
A. old B. new C. broken 【答案】C

【解析】句意:- 几点了? 我的手表坏了。- 这是十点差一刻。A.旧的B.新的C.坏了,如果说sth is/are broken,就说明某物是坏了,所以看不了时间了,如果手表只是旧了应该还是能看时间的,故选C。 10. -- _______, or you won’t do well in your lessons. -- OK. I will. A. Don’t work hard B. Work hard C. Hard work 【答案】B

【解析】句意:-努力工作,否则你就不会在学业上表现得好。- 好的。我会的。A.不要努力工作B.努力工作C.努力的工作,祈使句+or+简单句表示如果不怎么样会发生什么事情,这里是说如果不努力就会表现不好,排除A,祈使句需要用动词原形开头,排除C,故选B。

11. People in different countries behave _______ when they eat dinner. A. difference B. different C. differently 【答案】C


12. Miss Li lost her purse at my home. Please _______. A. give it to her B. give her it C. give it her 【答案】A

【解析】句意:李小姐在我家里丢了钱包。 请把它给她。give sb sth=give sth to sb意为“把…给某人”,但若双宾语部分都是代词,如本题her,it 都是人称代词,这时两个代词不能连用,也就是说不可以说give her it,要使用另一个结构give it to her,故选A。

点睛:本题考查到了双宾语结构,不仅需要记牢结构,还要注意代词不能连用的现象,也就是说不能说give her it 要说成give it to her。这里总结一些高频的双宾语结构:bring sb.sth.=bringsth.to sb.把某物带给某人;buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物;give sb.sth=give sth to sb.给某人


某物;hand sb.sth.=hand sth.to sb.把某物递给某人;pass sb.sth.=pass sth.to sb.把某物递给某人;send sb.sth.=send sth.to sb.把某物送给某人;show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.拿某物给某人看;tell sb.sth.=tell sth.to sb.告诉某人某情况。

13. -- My friends and I are going out for a picnic tomorrow. -- _________ A. My pleasure. B. Have a good time! C. Help yourselves. 【答案】B

【解析】句意:- 我和我的朋友明天出去野餐。-玩得开心!A.我的荣幸。B.玩得开心!C. 请自便。对方表明要去玩耍,外出的话,通常要表示祝福,祝对方玩的开心,My pleasure.是用来回答谢谢的,Help yourselves 是用来表示请对方自便的,均不合适。故选B。

14. If you are caught smoking in the kitchen, you ______ by your boss. A. will fire B. are fired C. will be fired 【答案】C

【解析】句意:如果你在厨房里被抓到吸烟,你就会被老板开除。你只能“被开除”,所以需要使用被动语态be done,如果主句是将来时,那么if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,这是主将从现的用法,本题中从句是说如果被抓到抽烟的话,用了一般现在时,那么主句用一般将来时,表示“你将会被开除”,所以用一把将来时的被动语态,will be done,故选C, 15. -- Excuse me. Is it my turn now?

-- Not yet. Please wait outside ________ your name is called. A. until B. since C. so 【答案】A

【解析】句意:- 打扰一下。 轮到我了吗?- 还没。请在外面等直到你的名字被叫到。A.直到B.自从C.所以。until用于肯定句中,意为“到…为止”,表示动作一直持续到所说时间为止,本句就是说“到名字被叫到为之,请一直等待”,前半句和后半句中不存在因果关系,排除C,也没有表示“自从”的意味,排除B,故选A。




One hot afternoon, a poor farmer was digging his field. Suddenly, his spade (铲) hit something. It was a big metal___16___which was big enough to boil rice for more than one hundred people. \does not seem to be of any use to me. I will dig___17___. Maybe I will find something else,\thought the farmer. He___18___to dig.

Feeling tired, he threw the spade into the pot and sat under a tree to___19___. When he got up to leave, he could not___20___his eyes. There were one hundred spades in the pot. What a___21___pot!

After that, he put a___22___into the pot. Then he found one hundred mangoes in the pot.___23___ that pot, he became a rich man. The King came to know of the pot,___24___he was very greedy (贪婪的). “I want to find out the___25___of the magical pot. If it is valuable, it should be___26___, \pot.

The King___27___the pot and did not know what to do. He thought, \this pot that makes this pot so magical?\滑) and___28___inside the pot. After climbing up out of the magical pot, he was___29___to find that there were one hundred Kings. All the Kings then___30___among themselves and died. This magical pot has killed the King himself!

