What’s the matter ________her? A. looks,with B. look, with C. looks,to 2.________does John feel? He,s angry. A. What B. How C.where 3.Sarah_________a headache. A.have B. has C.take

Period 5

一、用所给出的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上。 A:Hi,John.____________________________.

B:It’s sunny and warm.

A:You look happy._____________________ B:I feel excited.


B:I am going to play football this afternoon._________________ A:Sorry.I feel sick.

B:____________________________ A My leg hurts.I must stay at home. B:I’m sorry to hear that.Have a good rest. A Thank you.

A.Where are you going this afternoon? B.Can you go with me? C.What’s the matter? D.What’s the weather like today? E.How do you feel?

Period 6


1.have a cold__________ 2.take some medicine ____________ 3.laugh at _________________ 4.牙痛_______________________ 5.头痛_____________________6.喉咙痛____________________ 二、根据短文内容补全句子

Hello,I’m12 years old. I’m from the USA. I have a twin brother. He is Tim.He likes sports very much. He is not happy today. Because his leg hurts.He can’t have P.E. class. He can’t play football with his classmates. Football is his favorite sport. He has

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