牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)学案:9A Unit4 Growin

9A Unit4 Growing up Task

班级:_______ 姓名:_______


1. 学会如何描述人物及其事迹。

2. 完成一篇对自己人生影响最大的人物的短文。 【学习重点、难点】

学会如何描述人物及其事迹。 【学习过程】



二:Read the article on P60 and answer some questions: 1. Who has influened her in her Iife? 2. What does her father look like?

3. What is special about her father?

4. What has her father done?Give one or two examples.

5. What does she think of her father?


1、in his fifties 6、医学研究 2、care for 7、关心 3、in need 8、有一颗充满爱的心 4、to one’s surprise 9、献血

5. full of 10、对我影响最大的人

二、课堂学习研讨 知识点讲解:

1. “in one’s + 整十的数词的复数”,可以表示处于相应的年龄段

in one’s fifties ,“在某人五十几岁时” in one’s teens “在某人十多岁时”

in one’s __________/_________/_________ “在某人二十几岁/三十几岁/四十几岁…时. After working hard for years, Jim became the CEO of a company in his____________ (fifty). in the 1980s “在二十世纪八十年代” 读成: in the nineteen eighties “在二十世纪九十年代” 写成:__________________________________ 读成:____________________________________

2. to one’s surprise “使某人惊讶的是” to one’s great surprise______________________ to one’s joy _____________________ to one’s great joy _________________________

in surprise “惊讶地” 令我们很惊讶的是,她居然按时到达了, _______ ________ _______ _______, she arrived there on time. 他转过头来,惊讶地看着我。

He turned around and looked at me __________ _________. 课堂检测 一:词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. It’s (not usual or common ) for the trees to flower so early . 2. The present filled his wife with (惊奇) .

3. The dog’s (the end of the life) made her very sad. 4. He spent his spare time doing _____________ (研究) in Moscow . 5. My mother is the person who has i ___________ me most. 6. Many people don’t have the money for m treatment. 7. All of us were s that such a little girl spoke English so well. 8. Yao Ming is s in his basketball career.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The woman seems to be in her ________________ (forty). 2. You have some pocket money _______________ (leave).

3. Wang Liang has decided (donate) books to the poor children. 4. We can’t afford (buy) a new house.

5. I’m sure that you’ve made a wrong (decide).

6. The blood my brother has donated is enough (save) at least 20 lives. 7. — Did you hear anything (usual) in the next door ? — No , I was chatting online with friends . 二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 我爸爸四十多岁。

My father is . 2. 吴老师是对我影响最深的人。

Mr Wu is the person ______ _________ _________ most . 3. 现在我明白爸爸有一副热心肠 。

Now I realize that my father has a heart . 4. 让我们惊讶的是,约翰解决了这个问题。

, John has worked out the problem . 5. 自1990年以来,我爸爸已捐过许多次钱了。

My father money since 1990 . 三:以“The person who has influenced me most”为题,写一篇90字的短文。


祖父出生于二十世纪三十年代,他虽然是个普通人(an ordinary person),但他却能使周


The person who has influenced me most


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课后巩固

一、用 before, after,when, while,since,till,until, as soon as,whenever填空: 1. Henry is always in charge of(负责) the office_____________ Mr. Smith is away. 2. I listen to the recorder ______________I have time

3. He had learned some Chinese ____________he came to China.

4. _____________ the work was done, we sat down to sum up(总结) experience. 5. I haven’t seen him ______________ he moved to the other side of the town 6. I waited _______________ he came back.

7. ____________he took off his eyeglasses, I didn’t recognize (认出) him. 8. He cleans his office first________________ she starts to work.

9. The thieves(小偷) ran away _______________they caught sight of (看见)the police. 10. They decided to go back home _____________ their money ran out. 二、根据汉语完成句子:

1. 你有没有发现有什么异常之处?

Did you find _________ ________________ ?

2. 我父亲在他四十多岁时把他的血细胞捐给了患血癌的人。

_________ ___________ ______________, my father donated his __________ __________ to people __________ _________ _________. 3. 使我很惊讶的是,他已经决定在他死后捐献遗体供医学研究。

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