

统计计算与软件 期末大作业

大作业题目: 任课老师: 姓 名: 学 号: 班 级:






There are two ways to choose tax paying units: family and individual. Different tax units will have different effects on national fiscal revenue and taxpayer's tax burden.At present, the individual income tax system of our country takes the individual as the tax unit, divides it according to its income category, and multiplies the tax rate by the corresponding tax rate after the reasonable deduction.In foreign countries, some countries allow the family to be the individual income tax unit, which has certain reference significance.This paper explores the influence factors of personal income tax in combination with the national conditions of our country. At present, the tax unit of personal income tax in China is individual, and a unified deduction standard and tax rate are applied to different types of income. With the rapid development of China's economy, people's income level is also rising.Under the current personal income tax system, individuals as income tax entities must pay income tax according to the relevant tax laws, which leads to a decrease in personal income.

Key words: personal income tax; regression analysis; cluster analysis; time series analysis


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