16. A. bottle B. bowl C. plate D. pot 17. A. higher B. nearer C. deeper D. earlier 18. A. chose B. decided C. hoped D. continued

19. A. have a rest B. have a meeting C. have fun D. have a try 20. A. fix B. believe C. open D. close

21. A. exciting B. terrible C. magical D. beautiful 22. A. mango B. spade C. king D. man 23. A. In B. With C. Without D. By 24. A. but B. so C. or D. and

25. A. price B. secret C. cost D. wealth 26. A. the farmer's B. mine C. yours D. his

27. A. looked after B. looked for C. put away D. looked at 28. A. fell B. jumped C. joined D. felt 29. A. relaxed B. excited C. shocked D. bored 30. A. stayed B. competed C. discussed D. fought

【答案】16. D 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D



16. 句意:这是一个大金属锅,大到可以煮一百多人的米饭。A.瓶子B.碗C.盘子D.锅。能够用来煮饭的只能是锅,故选D。

17. 句意:我要挖得更深。A.更高B. 更近C. 更深D. 更早,前面农夫说这个看起来对他没什么用处,所以他要继续挖,肯定是越挖越深,故选C。

18. 句意:他继续去挖。A.选择B.决定C.希望D.继续,农夫认为他一定会发现其他的什么东西,所以继续挖,continue to do 意为“继续去做…”,故选D。

19. 句意:感觉很累,他把铁锹扔进锅里,坐在一棵树下休息。A.休息B.开会C.玩得开心D.试一试,因为累了,所以农夫要休息一下,故选A。

20. 句意:当他起身离开时,他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。A.修复B.相信C.打开D.关闭。后面讲到他看到了锅里出现了100把铲子,所以这让他不敢相信自己的眼睛,感到无比惊讶,故选B。

21. 句意:这是一个有魔力的锅啊!A.令人兴奋的B.可怕的C.魔法的D.美丽的,把一把铲子放在锅里变成了100把,说明这个锅应该是有魔力的,故选C。

22. 句意:之后,他把一个芒果放在了锅里。A.芒果B.铲子 C. 国王 D. 男人,从后面的“他发现锅里出现了100个芒果”得出这次他是把芒果放了进去,故选A。

23. 句意:有了那个锅,他变成了一个富人。With表示“有了”,without意为“没有”,in意为“在..里面”,by表示“在..边上”,这里是说他有了这个锅变富有了,故选B。

24. 句意:国王知道了这个锅,他非常贪心。A.但B.所以C.或者D.和,这里前句和后句之间是并列的关系,没有出现转折或因果,故选D。

25. 句意:我想找出神奇的锅的秘密。 A.价格B.秘密C.花费D.财富,国王的目的是找出魔法锅的秘密secret所在,不是找出价格、花费或者财富,故选B。

26. 句意:如果它是很有价值的,它就应该是我的。A.农夫的B.我的C.你的D.他的,从前面看出国王是个很贪婪greedy的人,所以他如果发现这个锅有价值,肯定会占为己有,故选B。

27. 句意:国王看了看这个锅,不知道该做什么。A.照看、照顾B.寻找C.收起D.看一看,国王命令人把农夫和锅带来之后肯定是要“看一看、查看”一下这个锅,故选D。

28. 句意:他滑了一下并跌进了锅里。A.跌倒B.跳跃C.加入D.感觉,fall into意为摔进,这里是说皇帝脚下一滑就“摔进、掉进”了锅里,故选A。

29. 句意:在爬出这个神奇的锅后,他震惊地发现有一百个国王。A.放松的B.兴奋的C.震惊的D.无聊的,国王爬出来之后发现有100个自己肯定是很震惊的,故选C。

30. 句意:然后所有的国王都开始相互打斗起来了,最后都死了。A.留下B.竞争C.讨论D.战斗,最后死了died说明100个国王之间肯定发生了战斗、打斗,不是讨论或者竞争,故选D。

第三部分 阅读理解





There is a town near Suzhou. It is very interesting and beautiful. This is Luxiang, an old town. Luxiang was built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). There were many famous people living in the town at that time. There are around 30 old buildings of Ming and Qing (1644~1912) dynasties now. People live a simple life. Six lanes (巷) in the town go to Taihu Lake. Luxiang looks more beautiful in spring, with many tea trees and fruit gardens. This place is famous for the tea called Biluochun. The Egyptian pyramids were built around 2560 B C. The largest one of them is the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The King, Khufu, built it as his tomb. The Great Pyramid was considered a unique building in the 19th century A. D. At that time, it was still the tallest in the world. According to scientific research, Khufu ordered his men to build it stone by stone. The biggest stone weighs 15 tons, and each stone was fixed so well. The Great Pyramid has four sides and each side is 230. 4 meters long and 146. 5 meters high. At that time, there were no modern machines or equipment, so how did the ancient Egyptians build it? To this day, it is still a mystery.

31. Many famous people were living in Luxiang ______. A. from 1127 to 1279 B. from 1644 to 1912 C. from 1127 to 1644 D. from 1279 to 1912

32. Luxiang is famous for ______. A. fruit gardens B. tea trees C. Biluochun D. six lanes


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