





6A Unit 1 The king’s new clothes姓名: 一,单词/词组

1. long long ago 很久以前

2. new clothes


3. make new clothes for you 为你制作新衣服 make sth for sb 4. show the king his new clothes给皇帝展示新衣服 show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 5. try on 试穿

try on the coat=try the coat on try it/them on

6. magic clothes 有魔力的衣服 7. walk through步行穿过 9. shout at sb.

8. in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服

对某人大叫 10. laugh at sb. 对某人大笑

12. point at


11. look at 看…. 13. fit well


14. an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔

16. tell a story 讲一个故事


15. a Scottish man 一位苏格兰人 17. say a/one sentence 19. the next sentence 21. tell the boy a story

说一句话 18. on the mountain

下一句话 20. live in the house 住在房子里 给这个男孩讲一个故事 tell sb. sth.


22. it is one’s turn 某人的机会 23. think hard 24. have to 不得不 have to do sth.

25. in front of 在….前面(外部) in the front of 在… 前面 (内部) 26. walk by 路过

27. be nice to sb.


28. look after 照顾 二,句型

29. turn into 变成

1. Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一位国王。 2. The king was happy. 国王很开心。 3. He liked new clothes. 他喜欢新衣服。

4. Two men visited the king. 两个男人拜访了这位国王。 三、练习


1.Three days ago,I (bring)a new bike.

2.I (live) with my grandparents when I was young. 3.The king (not wear) any clothes that day, all the people (point)at him.

4.Long long ago, there (be) many old men in the mountain. 5.Look,the girl is (wear) a nice dress. 2.选择正确答案。

( )1. Long long ago, there a boy called Ma Liang. A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are

( )2. I ________ TV a moment ago. A. watch

B. watched

C. looked D. look

( )3. The teacher the blackboard, then we copied the words. A.point at

B. pointed at C.is pointing at D. points at

( )4. Do you want ________? A. visit the forest

C. to visiting the forest

B. visiting the forest

D. to visit the forest

( )5. Each student one picture. A. draw B. draws C. drawing

D. to drawing

( )6. She usually _______ new clothes his doll. A. makes…with B. make…for

C. makes…for D. make…with

( )7. The lion always walks ______ the forest every day. A. on

B. under

C. through

D. behind

( )8. Were there ________ people in the street? A. some B. any

C. much

D. a

( )9. What ________ beautiful girl! A. /

B an

C. a

D. the

( )10. The shoes are very cool, but they me. A. are fitting

B. fit

C. don’t fit

D. fitted

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