2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 2 Robots课时跟踪练(二)新人教版选修7

2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 2 Robots课时跟踪练(二)新人教版



1.Most teenagers like reading science fictions (小说). 2.He desires (渴望) to be a famous actor.

3.He alarmed (使惊恐) his sister with a little snake. 4.We expressed our sympathy (同情) for her loss. 5.I've come to ask you to do me a favour (恩惠).

6.Tom began to sweep the pieces of glass up into a pile (堆). 7.It is absurd (荒谬的) that they should deny my request. 8.I do envy (羡慕) you. You are so clever.

9.Ken agreed to accompany (陪伴) me on a trip to Africa.

10.The man's parents declared (声称) that they didn't want to see him again. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.Children, when accompanying by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.


2.To his satisfy, his daughter entered a famous university after graduation. satisfy→satisfaction

3.The fact whether man has landed on the moon is true. whether→that

4.The young lady dressed elegant when she went to work. elegant→elegantly

5.She was tired of the hard life in the mountain village and desired go out.desired后加to

6.Angry residents have declared war with the owners of the factory.with→on 7.My friend Lucy is leaving. I will do her favour and drive her to the airport.favour前加a

8.It's unnatural for a mother to leave her child lonely to enjoy herself.lonely→alone

9.Everybody was alarming at the news that war might break out.alarming→alarmed 10.It is not a good idea to have the machine run all the time.run→running


turn around, to one's satisfaction, test out, feel envy at, in favour of, ring up, have a strong desire to, out of sympathy1. I have_a_strong_desire_to improve my life. 2.We are all in_favour_of your suggestion. 3.To_our_satisfaction,_we all passed the exam.

4.He felt_envy_at her cell phone, which was popular at that time. 5.He gave the poor child much help out_of_sympathy.

6.This model had been_tested_out before it was put into production. 7.On arriving at the airport, he rang_up his mother to say everything was OK. 8.Turn_around and let me look at your back. Ⅳ.课文语法填空

A robot used for housework 1.was_tested (test) out in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair, 2.speaking (speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot 3.to_accompany (accompany) his wife Claire. Claire didn't like the idea at 4.the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. At her first sight of Tony, Claire was alarmed. When Tony offered to help her dressing, Claire felt 5.embarrassed (embarrass).

6.Gradually (gradual),Tony began to win Claire's trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams 7.by making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses.Therefore, at the party all the guests 8.who were invited were filled with 9.admiration (admire) when they saw her house was completely changed.

After the test,the company was satisfied with Tony's report 10.because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence.


约翰渴望(desire)成为一名科幻小说(the science fiction)作家。爸爸不支持(in favour of)他的想法,然而,妈妈却支持他,经常陪(accompany)他去书店。约翰的姐姐经常打电话(ring up)询问他的进展情况,这让他的妹妹,玛丽,很嫉妒(envy)他。被约翰的毅力所感动,父亲最终向全家宣布(declare)将全力支持他。





What does it take to help a person move toward a better performance? It doesn't take as much as you may at first __1__. One of my hobbies, over the years, is to repair houses. Using this __2__, I have had a wonderful time and __3__ enjoyed working with my hands and __4__ other people including a young man.

The young man was recently married and bought a(n) __5__ house. However, to this young man, it appeared to be a huge mountain he had to climb. The __6__ was that he had never been taught to do much of anything around the house and he had never even used any __7__. Therefore, he was unable to even decide how to start the most basic of repairing including repainting a wall __8__. So, I was asked to help him. I __9__ what I was going to do, why I would do it, and how to use the tools. He was a quick learner, eager to __10__ whatever he was told. However, I __11__ noticed his hesitation to do anything I told him to do even though I __12__ by doing it myself so that he could see what the technique was or how the tool was used __13__. His problem was that he had no confidence and was __14__ to try anything, __15__ I encouraged him. It was truly amazing to see him have greater __16__. Over the next few months, we finished the project with me only giving him the lead and being his helper.

All it takes is a few words of encouragement, and helpful __17__. It never takes much if you __18__ care about people especially their feelings. We are never born to be __19__ of anything. If you arm yourself with words of __20__ and use them, you'll find it is not hard for anyone to improve.


1.A.discover C.think

B.predict D.notice

解析:选C 根据下文作者仅仅用一些鼓励的话语就帮助了一位年轻人取得进步可知,想要帮助一个人进步并不像我们一开始“想得(think)”那样难。

2.A.lesson C.strength

B.skill D.performance

解析:选B 上句中的“to repair houses”是一项“技能(skill)”。

3.A.always C.seldom

B.never D.ever

解析:选A 根据上文中的“hobbies”和“a wonderful time”可以看出,作者喜欢帮人修房子,所以“总是(always)”乐在其中。

4.A.supporting C.helping

B.comforting D.changing

解析:选C 根据作者业余时帮人修房子和下文他对一位年轻人的帮助可知,他是在“帮助(helping)”他人。

5.A.comfortable C.large

B.old D.ugly

解析:选B 根据下文作者帮助这位年轻人翻修房屋可推测,这位年轻人买了个“旧的(old)”房子。

6.A.opinion C.method

B.result D.truth

解析:选D 本空后的“he had never been taught ...”就是这位年轻人什么都不会做的“事实(truth)”。

7.A.tools C.hands

B.maps D.keys

解析:选A 下文中的“how to use the tools”提示了本题答案。 8.A.patiently C.again

B.quickly D.alone

解析:选D 根据本句中的“he was unable to even decide how to start the most basic of repairing”可推测,这位年轻人甚至连“单独(alone)”重新粉刷墙壁都不会。

9.A.described C.expected

B.guessed D.warned

解析:选A 因为那位年轻人什么都不会做,所以作者要“描述(described)”清楚他要做什么,以及如何做等。

10.A.record C.believe

B.understand D.explain

解析:选B 根据本空前的“He was a quick learner”可推测,这位年轻人学习能力很强,总是渴望能“理解(understand)”作者教他的一切。

11.A.finally C.immediately

B.exactly D.suddenly

解析:选C 根据本空前的“However”可推测,虽然那位年轻人聪明好学,但是作者


12.A.slowed down C.calmed down

B.started off D.showed off

解析:选B 根据本句中的“so that he could see what the technique was”可推测,作者“开始工作(started off)”的时候先是自己动手,给那位年轻人示范技巧,并让他知道如何“正确地(properly)”使用工具。

13.A.safely C.perfectly

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 14.A.willing C.afraid

B.ashamed D.ready B.carefully D.properly

解析:选C 根据“he had no confidence”可推测,这位年轻人“不敢(afraid)”尝试任何事,“所以(so)”作者给予他鼓励,增强了这位年轻人的“信心(confidence)”。

15.A.and C.but

解析:选B 参见上题解析。 16.A.confidence C.ability

解析:选A 参见14题解析。 17.A.discussion C.advice

B.plans D.replies B.power D.interest B.so D.or

解析:选C 根据上段中的“giving him the lead”可推测,作者不仅鼓励了这位年轻人,还给他提供了有用的“建议(advice)”。

18.A.gradually C.rarely

B.gratefully D.really

解析:选D 根据全文内容可知,如果你“真的(really)”关心他人,想要帮助他们并不费事。

19.A.directors C.pioneers

B.masters D.winners

解析:选B 根据上文内容可知,这位年轻人一开始什么都不会做,也就是说我们谁都不是天生就会做很多事情的“能手(masters)。”

20.A.congratulation C.agreement

B.suggestion D.encouragement

解析:选D 上文中的“encouraged”和“encouragement”提示了本题答案,表示“鼓

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