9AUnit 2 综合卷

9A Unit2 Colour单元练习 姓名_________


( )1.Simon prefers_________ TV at home rather than_______ to the park.

A.watch;go B.watching;going C.to watch;to go D.to watch;go ( ) 2.How many trees are there on top of the mountain? ________

A.Nothing B.Nobody C.No one D.None ( ) 3.I wanted to buy a comic book but there was________ left in the shop.

A.one B.none C.no one D.anyone ( )4. _______the pair of glasses _______Mr. Wang’s.

A.May be;is B.Maybe;are C.Perhaps;is D.Perhaps:are ( ) 5.He’d rather_______ vegetables than________ meat for lunch.

A.eat,having B.having,eat C.eat,have D.eats,has ( ) 6.Listen! The song sounds so_________.

A.well B.beautifully C.beautiful D.terribly ( ) 7.Good hobbies can help us________ and make our lives______

A.relaxing,colourful B.relaxing,colour C.relax,colour D.relax,colourful ( )8.When I am playing basketball,there are always lots of girls________.

A.watch me B.watch I C.watching me D.watching I ( ) 9.Alice can’t find her little dog.How________ she looks!

A.happily B.happy C.sad D.sadly ( )10._____of students in the school is over l,000.______of students are from the country. A.The number,A number B.The number,The number C.A number,A number D.A Humber,The number ( ) 11.A good doctor should be_______ to his patients. A.enough patient B.patient enough C.enough active D.active enough ( ) 12.The English exam is not very difficult.But I don’t think_______ can pass it. A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody ( )13.The old photos_________ them_________ the old days when they were young. A.let,to B.make,for C.take,of D.remind,of ( ) 14.The child is too young to_________ himself.

A.wear B.put on C.dress D.dress up ( )15.He has some________ the maths problem.

A.difficulty to work on B.difficulty to work out C.difficulties in working on D.difficulty in working out ( )16.Her grandpa’ s _______made her very_______.

A.died;sad B.died;happy C.death;sad D.death;sadly ( )17.The boring film made me _______.

A.feel bored B.feeling bored C. feel boring D.feeling boring ( )18.Millie,call you give me some _______?

A.advise B.pieces of advices C.advice D.advises ( )19. _______the pair of glasses _______Mr. Wang’s.

A.May be;is B.Maybe;are C.Perhaps;is D.Perhaps:are ( )20.They preferred _______in bed rather than ________ horses.

A.to lie:to ride B.1ying;riding C.to lie;ride D.1ying;ride



1.The____________(气候)in the south is quite different from that in the north. 2.It’s necessary to know something about what the colour_____________(象征) 3.He kept___________(日记)when he was young.

4.It’s impossible to make everyone________________(满意)with the arrangement. 5.When he was young,he_____________(更喜欢)to play with his toy. 6.I don’t think he is acting________________(正常).

7.I don’t want to__________________(影响)you.You must decide for yourself. 8.All the students are_______________(需要,要求)to get to school on time. 9.He made a sudden______________(决定)

10.When we wear trainers,we feel__________(放松)

11. She learned driving without any ____________________ (difficult). 12. Vitamins are essential (必需的) for healthy _________ (grow).

13. In winter air conditioners can make the room more _____________ (comfort). 14. I have a strong ___________ that something terrible is about to happen (feel). 15. Shoes are a ______________ (protect) for the feet.

16. This kind of dictionary is very ________ and they are __________ by many students (use). 17. There is ___________ interesting in today’s newspaper. Let’s watch TV (something). 18. Can you tell me your_______________(think) on this matter?

19.We _______________ (许诺)to give your money back if it doesn’t work. 三、用所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)

1. Tom says that he __________( visit) the Palace Museum the next day. 2. Does this kind of flower require _______________(water) every day? 3. He was let ___________(enter) the room

4. She ____________(live) here since she ____________(leave) college. 5. These new books should ____________( take )good care of. 6. We must get there before it__________(begin) to rain.

7. We ______________(show) around the Science Museum tomorrow. 8. A lot of water_____________(waste) every year. It’s a serious problem.

9. By the end of last term, we ______________(learn) one thousand English words. 三、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31~40各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 A group of adults, highly succeeded in their jobs, went to visit their old professor. Soon they began to __31__ the stress in work and life.

The professor went to the kitchen and returned __32__ a pot of coffee and all kinds of cups — crystal (水晶的), glass, plastic; some nice looking, some plain looking; some __33__, some cheap. And he told them to help __34 __ to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, “I’ve noticed that all the nice looking expensive cups were __35__, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is __36__ for you to take only the best for yourselves, that is the root of your __37__ and stress. You know that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee, what you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, __38__ you consciously went for the best cups.


Now consider this: Life is the coffee. The jobs, money and __39__ in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and the type of cup does not change the quality of our life. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee that God has __40__ us. God offers us the coffee, not the cups. Please enjoy your coffee!”

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make __41__ of everything.

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak __42__. And leave the rest to God. ( ) 31. A. think of B. thank for C. complain about D. drop out ( ) 32. A. for B. at C. in D. with ( ) 33. A. expensive B. ordinary C. strong D. serious ( ) 34. A. them B. themselves C. him D. everyone ( ) 35. A. mixed up B. left C. taken up D. refused ( ) 36. A. normal B. important C. impossible D. necessary ( ) 37. A. thoughts B. failure C. questions D. problems ( ) 38. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( ) 39. A. position B. age C. health D. purpose ( ) 40. A. taught B. provided C. returned D. bought ( ) 41. A. fun B. use C. the best D. the worst ( ) 42. A. kindly B. sadly C. rudely D. seriously



The students were having their ? class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “What's water?”No one spoke for a few minutes.Miss Li asked again,“Why don't you answer my question?Didn't I tell you what water is like?” Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li,you told us that water has no colour and no smell.But where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.”Most of the children agreed With him. “I'm sorry,children.”said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.That's a problem. 1.The students were having their _______ class.

A.English B.Chinese C.chemistry D.maths 2.Miss Li was telling the children what ______ was like.

A.water B.air C.earth D.weather

3.A boy said,“The water in the river behind my house is always _______.”

A.white B.black C.clean D.clear 4.Most of the children _______ the boy.

A.agreed with B.wrote to C.heard from D.sent for

5.The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _______.

A.more and more B.less and less C.cleaner and cleaner D.dirtier and dirtier


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