英语人教版六年级下册unit 3 part A Let's talk

Unit 3 Where did you go? 教学设计(Period 1) 一、教材内容分析

本课是六年级上册第三单元第一课时对话课。通过Amy去John的家探望受伤的John, John分享在五一假期照片的情景,呈现核心句型Where did you go …? What did you do ?能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够在语境中理解生词fell off ,Labour Day ,mule, Turpan , could , till。通过对话学习了解新疆的风土人情,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演;能够在情景中恰当运用由where 和what引导的一般过去式特殊疑问句。


学生在整个小学的英语学习中,已对一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时以及一般过去时有了一定的了解,通过本节课的学习能进一步掌握一般过去时。通过学习能恰当运用本课所学核心句型Where did you go …? What did you do? 描述过去发生的事情。学生对时态的句型结构已有初步的理解,但在语境中运用还不够熟练。


1. 知识目标

能够本单元核心句型:Where did you go …? 和What did you do ? 的语义以及语用情景。

2. 能力目标


(2)能够在语境中理解fell off, Labour Day, mule.




1. 学生能够本单元核心句型:Where did you go …? 和What did you do? 的语义以及语用情景。




(一)Warm up

1. free talk

T: What did you do yesterday ?

S: I ……


What day was it ?

S: It was May 1st.

T: Oh, May 1st is the Labour Day. Can you guess, what did I do last Labour Day holiday?

S: Went boating. / Saw a film. / Rode a bike …

T: Maybe.(PPT 出示上个劳动节所做的事情)

T: I did many things over the Labour Day holiday. Now let’s see.



T: How about you ?

I ….

How do you think about your Labour Day holiday ?

S: It was interesting/boring/OK/fun/too bad/busy …



S:He hurt his foot.

2.John showed the photos to Zhang Peng. Guess? What did John do on the trip?

John was at home. Zhang Peng called him on phone. What happened to John ?(观察图片,猜测)。

3.T: What about John and Amy? John answered a phone call from Amy. What are they talking about?(听音,完成Let’s try)

设计意图:整合教材Let’s try板块作为导入,以培养学生的思维能力,并为Let’s talk的输入做好铺垫。

2. Listen and read

(1)Watch the vedio.(整体感知,带着问题听对话)

②Where did John go over his holiday?

③What did he do?


(2)answer the questions.


(4).理解rode a horse ,比较horse ,mule,理解looks like

(5)出示新疆吐鲁番图片,what can you see there ?We can see lots of grapes there .Did John eat grapes there ?Why ?引导学生,帮助学生理解till意义。

(4)listen and repeat.


Read the dialogue.

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