上海牛津沪教版初一上学期7A-2016学年-闵行区-期末真题 答案


Part 1略 Part 2 I.

26-30 CDBAC 31-35 BBBAD 36-40 BBCBA 41-43 BDC

II. 44-48 DEFAC

III. 49.twelfth 50.churches 51.regularly 52.decorate 53.nationality 54.least IV. 55.doesn’t or 56.Has found 57.What are 58.prefers to 59.Both and 60. We get the frozen fish in refrigerated trucks to the shops. Part 3

A. 61-66 CDBDDA B. 67-72 AADCBC

C. 73.at 74.later 75.landed 76. Special 77.back 78.matters D. 79.over a hundred years ago. 80. Yes, it did.

81. It carried goods such as silk, tea and a number of presents from the Chinese people for the English people. 82. The Chinese had learned how to make good boats and sail them well. 83. Any reasonable answer is ok.

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