
人教版小学六年级英语下册unit4 my holiday单元测试卷


一、【四会词汇】写出下列单词的过去式及汉语意思。(44分) 1.learn 2.sing 3.dance 4.eat 5.take 6.climb 7.have 8.buy 9.row 10.see 11.get

二、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语。(10分) 1.中文;汉语__________ 2.和__________ 3.好的__________ 4.礼物__________ 5.小船__________ 6.大象__________ 7.怎么;如何__________ 8.去滑雪__________ 9.去滑冰__________ 10.仅余的__________

三、【二会词汇】给英文单词选出正确的汉语意思或写出完整形式。(18分) ( )1.cousin ( )2.miss ( )3.leave ( )4.relax ( )5.prepare

A.想念 B.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 C.准备 D.放松 E.离开 6.I'll(完整形式)____________

四、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(28分) ( )1.What did you do on your holiday? ( )2.I ate good food.

( )3.Where did you go on your holiday?

( )4.I went to Xinjiang. ( )5.I bought presents. ( )6.How did you go there? ( )7.I went by train. A.我乘火车去的。 B.我去过新疆。 C.你怎么去的那里? D.假期里你做过什么? E.假期你去过哪里? F.我吃好吃的食物。 G. 我买了礼物。

综合全练全测 听力部分(40分)

一、听音,将下列短语用字母(A~F)排序。(12分) 1.make a snowman 2.go to Canada

( ) ( )

3.go skiing 4.play ping-pong

( ) ( )

5.last trip 6.learn English

( ) ( )


1.Tomorrow I am going to ______ ______ ______. 2.A:______ did you ______on your holiday? B:I went to Hong Kong.

3.I went to Zhejiang ______ ______.

4.We ______ ______ ______ ______ on our holiday. 三、听音,完成对话。(6分)

Teacher:________________1.________________ Sarah:______________2.______________ Mike:______________3.______________ 笔试部分(60分)


( )1.A.read B.bread C.easy ( )2.A.study B.us C.excuse ( )3.A.cook B.good C.food ( )4.A.fish B.hiking C.little ( )5.A.fly B.sky C.busy 五、火眼金睛,选一选。(8分) ( )1.I______good food on my holiday.

A.ate B.eats C.eated

( )2.______Friday we went to a park.

A.At B.In C.On

( )3.I______a teacher. She______a nurse.They______doctors.

A.am;is;is B.am;is;are C.is;am;are

( )4.People______by plane many years ago.

A.don't travel B.didn't travel C.travelled

( )5.—What did you see?

—I______many flowers.

A.see B.seed C.saw

( )6.______1998 I went to Shenyang.

A.On B.At C.In

( )7.______did you go there?

A.What B.Where C.How

( )8.—What is your mother doing?


A.washes B.is washing C.washs


1.My sister ______ (buy) presents for me last week.

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