

2014年3月15日雅思口语真题回忆(新东方版) Part 1


1. Your work or your studies (持续高频), Why did you choose to do that kind of work or subject or major? / What subject are you studying? / Why did you choose that (particular) school/university?

2. History (本周热门考题),Do you think you can learn history from films and or TV programs?

3. Busy (本季度新题),Was there a time when you felt stressed out (or under pressure) because of a busy schedule? “陶冶情操”类话题:

4. Politeness(持续高频),How do people in your culture show good manners (towards others)? / Who told you to be polite first when you were a child?

5. Patience (持续高频), Do you think people can do two things simultaneously/at the same time?

6. Name(本周热门考题),Does your name have any particular meaning? “大爱(动物、自然、家人、朋友、自己)”类话题:

7. Family / Friends (本周热门考题),Why do people need to sustain a constant relationships with their relatives and friends? “衣食住行”类话题:

8. Cycling (本周热门考题),What do you think is the advantage of biking compared with other forms of transport?

9. Hometown / where are you living now (持续高频),Why are you coming from? /

What attracts you most in your hometown? / Do you think whether your hometown is suitable for young people to live in?

Part 2 border-top:1px #99CCFF solid} .table td{border-right:1px #99CCFF solid; border-bottom:1px #99CCFF solid; text-align:center;FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 22px; FONT-FAMILY: ‘微软雅黑’} .STYLE5 {color: #FF0000} .STYLE6 {color: #0000FF} .STYLE7 {color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; } 小编隆重推荐新东方在线雅思课程详情如下: 新东方在线是新东方教育科技集团旗下专业的在线教育网站,在线课程横跨学历考试、留学考试、职业教育、英语充电、中学教育、多语种等6大类,共计2000多门,为各类用户提供全面的在线教育服务,截止至2013年6月,个人注册用户已逾15000万,移动学习用户超过250万。新东方在线推荐课程>>>查看详情 重点课程 免费试听 建议考生加入收藏,我们将第一时间为大家提供最新信息,敬请期待!

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