

七年级上Unit7 基础知识周周清1


1.______(短袜)______(鞋子)______(短裤)______(长裤)______(眼镜)等都是由不可分割的两个部分组成的一个物品,通常以_______形式出现。此类词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;但当它们与a pair of/pairs of (一双、一对或一副)连用作主语时,谓语动词谓语动词要根据量词pair的单复数来确定。

My shoes______(be) under the bed. That pair of shorts______(be) Jack’s. Those pairs of shoes______(be) Mary’s.

2. how much可用来询问_______________,其句型结构为“How much + be +主语?”,意为“……多少钱?”,其中be动词的形式由主语决定。回答该问句时,用It’s ...或They’re ...。询问物品的价格还可用句型“What’s the price of ...?”。使用这一句型时,不管所询问的物品是单数还是复数,be动词都用is,其答语用It’s ...。 How much______(be) the bread? How much______(be)the tomatoes What______(be) the price of the quilt? What______(be) the price of these bananas?

知识延伸:How much不仅可以价格,也可以询问数量的多少,后面直接不可数名词。例如:How much water do you need?你需要多少水。 3.基数词表达

1) one到twelve,拼写和读音无规律。

2) thirteen到nineteen,“十几”,在个位数后加后缀-teen,注意thirteen, fifteen和eighteen。

3) twenty到ninety,“几十”,以ty结尾,注意twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty。 4) 21~29直到91~99,“几十几”, 用整十位数加个位表示, 中间用连字符“-” 把十位和个位连接起来。

5) one hundred “一百”,也可说 a hundred, 可加具体数字,如nine hundred (900)。此时, hundred要用单数。

2. 基数词用法:基数词只能修饰可数名词,要注意数词和名词在数上要保持一致。如:

一名老师_______________ 两名男孩_______________ 17个学生_______________

二十个苹果_______________ 三十三个鸡蛋_______________ 49个杯子____________ 3. sale & sell

sale词性是_______, 含义为___________, 常用搭配: 减价销售___________= ________



__________________表示“把某物卖给某人或某地”__________________表示“以……价格销售某物” 一、选择题:

( )1.My sister often_____my mom do the chores after school.

A.will help B.help C.helps D.is helping

( )2.﹣I ____ football quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the new year?

A.play B.have played C.played D.will play

( )3.We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ ¥50 each.

A.in, at B.at, in C.in, for D.at, for

( )4.This pair of shorts ______Eric's.

A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )5.Look!Some apples ______ on the table.Some bread ______ in the bag.

A.are,are B.is,are C.is,is D.are,is

( )6.﹣Does the bookstore ________ math books?﹣Yes.Do you want to ________ one?

A.sell; buy B.sell; sell C.buy; buy D.buy; sell

( )7.﹣﹣﹣Your coat is very beautiful.﹣﹣﹣_________.

A.Thanks B.All right C.OK D.You're welcome.

( )8.﹣The T﹣shirt is only ten dollars.﹣I'll ________it.

A.buy B.take C.sale D.sell

( )9.﹣How much these pants?﹣__ten dollars.

A.is;It's B.are;They're C.is;They're D.are;They

( )10.Her daughter is .

A.eight B.eight year C.eights D.eights years

( )11.We have all socks very good prices.

A.on B.in C.at D.for

( )12.Do you need shoes sports?

A.to B.at C.in D.for

( )13.They have white T﹣shirts ________ girls.

A.to B.of C.for

( )14.﹣Can I help you?﹣__.I want a hat.

A.No,please don't B.Yes,please C.You're welcome D.I'm


( )15.This T﹣shirt is very cheap.I'll it. A.want B.go C.take D.bring 二. 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。

1. In Picture C, you can see three fruit _________(store). 2. Sally always _________(buy) an ice-cream after school. 3. Can you _________(sell) your model plane to me? 4. Eric and Dave are English _________(boy).

5. Sure, you can get nice food at good _________(price) here.


sweater, boy, sale, small, sell

Hello, my friends! I'm Leo Black. I'm an English big (1)__________. I have a store. It's (2)__________ but it's nice. For boys, I have sports bags. I only

(3)__________ them for $2. For girls, I have red, green and yellow (4)__________. Now they're on (5)__________. You can get them only for one dollar. Come here and find your favorites (最喜欢的东西).

much, be, dollar, egg, bread

Hi, my friends! Welcome to Blue Moon. In it, you can see some nice food. First, you can see some fruit (1)_________. It's only $1. These (2)_________ are not dear (昂贵的). They're only $3. How (3)_________ is the vegetable salad? It's 2

(4)_________. What about these bananas? Hm, they (5)_________ $1.2. Come and get your nice food!

四、假如你经营一个名为Dale’s Store的文具店,请根据下表内容提示用英语写一则促销广告。70词左右,可适当发挥。

School things Colors Price

rulers white 2 yuan pencil boxes notebooks erasers blue; red purple yellow 11 yuan 3 yuan 1 yuan for two

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