武汉理工大学 2015培养方案(道桥卓越)



Undergraduate Education Plan for Specialty in road, bridge and river-crossing engineering

(Excellent Engineer Class) (2015)

专业名称 道路桥梁与渡河工程 Major road, bridge and

river-crossing engineering

计划学制 四年 Duration 4 Years 所属大类 交通运输类

Disciplinary Traffic transportation 最低毕业学分规定

Graduation Credit Criteria 课程类Course Classification 课程性质 Course Nature 必修课 Required Courses 选修课 Elective Courses 通识课程 Public Basic Courses 35 9 学科大类课程 Basic Disciplinary Courses 40 \\ 专业课程 Specialized Courses 43 20.5 个性课程 Personalized Course \\ \\ 集中性实践 Practice Courses 32.5 \\ 课外学分 Study Credit after Class \\ 190 10 总学分 Total Credits 主干学科 力学、土木工程、交通运输


Major Disciplines Mechanics, Civil

Engineering, Traffic and Transportation Engineer

授予学位 工学学士

Degree Granted Bachelor of engineering 大类培养年限 1年

Duration 1 year

一、 培养目标与毕业要求

Ⅰ Educational Objectives &Requirement (一) 培养目标

(1) 身心健康,具备良好的敬业精神、社会责任感和工程职业道德,关注当代全球和社


(2) 具有扎实的数学、力学、自然科学和工程技术的基础理论知识,较好的人文社会科


(3) 掌握道路工程及桥梁工程领域较扎实的技术理论基础知识和宽广的专业知识;了解


(4) 具有本专业必需的测量、设计、计算、施工组织以及文献检索等基本技能及较强的


(5) 具有较强的自学能力、实践能力、工程设计能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质。 (6) 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力,道路桥梁与渡河工程领域德才兼


Educational Objectives

(1) Be sound in body and mind, industrious with work, a strong sense of social responsibility

and intense work ethic, be concerned and aware about the global and social issues, be

focused on quality, environment and safety.

(2) A thorough grounding of knowledge in mathematics, mechanics, science and engineering,

a good grounding of knowledge in humanities and social sciences, law, economic management and related disciplines (3) A thorough grounding of professional knowledge in road and bridge engineering, a good

understanding of the front and trends of the subject. (4) Be qualified with the basic skills required by the subject, such as measurement, design,

calculation, construction organization and literature search, have excellent computer and English application ability. (5) Have excellent self-learning ability, practice ability, engineering design ability, innovation

consciousness, and have a high comprehensive quality. (6) Have international perspectives and master the ability of cross-culture communication

and cooperation. have strong ability to solve practical problems in design and manufacturing, be qualified as an excellent engineer with sound professional ethics and knowledge in the field of road and bridge engineering.

(二) 毕业要求 1. 素质要求

(1) 具备良好思想道德素质,包括政治素质、思想素质、道德品质、法制意识、诚信意


(2) 具备良好文化素质,包括文化素养、文学艺术修养、现代意识、人际交往等。能够


(3) 具备良好科学素质,包括科学思维方法、科学研究方法、求实创新意识等。 (4) 具备良好身心素质,包括身体素质、心理素质等。 2. 能力要求

(5) 具有良好的获取知识的能力,包括自学能力、表达能力、社交能力、计算机及信息


(6) 应用知识能力。具有能利用所学的理论知识与技术手段分析、解决实际工程问题的


(7) 创新能力。具有对工程问题的基本认知、工程推理和判断能力,能够发现、分析和


3. 知识要求


(8) 数理知识和相关自然科学知识包括数学、物理、化学、测试与试验技术等。

(9) 工程技术知识包括工程制图、机械、工程力学,电工电子技术、结构设计基础、计


(10) 人文和社会科学知识: 具备较丰富的工程经济、管理、社会学、情报交流、法律、


(11) 熟练掌握一门外语,具有综合应用各种手段进行资料查询、获取信息的能力;


(12) 掌握道路桥梁工程基础知识,包括理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、道路建筑材料、


(13) 掌握结构设计基本原理与方法,掌握混凝土基本构件、预应力混凝土受弯构件、钢


(14) 掌握道路桥梁工程中常用的绘图和计算软件,如CAD、Midas、纬地等。

拥有道路桥梁工程方面的专业技术知识,了解本专业的发展现状和趋势 (15) 掌握道路勘测、路基工程、路面工程、桥梁工程设计原理与方法;

