

蚃 Run in hole (RIH) Pull out of hole (POOH) Make up (M/U) 蚂下钻 起钻 荿 羈 蒅上扣 上提 倒扣 下放 变扣 防喷器 井下安全阀 滑套 总垂直深度 井深/斜深 随钻测量 随钻录井 钻铤 钻杆 加重钻杆 造斜点 方钻杆转盘补芯 防磨补芯 套管 油管 告诉水充填 电缆 过电缆封隔器 紧急关闭 外径 内径 膨胀式筛管 马力 Pick up (P/U) Back off (B/O) Slack off (S/O) Crossover (X/O)? Blowout preventer (BOP) Subsurface safety valve (SSSV) Sliding side door (SSD) = Sliding sleeve Total vertical depth (TVD) Measured depth (MD) Measurements while drilling (MWD) Logging while drilling (LWD) Drill collar (DC) Drill pipe (DP) High weight drill pipe (HWDP) Kick off point (KOP) Rotation kelly bushing (RKB) Wear bushing (WB) Casing (CSG) Tubing (TBG) High rate water pack (HRWP) Wire line (W/L) Electrical submersible pump (ESP) Emergency shut down (ESD) Outside diameter (OD) Inside diameter (ID) Expandable sand screen (ESS) Horse power (HP) 石油英语(修井打捞)

milling tool overshot spear pin tap taper tap watercut retrieving tool magnet spiral grapple basket grapple drilling assembly fishing fishing job fishing?tools junk basket fishing jars fishing bumper?sub back?off die?collar overshot saftty joint milling?tool drilling troubles lost circulation 磨铣工具 打捞筒 打捞矛 公锥 母锥 水力切割 回收工具 磁铁 螺旋卡瓦 篮式卡瓦 钻具组合 打捞 打捞作业 打捞工具 打捞蓝 打捞震击器 打捞缓冲器 倒扣 打捞卡瓦 打捞筒 安全接头 铣具/磨鞋 井下事故 井漏 drag Twist off Cave in drilling working instruction Pull out of hole run?in the hole trip short?trip wiper trip openning reaming deviation?survry Completion Multiple completion Gun perforation lay?down setting? slip pulling? slip stand-by weather wait?on weather wait?on latching elevator unlatching elevator change?bit unloading life raft lifboat alarm anchor bed storm typhoon error contract exploration panel recorder power?source 遇阻 脱扣 坍塌 钻进 作业指令 起钻 下钻 起下钻 短起下钻 通井 扩眼 划眼 井斜测量 完井 多层完井 射孔完井 甩 放卡瓦 起卡瓦 待机 气候 等气象 等指令 扣吊卡 开吊卡 换钻头 卸船 救生筏 救生艇 警报 锚 床 风暴 台风 误差 合同 勘探 面板 记录仪 电源 开关 钻孔 zone of lost circulation 漏失层 to stop lost circulation 堵漏 lost circulation material 堵漏剂 kick detonation cord,geoflex string shot backoff kick control blow out pit drill fire drill abandoned drill killing a well kill line sticking free piont calculating free piont defferential pressure sticking 井涌 爆炸索 爆震松扣 控制井涌 井喷 防喷演习 消防演习 弃船演习 压井 压井管线 卡钻/被卡 自由点 breakouting by explosion 爆炸松扣 计算卡点深度 switch 压差卡钻 boring key?seat key?seating? sticking bottom?fill sand?bridge over?pulling 键槽 键槽卡钻 沉砂 砂桥 遇卡 pollution stand-by boat die die stock barge?engineer 污染 值班船 牙板 牙板架 平台工程师 石油英语(海上用语)

joint pup joint stand offshore helicopter platform living quarters driller assist driller tool pusher supervisor glove footware helmet RIH BHA mud pump flashlight hook kelly kelly up kelly down pick up weight? slack off weight drift tong back up tong elevator slip flange size motor HWDP(heavy weight drill pipe) torque diesel side pocket mandrel 单根 短节 立柱 海上 直升机 平台 生活区 司钻 副钻 队长 监督 手套 工鞋 安全帽 下钻 井下工具组合 泥浆泵 手电筒 大钩 方钻杆 方余 放入 上提悬重 下放悬重 通井/通径 大钳 背钳 吊卡 钻杆卡瓦 法兰大小 马达 加重钻杆 扭矩 柴油 偏心工作筒 loosen make up break out calibration kill the well production daily production oil reservoir gas? reservoir well cleaning fracturing sand trouble swabbing drilling rig contractor Aviation fuel washer adapter sub gear clamp shaft spring screw support cover socket spare? parts supervisor interpreter drilling? crew drilling? toreman tool pusher driller assistant drilling 放松 上扣 卸扣 刻度 压井 生产 日产量 油层 气层 洗井 压裂 砂堵 抽吸 钻井船 承包商 航空油 洗衣机 接头 短接 牙轮 卡子 轴 弹簧 螺钉 支架 外壳 插座 备件 监督 翻译 钻井队员 钻井队长 钻井技师 司钻 副钻

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