牛津译林版七年级英语下册: Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town单元基础知识测试题


一、1-5CBBCB 6-10DCCBA 11-15BCDBD 16-20DABCB 二、16-20CDABB 21-25DDCDA 三、26-30BDCAD 31-35ABABD

四、36. hotels 37. postcards 38. raising 39.fresh 40.smells 41. ours 42. paintings 43. Western 44. jogging 45. friendly 46. buy for 47. know each other 48. rowing a boat 49.take to 50. Wait a minute

五、51. learn more about miss 52. looking forward to meeting/seeing 53. wonderful place to live 54. hear birds singing 55. drives me to do the shopping

六、56. Travelling 57. Places 58. holds 59. thousand 60. like 61. famous 62. market 63. interesting 64. between 65. each/ every

七、66. one 67. home 68. fun 69. cheap 70. restaurants 71. enjoy 72. eat 73. comfortable 74. Chinese 75. schools

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