


Today my son didn’t feel well and came home from school early. I decided to take him to lunch. On the way, he saw a woman pushing her cart along the street. He said to me, “Ma, she’s wearing baseball cleatsas ____21____ I just wish (夹板)I made enough money to be able to ____22____ a pair of comfortable shoes for ____23____ I see that doesn’t have shoes.”

We drove to a shopping center and he went inside. He ____24____ thought out what he’d get. He ____25____ the most comfortable and the longest lasting shoes that would keep her ____26____ too. He ____27____ two pairs: athlete shoes and also boots for the winter, along with a six pack of socks.

We drove back to find her and give her this ____28____. I had no intention of taking a ____29____ but I was holding my phone as I saw her reach up to ____30____ him. It choked me up and I couldn’t ____31____ that moment. I opened the camera as quickly as I could and ____32____ it. It brought tears to my eyes as he hugged her and then helped her ____33____ the tags and put them on. He quietly got back into the ____34____ and he sat there for a minute or so. When he looked over at me he said, “Ma, today is her birthday. She was so ____35____.”

He didn’t ask questions or talk ____36____ about her situation. He simply ____37____. He took basically one week of his pay and made this lady’s birthday ____38____. I challenge everyone to love a ____39____ with the ____40____ of a child. Show compassion and give what you can. It doesn’t have to be a lot. 21. A. sticks 22. A. buy 23. A. someone 24. A. roughly 25. A. wanted 26. A. cool 27. A. passed 28. A. goods 29. A. seat 30. A. hug 31. A. notice 32. A. aimed 33. A. take off 34. A. shop 35. A. surprised

B. clothes B. sell B. everyone B. quickly B. gained B. warm B. presented B. gift B. place B. touch B. record B. attracted B. take out B. car B. interested

C. bags C. grab C. nobody C. carefully C. left C. pretty C. chose C. decoration C. message C. hold C. describe C. captured C. take over C. station C. pleased

D. shoes D. make D. her D. lately D. guessed D. graceful D. watched D. donation D. picture D. catch D. miss D. fixed D. take down D. cinema D. bored

36. A. positively 37. A. laughed 38. A. meaningless 39. A. stranger 40. A. performance

B. pitifully B. wished B. special B. friend B. behavior

C. honestly C. cared C. true C. relative C. innocence

D. negatively D. worried D. popular D. member D. taste

【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C 【解析】 【分析】

本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了作者和儿子在大街上偶遇一个没有合适鞋子穿的妇女,儿子看到后非常同情,用自己一个星期的薪水为她买了两双鞋和六双袜子并开车送给她的爱心故事。 【21题详解】

考查名词。因为儿子看到一位妇女把棒球的夹板当鞋穿,他只希望他能挣到足够的钱,能买到一双舒适的鞋子给他 看到的没有鞋的人。根据下文可知说的是“鞋子”。A. sticks棍子;B. clothes衣服;C. bags包;D. shoes鞋。故选D。22题详解】

考查动词。因为儿子看到一位妇女把棒球的夹板当鞋穿,他只希望他能挣到足够的钱,能买到一双舒适的鞋子给他看到的没有鞋的人。A. buy买;B. sell卖;C. grab抢;D. make制造。故选A。 【23题详解】

【【24题详解】 【25题详解】 【26题详解】 【27题详解】

选择;D. watched观看。故选C。

考查代词。因为儿子看到一位妇女把棒球的夹板当鞋穿,他只希望他能挣到足够的钱,能买到一双舒适的鞋子给他看到的没有鞋的人。因为有爱心,不仅仅要帮助这一个人“她”,而是“每一个”。A. someone某人;B. everyone每个人;C. nobody没有人;D. her她。故选B。

考查副词。在商店里,他仔细地想他要买什么。A. roughly粗略地;B. quickly快地;C. carefully仔细地;D. lately最近地。买鞋子是经过认真思考过的行为。故选C。

A. wanted想要;B. gained考查动词。因为前边的所见所想,所以他想要买最舒适最耐穿的鞋子给那个刚见到的妇女。赢得;C. left离开;D. guessed猜测。故选A。

考查形容词。根据下文可知,他买了运动鞋和冬天用的靴子,他要用它们先给她保暖。A. cool凉爽的;B. warm温暖的;C. pretty漂亮的;D. graceful优美的。故选B。

A. passed经过;B. presented提出;C. chose考查动词。他选了两双鞋:运动鞋和冬天用靴子,还有六双袜子。呈递;


A. goods货物;B. gift礼物;C. decoration考查名词。我们开车回去找那个妇女,并且把买好的鞋子作为礼物送给她。装饰;D. donation捐赠。故选B。 【29题详解】

A. seat座位;B. place地方;C. message考查名词。我无意拍照,但当我看到她伸出手来拥抱儿子时,我正拿着手机。信息;D. picture照片。故选D。 【30题详解】

考查动词。我无意拍照,但当我看到她伸出手来拥抱儿子时,我正拿着手机。A. hug拥抱;B. touch触摸;C. hold举起;D. catch抓住。故选A。 【31题详解】

A. notice注意到;B. record记录;C. describe考查动词。这么令人感动的画面,我觉得我不能错过,一定要抓拍留念。描述;D. miss错过。故选D。 【32题详解】

考查动词。所以我尽快地打开我的相机,去抓拍这一画面。A. aimed目标是;B. attracted吸引;C. captured获得,抓拍;D. fixed安装。故选C。 【33题详解】

考查动词短语。当看到儿子帮她把商标取下,把新鞋子给穿上时,我不禁感到得流泪了。A. take off脱下,脱掉;B. take out取出;C. take over接管;D. take down记下。故选A。 【34题详解】

考查名词。因为上文提到是开车回去找她,所以现在儿子应该是静静地回到车里坐着,让自己平静下来。A. shop商店;B. car汽车;C. station车站;D. cinema电影院。故选B。 【35题详解】

考查形容词。因为今天是那个妇女的生日,她收到了意外的给她带去温暖的礼物,所以她是很高兴的。A. surprised吃惊的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. pleased高兴的;D. bored烦恼的。故选C。 【36题详解】

A. positively积极地;B. pitifully考查副词。儿子并没有对她境遇说些消极的话。因为他只是很关心这样境遇的人。可怜地;C. honestly诚实地;D. negatively消极地。故选D。 【37题详解】

考查动词。儿子并没有对她的境遇说些消极的话。因为他只是很关心这样境遇的人,只想帮助他们。A. laughed笑;B. wished希望;C. cared关心;D. worried担忧。故选C。 【38题详解】

考查形容词。他基本上花了一个星期的薪水去使这个妇女的生日变得很特别。A. meaningless无意义的;B. special特殊的;C. true真实的;D. popular受欢迎的。故选B。

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