
What are their jobs?

他们的工作是什么?他们从事什么职业? 他们是警察。

They are police officers. Unit 6 Dream Jobs

You are very good at music. What do you want to be? I want to be a taxi driver.

你擅长音乐。 你想要成为什么?

我想要成为一名出租车司机。 歌手能让人们感到快乐。 你要成为一名科学家? 是的。


Singers can make people feel happy. Will you be a scientist? Yes, I will.

No, I want to be a PE teacher.

Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Where are the teachers’ offices? They are on the 6th floor.

教师办公室在哪里? 它们在六楼。

你们很快就要学习化学了。 历史将会是我最喜爱的科目。

You will lean chemistry soon.

History will be my favorite subject. Unit 8 Farewell

Why not make a year book?


Why not invite her parents to the party? 为什么不邀请她的家长来参加派对? Why not make a DVD for our class? Do you remember this photo? We gave her a rabbit.

为什么不为我们班级做一张DVD? 你还记得这张照片吗? 我们给了她一只兔子。


一、根据汉语完成下列单词 1. 胖的___________ 2. 重的___________ 4. 功课___________ 5. 工作___________ 7. 亲吻___________ 8. 药___________ 10. 瘦的___________ 11. 轻的___________

13. 不适___________ 14. 学习___________ 16. 想念___________

17. 历史___________


d__ __ __ __ __

n__ __ __ __

w__ __ __er s__ __ __ __ __ __

police__ __ __ __ __ __ __ d __ __ __ __ __


c__ __p __ __ __er

3. 携带___________ 6. 听见___________ 9. 街道___________ 12. 不久___________ 15. 地址___________ 18. 地址___________

d__ __ __ __ __

f__ __ __ __ __

f__ __ __ __

l__ __



__ __ __sics

三.根据提示(中文意思、首字母、图片)完成下列单词 中文提示

1. I traveled _____________ (沿着)the Yangtze River.

2. I had a lot of fun in the winter vacation. I ____________(爬) a famous mountain. 3. I went___________(回来)to my hometown.

4. Did you see the ________ and __________ Festival?(冰雪节) Yes, I did. 5. ____________ (给…. 看)me the photo, please. 6. I ___________(希望) I can go back to school. 7. What a________________!(多么令人惊讶!) 8. She is my ______________ (表姐).

9. Sally will go to _______________ _______________ (中学) in the USA. 10. Why not make a ____________ ______________?(毕业纪念册)

11. Where are the _______________ _____________(教师办公室)? They are on the 1st floor, 首字母提示

12. We can help him with his l____________. 13. The basket is heavy. Let me c_____________ it. 14. This box is not h______________. It’s light.

15. I am w______________ about my lessons. Don’t worry.

16. I can h______________ you with your English. 17. O_____________ your mouth and say ‘ah’.

18. You have a fever. You m_____________ go to school.

19. You are ill. You must drink a d ___________ of water. I will give you some m________________.

20. What’s the d_____________ today? It’s Sunday.

21. I will give her a big k___________ and say I l____________ you. 22. They have a farm. They can g_____________ corn. 23. Singers often w______________ on holidays.

24. Doctors can make people s_________________ and h__________________. 25. That’s Edison. He is a great i________________.

图片提示 26.

Look at this man.

Look at the snowman.

He is __________ and __________. It is ____________ and _____________. 27.

I can _________ you with your _______. 28. What’s ___________ with you? I have a ______________. I can_______you with your _________.

I have a _____________.

I have a ______________.


You mustn’t______ the_________.


I have a ______________.

You mustn’t ______ in the________.

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