2020届高三《新题速递·英语》12月第03期 (考点03完形填空)

60. A. determined B. generous C. selfless D. devoted

【答案】41-45 BDBCC 46-50 DABCD 51-55 ADBAC 56-60 DBAAC


41. B. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据第一段讲到befriend an enemy, 与敌人交朋友,所以应该是挽救了对手的生命。

42. D. 考查动词短语和上下文语境。根据后文他完成比赛,可知比赛如常开始。 43. B. 考查连词和上下文语境。根据前文他已经完成接力,“当”他在休息的时候。

44. C. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,他忽然“发现,注意到”旁边泳道的男孩正溺水了。 45. C. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文Xavier Staubs跳进水里救他,可知这个男孩“溺水”了。 46. D. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据后文Xavier dived back into the pool,可知他“毫不犹豫”地去救人了。 47. A. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据语境可知,他把溺水的男孩拖到了安全的地方。 48. B. 考查副词和上下文语境。考查根据后文可知,他能自己呼吸了,可知是“幸运地”。

49. C. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,国会议员特地来表扬他,可知他救人的行为是“英勇的”。 50. D. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文议员将他把他的事迹载入国会议事录中,可知议员对他的行为非常“赞赏,认可”。

51. A. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据前文可知,议员来到Xavier Staubs的学校,“授予,颁发”奖励给他。 52. D. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据前文议员给予的赞扬,Xavier Staubs的行为是收到“表扬”的。 53. B. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据前文提到的“bad outcomes”可知,我们通常听说的都是不好的结局,“令人悲伤的”事情。

54. A. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据前文Xavier Staubs救人的故事可知,他树立了一个良好的“榜样”。 55. C. 考查连词短语和上下文语境。根据前文可知,Xavier Staubs和被救的男孩是对手关系,但“尽管”是对手,他们依然帮助对方。

56. D. 考查副词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,“但是”Xavier Staubs的母亲对他的行为已经习以为常。 57. B. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,因为对他的行为已经习惯,因此一点也不“惊讶”。 58. A. 考查动词与上下文语境。根据前文可知,他母亲的直觉告诉她Xavier Staubs与发生的事情“有关”。 59. A. 考查动词与上下文语境。根据后文可知,他母亲用她祖母养育孩子的方式“养育”她儿子。 60. C. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据前文可知,Xavier Staubs挽救对手的行为是“无私的”。




At the age of 20, Bryan joined the army. He was driving a car when a roadside bomb 41 . As a result, Bryan lost his left hand and both legs. Several days later, Bryan 42 in a hospital with his mother by his side. It was in that 43 that his mother said the words that 44__ showed the course for the rest of his life. She said, “You know you have basically two 45__ here, right?” He said, “Yes. Move on — or roll over and die.” She 46 , “And you’re going to...” To it he replied, “Move on.”

While in physical 47 , Bryan noticed that the patients who were making progress were the ones who 48 their injuries and worked hard to move forward. From the start, Bryan 49_ himself; he refused to let his 50 prevent him from living life. The 51 of learning to use his prostheses(假肢)was a long and 52 journey, but his mother and friends were there to __53 him.

Today, Bryan lives a 54 life and is a motivational speaker. In his 55 time, he loves to snowboard, skateboard and 56 time on his motorcycle. Bryan’s story is a powerful __57 that we too can overcome our limitations. We mustn’t let them stop us from 58__ forward but push ourselves to rise above and experience the 59 of possibilities. We all have our limitations. 60 , if you believe you can overcome them, you will. 41. A. went off B. blew out C. fell apart D. picked up 42. A. sighed B. awoke C. recovered D. laid 43. A. challenge B. cycle C. hospital D. attempt 44. A. casually B. anxiously C. frequently D. accurately 45. A. aims B. positions C. levels. D. choices 46. A. responded B. requested C. debated D. glanced 47. A. test B. treatment C. pain D. confusion 48. A. hid B. avoided C. accepted D. examined 49. A. pushed B. dressed C. comforted D. spotted 50. A. parents B. injury C. error D. relief 51. A. resource B. atmosphere C. process D. stage 52. A. sympathetic B. significant C. disturbing D. difficult 53. A. encourage B. understand C. approach D. entertain 54. A. tiring B. satisfying C. wealthy D. simple 55. A. little B. limited C. free D. valuable 56. A. kill B. save C. speed D. enjoy 57. A. reminder B. instruction C. competence D. fortune 58. A. skipping B. moving C. spreading D. skating 59. A. harm B. origin C. power D. exception 60. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Instead D. However



(7)成都七中 高 2020届成都市一诊模拟考试

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mirai Nagasu had already lived at least two lifetimes in the sport of figure skating(花样滑 冰)when she showed up in Colorado Springs in March 2014. After 41 her only national title at 14 in 2008 and finishing a 42 fourth at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Nagasu’s 43 turned,

dramatically. A couple of rough 44 followed, then she came back to finish third at the 2014 U.S. nationals before the Sochi Olympics, only to be 45 from the U.S. team by a committee in favor of fourth-place finisher Ashley Wagner.

Nagasu was ____ 46 ___ . Tt was awful, she said. T was very close to ______ 47 _ 1 She trained hard every day in Southern California 48 she was needed as the first alternate.

She was not. Looking for a change of scenery, she ____ 49 to go to Colorado to visit her friend Agnes and try to 50 what to do with the rest of her life. It was there that Nagasu 51 the Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek, who she asked if he would ___________________ 52 ___ her. It turned out that the 53 to what Nagasu wanted to do with the rest of her life, couldn't have been __ 54 . She kept on skating. “The new environment really 55 .”At their __________________ 56 ___ first lesson together, Zakrajsek told her, “You can do triple axel(三圈半跳跃). ”“I _______________ 57 ___ ,”Nagasu said, “and I want to. ”Undoubtedly, she mastered it.

Nagasu, now 24, an age by which young ___58 ___ have often left the sport. ___ 59 _ ,she continued. She was headed to Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic to perform in the women's free skate. Her efforts finally 60 .


41. A. writing 42. A. tiring 43. A. fortunes 44. A. months 45. A. dropped 46. A. impressed 47. A. fighting 48. A. now that 49. A. decided 50. A. let out 51. A. searched 52. A. marry 53. A. key 54. A. simpler 55. A. adapted 56 .A. very 57. A. must 58. A. alternates 59. A. Therefore 60. A. came true B. breaking B. boring B. interest B. decades B. escaped B. inspired B. falling B. in case B. refused B. figure out B. met B. blame B. approach B. harder B. helped B. just B. can B. teenagers B. Besides B. counted on C. losing C. surprising C. career C. weeks C. absent C. desperate C. drowning C. for fear that C. regretted C. look for C. changed C. save C. answer C. worse C. mattered C. already C. should C. women C. Otherwise C. paid off D. winning D. terrifying D. temper D. years D. forbidden D. fascinated D. quitting D. on condition that D. demanded D. put forward D. attracted D. coach D. entrance D. higher D. benefited D. ever D. may D. coaches D. Instead D. picked up


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Regardless of the weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.

A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson has been 21 free rides to college students for the past eight years. Since he first started 22 his car to the young people. Wilson has 23 an astonishing 64,000 miles, and has had countless pleasant and often humorous 24 with the students he transports to and from school. The students who he's 25 have gone on to become physicians, teachers and engineers, but what they've also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson. Some students 26 call him \

Tina Stern 27 rides from Wilson for all her four years in college, and the trips meant much more to her than just free 28 . \ 29 silence or with your headphones on.\

30 the answers, so the next time you ride with him, he'll 31 those things.\


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