

Lesson1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon.


1. dr__m 鼓 2.t_lent show新秀选拔赛 3._and 乐队 4.parti_pate参加5. int_resting有趣的 6._dea 主意7. s_ddenly 突然地8. pa_nter画家9. best sing_r最好的歌手10.d_ncer舞者 二.按要求完成下列各词。

1.sing(名词) 2.good(最高级) 3. take(现分) 4.come(ing形式) 5. right(反义) 6.buy(同音词)7. dance(名词) 8. I(反身代词) 9. give(单三)10.make(过去式) 1.happen(过去式) 12.win(过去式) 三.单项选择题。

1.You good at playing the guitar. A .is B . be C. are

2.The talent show is soon. A. comes B. coming C.come

3.I want to do something A interesting B.interests C .interest

4.I don't want to participate the show by myself.A.on



5.How about a band? A. making B.make C to make.

6.Who's the singer? A. good B. better C.best. 7.I don't want to do it by .A. me B. myself C.my 8.Why you play the violin? A.don't B doesn't C not 9.That like fun. A sound B. sounds C.sounding. 10.You are a good A.cooker B.cook C. cooking.

四.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.His brother likes (play) chess. 2.My mother (do)the dish every day. 3.Tom is (clean) the classroom now. 4.I want (do) it by myself. 5.I don't want to do (something) interesting. 五.完成下列句子。

1.你是一名优秀的吉他手。You are a good . 2.你为什么不弹吉他呢? don't you the guitar? 3.我们需要一名篮球选手。We a basketball player. 4.吉姆打篮球最棒。 Jim plays baskerball . 5.我还不知道。 I don't know . 六.改错。


1. Thanks for visit me

2. She wants do something interesting. 3.Why not you play the guitar? 4.I'm coming in December 21st. 5.Xiaoxiao sings best. 七.连词成句。 1.a/need/ We /singer/.

2.are/ playing /at /You /the/ good /guitar/. 3.comes/ he /Here/.

4.show /The /is /soon/ talent /coming/ 八.句型转换。

1.There is some mail for me .(变成一般疑问句) 2.I'm good at playing the drums.(对划线提问) 3.I come here by car.(同上) 4.I can eat some more.(变否定句). 5.It's Sunday today.(对划线提问). 九.阅读理解。

I am Sarah. I'm going to do many things on this week .On the first day,I'll do my homework. On the second day, I'm going to do the housework with my mother.On the third day, I'm going to visit my grandparents with my parents.On the fourth day, we're


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