人教版高中英语选修6 Unit5 Writing 导学案

Unit5 Writing导学案

学习目标 学习重点 学习难点 learn to write a good composition Learn how to organize a good composition How to use more advanced sentences into a good composition 学生活动 自 导主 入 研 讨 自学展示 1.地点状语+,+主句 /(历史) (分词结构做状语) Located in…, ×××is a city…with a history of… .. .stands at the foot of\\on the top of... 2.面积+人口 (with结构做定语) … …with a population of …. …has a population of…, … is a city with a population of… e.g. (1) Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000. (2) Our school, which takes up 63 thousand square kilometers, is very large in size Some advanced sentences on the screen Students offer more good sentences that can express the same idea Students show their preview and give some advice on how to organize a good composition Complement more points by all the students 合 精作 讲互 与动 点拨 精讲与点拨 3.气候特征(注意表示天气变化的形容词) It is warm all the seasons (warm, dry, cold,sunny, rainy…)四季温暖。 it's like spring all the year round. 四季如春。 People in sp. can enjoy typical tropical climate(典型的热带气候), which is so pleasant that every year, many tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, among which…is the most popular. The average temperature ranges between 23℃ and 39℃. 4.历史和文化名城(with 结构作定语) …has a history of… …with a history of… e.g. China has a history of over 5,000 years. Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history 检 总测 结与 与评 升价 华 第一步:仔细审题 第二步:理清要点 第三步:译写单句 第四步:连句成篇 第五步:检查润色 达标检测题

任务聚焦 写一篇120词左右的短文介绍华山。要点如下: 1. 华山位于陕西省华阴县,是我国著名的五岳(Five Sacred Mountains)之一。 2. 华山有五座山峰,分别为东峰、西峰、南峰、北峰和中峰。 3. 可以步行上山,也可乘索道(ropeway)或缆车(cable car)。

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