(16) 具有道路与桥梁工程领域内重要测试与试验仪器的使用、材料与结构试验、力学分


Educational Requirement

1. Quality requirement

(1) Have good ideological and moral quality, including political quality ideological quality,

moral quality, legal consciousness and credit legal consciousness. Be qualified with the basic quality of coordination, management, competition and cooperation and the consciousness of team work, be adaptable to the change in the operation, growth and development process of team, preliminarily have a capability to lead a team. (2) Have a good cultural quality, including cultural manners, literary and aesthetic knowledge,

modern consciousness and interpersonal communication, excellent use of modern media in engineering expression, be qualified with the compilation and explanation of engineering files, such as feasibility study report, project assignment book and tender, and have strong interpersonal skills, be qualified with self - control and knowing the requirement of other people, have a good adaptability, can deal with the changing personal and work environment in a flexible way. (3) Have good scientific quality, including methods of scientific thinking, scientific study,

and innovation consciousness. (4) Have good physical and mind quality, including physical quality and mind quality. 2. Capability requirement

(5) Have good capability to get knowledge, including self-study ability, presentation skill,

sociality ability, computer and information technology application ability, have the learning ability to be adapt to the development in order to keep and improve professional ability, have a strong thirst for knowledge and Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural learning and communication ability, can participate in the multi – major international competition and cooperation. (6) The application ability of knowledge, have the ability to analyze and solve practical

engineering problems using theoretical knowledge and technology, have the ability to Participate in the organization and design of construction, and have the ability to manage the construction site of road and bridge engineering.

(7) Innovation ability, have a basic concept, reasoning and judgment ability on engineering

problems, be able to identify the and strike at the roots of problems, have a strong innovation consciousness and elementary ability to design, development, Technological renovation and Innovation of engineering projects.

3. Knowledge requirement

Have the basic science and technology knowledge and humanities and social sciences required by the work on the field of road, bridge and river-crossing engineering.

(8) Mathematical knowledge and related scientific knowledge, including mathematics,

physics, chemistry and experimental technique (9) Engineering technology knowledge, including Engineering Graphics, engineering

mechanics, electrical and electronic technology, fundamental structural design, computer science and other related knowledge.

(10) Humanities and social science knowledge, have abundant knowledge on engineering

economics, management, sociology, information exchange, law and environment. (11) Master a foreign language, have the ability to research and get information using all kinds

of media.

Master the basic knowledge and related skills of road and bridge engineering

(12) Master the basic knowledge of bridge engineering, including theoretical mechanics,

strength of materials, structural mechanics, Road Construction Materials, Measurement Theory, Engineering Geology, soil mechanics.

(13) Master the basic principles and methods of structural design, master the design

principles and methods of basic concrete members, prestressed flexural concrete members and steel structure. According to the strength characteristics of these kinds of structure, theory of design, and general requirement of configurations, the materials should be chosen correct or reasonably, the cross section should be determined preliminarily, and the structure designed should be safe, economic and reasonably. (14) Master the drawing programs and calculation software, such as autoCAD, Midas and


Master the professional knowledge in road and bridge engineering, understand the development status and trend of the subject.

(15) Master the principle and method of highway survey and design, subgrade engineering,

pavement engineering and bridge Engineering (16) Have the ability to use the important experimental equipments in the field of road and

bridge engineering, master the basic test method of materials and structures, and be able to perform the simulation and analysis of structures, draw the engineering graphics and write report. Know the latest development trend of theory and technology of the subject.


毕业要求1 毕业要求2 毕业要求3 毕业要求4 毕业要求5 培养目标1 ? ? ? 培养目标2 ? ? 培养目标3 ? 培养目标4 ? ? 培养目标5 ? ? ? ? 培养目标6 ? ? ? ?

毕业要求6 毕业要求7 毕业要求8 毕业要求9 毕业要求10 毕业要求11 毕业要求12 毕业要求13 毕业要求14 毕业要求15 毕业要求16 培养目标1 培养目标2 ? ? ? 培养目标3 ? ? ? 培养目标4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 培养目标5 ? ? ? 培养目标6 ? ? ? ? ? ?

二、 专业核心课程与专业特色课程

II Core Courses and Characteristic Courses (一) 专业核心课程:


Engineering Geology, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Road Construction Materials, Concrete Structures Theory, Steel Structures, Highway Survey and Design, Subgrade and Pavement Engineering, Bridge Engineering. (二) 专业特色课程:


Characteristic Courses: Overseas civil engineering, Rail Engineering

附:毕业要求实现矩阵: 专业专业核心特色课程 课程 课程名称 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 思想道德修养与法律基础 √ 中国近现代史纲要 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 马克思主义基本原理 军事理论 体育 大学英语 大学计算机基础 计算机程序设计基础 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ? ? √ √ √ √ √ √ 道路桥梁与渡河工程专业(卓越工程师班)毕业要求

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