
Unit 6

姓名________ 班级________ 得分________

一、听力理解 (略)

二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )31. There are two parts (部分) in ________ America. And Brazil is in ___________ South America. A. /; a

B. the; / C. /; /

D. an; the

( )32. — Who is talking to you ___________ the phone? — My father. A. for B. on

C. in D. with

( )33. — She __________ looks young at the age (年龄) of 50. — To keep young, she does sports every day. A. still

B. too

C. then D. just

( )34. — What do you want to ______, Betty? — Just some tea, please. A. eat — OK. A. sleep C. sleeps A. any

B. sleeping D. is sleeping

B. study C. drink D. keep

( )35. — Please speak quietly. Your father ____.

( )36. The woman in red is my mom, and the _____ one is my aunt.

B. either C. some D. other

( )37. — Is he ____ a movie on the computer? — No, he is _______ an e-mail. A. watching; writing B. seeing; watching C. reading; writing D. looking; reading

( )38. — The party is tomorrow. I don’t want to _________ it. — Well, after finishing your homework you can go to the party. A. wish C. miss

B. wash D. use

( )39. — What do you think of this soup? — It tastes _______. I like it very much. A. terrible

B. delicious

C. young D. strict

( )40. — Look! Who __________ over there? — Hmm... She’s Lily. A. draw C. drawing — Fifty.


B. draws D. is drawing

( )41. — How many _____ does the USA have?

A. states B. villages C. flags

D. stars

( )42. Mr. King has a _______ of four. And they all live in a big ______. A. family; family B. house; house C. family; house

D. house; family

( )43. — Are you playing the guitar? — _________. I’m playing the violin. A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t ( )44. — When is _______? — It’s on June 1st.

A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’ Day C. Women’s Day D. Mother’s Day ( )45. — __________ — They are playing chess. A. What can they do? B. How are they? C. Where are they?

D. What are they doing?

三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


Mr. Lee comes from Beijing, China. He goes to 46 in 2009. He likes the life there, so he moves (搬家) there in 2012. Now they all get used to (习惯) the life there.

Today is December 24th. And 47 is Christmas Day. The whole family is 48 with Christmas. Mrs. Lee can’t make the dinner very well, but Mr. Lee is good 49 making American food. Look! He is cooking (做饭) in the kitchen. What is Mrs. Lee doing? She is 50 a helper of Mr. Lee. Can you see the girl in a brown coat? She is their daughter. She is 18 years 51 and her name is Molly. She 52 in America. Now she is 53 clothes at home. And the old man on the sofa is Molly’s grandfather. He is 75 years old, but he is 54 in good health. What is he doing? Well, Molly’s grandmother is teaching him 55 to use the Internet. They are really a happy family.

( )46. A. America B. Australia C. China ( )47. A. today ( )49. A. at

( )48. A. friendly B. smart C. noisy

B. with C. to D. for

B. only C. just B. old

C. big

D. also

D. happy

( )50. A. then ( )51. A. young ( )52. A. leaves ( )53. A. doing ( )54. A. over ( )55. A. what

D. busy

D. England

B. tomorrow C. weekend D. weekday

B. uses C. studies D. wishes B. washing

C. shopping D. drinking

D. too D. when

B. still C. well B. where C. how

四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分) 根据下列材料,选择最佳选项。



Dear Fiona,

How are you these days? I am in Beijing for six months. And everything is going well with me. But I am a little busy. My husband (丈夫), Ben, is busy with his work. Every day he gets up at half past six and then goes to work by bus. Usually it takes him about two hours to get to his office (办公室). It’s far from our home. And my child is only two years old. She is too young, so I can’t go to work and have to look after (照顾) her at home.

It’s ten o’clock now. We just finish the dinner. Now Ben is doing the dishes. He is tired (疲劳的), but he still helps me when he gets home. I just tell my girl a story to help her sleep. After writing to you, I need to prepare breakfast for tomorrow morning. And then I can go to sleep.

The day after tomorrow is Saturday. And I’ll go back home then. Wish to see you soon. Yours, Laura

( )56. How long is Laura in Beijing? A. For two years. B. For six months. C. For seven months. D. For two hours.

( )57. How is Laura’s life? A. Happy.

B. Busy.

C. Relaxing.

D. Quiet.

( )58. How does Laura help her daughter sleep? A. By singing a song (歌曲). B. By playing games with her. C. By playing the guitar. D. By telling a story.

( )59. The underlined word “prepare” means “__________” in Chinese. A. 操作 B. 提供 C. 准备 D. 邀请

( )60. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Ben goes to work by bus. B. Ben’s daughter is two years old.

C. Laura doesn’t work and she has to look after her daughter. D. Laura writes this letter on Saturday.


It’s half past three in the afternoon. Many students are playing sports in the playground (操场).

Look! Li Lei is playing basketball with his classmates. Some girls are watching them playing. They look very happy. Li Lei likes playing basketball. He thinks it’s interesting for him to play it. And he is good at it. He is in the school basketball club. And he often teaches his classmates to play basketball. Liu Daming likes soccer. He thinks playing soccer is relaxing. Now he is practicing playing soccer with his friends. He is running with the ball. Next week, they will have a soccer game, so they practice hard (努力地) these days. Some students are taking a walk in the playground. They are walking and talking happily. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking about their studies. The girl in red looks very happy. And she is reading a storybook.

What about the teachers? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with their students. They are really nice teachers.

( )61. What is Li Lei doing?


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