牛津译林版英语七下7B Unit 2单元测试卷

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A.was in the hope of visiting more rooms B.was in a hurry to buy some gifts C.was tired of the nonstop talking D.was not interested in the art show 8.We can infer from the passage that the husband _________. A.was not born blind B.couldn’t stand his wife

C.knew nothing about art D.completely depended on his wife

9.After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple,the writer was ________. A.encouraged B.excited C.touched D.annoyed 10.The passage is mainly about ___________. A.the importance of art B.good manners in public C.patience of a husband D.love between a couple 四、任务型阅读(5分,每小题1分,每空一词)

Being a volunteer, you work and you don’t get any money, but your helping hands can make both others and yourself happy. Many young people are ready to join us. Let’s share some of their stories.

Angela, 17 I visited a forest park last week. I found there were not enough paths there. I’m going to help build new hiking paths. I’ll spend seven days living in the forest. I can work with friends in the daytime and then sleep under the moonlight. It will be a nice sport, and I’ll be able to do something good at the same time!

Andy, 18 I looked after my neighbours’ pets last summer. This summer, I will work in an animal centre and show my care and love to more pets. I am sure to make friends with more pets! Haitao, 16 Some children have problems with reading. They need our help.I want to be a teacher when I grow up, and I love children and reading, so this experience(经历) will help me in many ways.

Being a volunteer this summer What’s a volunteer Stories about some Work ing 1 getting any money. ________your helping hands to make everyone happy . She found the forest park needed more paths, so she decided to work there for a week. She thinks it nice because she can ___3__do and Angela 灿若寒星制作

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volunteers do something good at the same time. Andy He helped take care of his neighbours’ pets last summer. And he will help in an animal center this summer. Some children have ____4____ reading. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up. The experience of helping children will be 5 to him . Haitao


1.Lily and I are good friends and she lives two floors_______[bi'l??]me.

2.A ________ [gru?p]of boys walk out of the building quickly and go to their classrooms. 3.These students in red school uniforms are from different_____________ [k?'mj?n?tiz]in Beijing.

4.The_________[m?n'd??z] wife is sick.He has to go back home to look after her. 5.He is a really helpful boy and he often _________['fiksiz] _things for us . 六、用所给词的正确形式填空(13分,每题1分)

1.Millie and Linda both want to be famous______(design) in the UK. 2.Lily thinks she is _____(luck) to live in such a bad family. 3.Few students in Jim’s class like him because he is _____(help)

4.You will find that our hairstyles really different from those French_______(艺术家) 5.I believe you will feel_______(well) than before after having a good rest. 6.There are millions of_______(person) shopping in the new mall.

7.Here is so much________(信息) about the accident online that I have to spend much time reading.

8.I know the ______(公司)here very well.Let me show you around them.

9.I think the tools(工具)over there are from the _________(技师)Maybe they left them there. 10.We need one more ______(警察)to help us with our problems.


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11.The______(通知)on the blackboard tell us a lot of things.

12.You needn’t be_________(担心) about your son’s health any more. 13.He hopes to be a student in Qinghua_______(学院)of Asia in two years. 七、动词填空(10分,每题1分)

1.I hope someone __________(check) your fridge soon.

2.If you don’t know what_________(take)for the trip.you can ask Mr Zhang for help. 3._________there____________(be)two parents’ meetings in two months?-----Yes,there are . 4.___________(get) a high score in the exam,he checks the answer again and again. 5.The boy is really afraid_________(play) with the dog.

6.I find the teachers and classmates are busy________(plan) where to go. 7.__________(share) your sadness with your friends,and you will feel better. 8.Can’t you see the dark clouds in the sky? I guess it _________________(rain) soon. 9.The boy is now worried about __________(not bring) enough food here.

10.The boy with some other students_____________(design) next week’s class meeting.Don’t disturb them.


1.Mike is going to learn English songs in the music lesson tomorrow.(划线部分提问) _______ _________Mike_____ ______ ________ in the music lesson tomorrow? 2.There will be three matches between the two schools this weekend.(改为同义句)

There________ __________ _______ _______ three matches between the two schools this weekend.

3.Kate will go back to Changzhou in three weeks.(划线部分提问) _______ ________ _________Kate ________back to Changzhou? 4.My mother is a teacher.(划线部分提问) ________ __________ your mother’s __________?

5.The police station is half an hour on foot here.(划线部分提问)


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_____ _______ ________the police station______here?



I___________________________________________________________________________. 2.那位警察将什么时候去帮访问者们解决他们的问题?

When______________________________________________________________________. 3.他正在担心妇女节为他妈妈买什么吗?

________he__________________________________________________________________? 4.她姐姐的昂贵的洗衣机出故障了吗?

_________there_______________________________________________________________? 5.他们中的大多数将在邮局里等邮递员们回来。

Most__________________________________________________________________________. 6.他确定这些大学生乐意照顾这个居民区的老人们。





He____________________________________________________________________________ 答案:



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四、without Giving exercise problems helpful

五、1.below 2.group 3.communities 4.manager’s 5.fixes 六、1.designers 2.unlucky 3.unhelpful 4.artists’ 5.better 6.persons 7.information 8.companies 9.engineers 10.policeman 11.notices 12,worried 13.College

七、1.will check 2.to take 3.Are;going to be 4.To get 5.to play 6.planning 7.Share 8.is going to rain 9.not bringing 10.is designing 八、1.What is;going to learn; 2.are going to be 3.How soon will;go 4.What is;job 5.How far is;from

九、1.I don’t think I can fix that broken fridge of my neighbour.

2.When will that policeman help visitors with their problems? 3.Is he worrying about what to buy for his mother on Women’s Day. 4.Is there anything wrong with her elder sister;s expensive washing machine? 5.Most of them are going to wait for postmen to come back in the post office.

6.He is sure these college students are willing to look after the old people in the neighbourhood,

7.Does it take you less than 20 minutes to make a fire at the foot of the hill? 8.He is really lucky to buy a house with a garden in the city center.


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