

Guided Learning Plan Unit 4,Book5 Making the News

Period 3 Learning about language

Learning goals: 1. Grasp the important words, phrases and sentences structures in this period. 2. Know how to use the important words and phrases. A.自主探究 一.重点单词 1. delighted adj. 快乐的,欣喜的 Sandy will be delighted to see you. 桑迪会很高兴见到你的. I am delighted that we have settled the matter. 我很高兴我们已经解决了这件事. I am delighted by the result. 我对这个结果很满意。 I was delighted at the chance to go to the village. 我很高兴能够有机会去这个村庄. 2. eager adj. 热切的;渴望的 We are all eager for knowledge. 我们都求知心切。 He is eager for success. 他渴望成功。 He is eager to go abroad. 他渴望出国。 3. assist vt. 帮助,协助,援助 He always assists me to improve my English. 他经常帮助我提高英语. I was employed to assist the manager with his duties. 我受雇协助经理工作。 A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation. 一组护士帮助这位医生做手术。 He called and called but no one came to his assistance. 他一再呼喊,但没有人来帮助他。 You are suited to be my assistant. 你倒是适合做我的助手。 4. acquire vt. 获得,取得,学到 He has acquired a good knowledge of English. 他的英语已经学得很好了. He has acquired a good reputation. 他获得了好名声. He acquired hundreds of books at last. 最后他得到了数百本1 / 4

B、合作探究 一.重点单词 1.小结delighted的常用结构及其意思: 1)__________________ 2) ___________________ She was delighted with her new home. 她对她的新家很满意. 3) ____________________

2.请根据例句总结eager 的相关搭配及其意思. 1) ____________________ 2) ____________________ 3. 请根据例句归纳assist 的搭配及其意思: 1)____________________ 2) ____________________ 3) ____________________ [拓展]assist 的名词“帮助,协助”__________, 搭配短语“援助某人”_______________; 名词“助手”____________ 4. 写出每个例句中acquire _________ 的意思:1) _________; 2) _________; 3) 5.请根据例句归纳inform 的搭配极其意思: Guided-Learning-Plan----Unit-4-period3

书。 5. inform vt. 告知, 通知 Please inform us of /about any change of address. 如地址有变,请随时告知我。 1)____________________ 2)____________________ 3) keep sb. informed of /about …, 意思是We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. ______________, informed 我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受. 在此作什么成分?为什么Please keep me informed of /about how their business is going 用过去分词? on. 名词“消息,资请随时告知我他们的生意进展情况。 料”:_________,用英语写The book contains much useful information. 这本书包含了许出“一则消息”的表达方多有用的资料。 式:___________________. 6. meanwhile adv. 此时;同时;其间 n. 同时6.根据例句思考以下问(=meantime) 题: He hopes to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, 1)“在此期间,同he is going to study biology. 他希望最终能上医学院,这期间时”:________________, 他打算学生物。 同义短语有They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile we’ll have some coffee. ______________________他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 2) 第②例句中是否可以Mother went shopping and meanwhile I cleaned the house. 妈去掉前面的句号,直接用 妈去购物,而我打扫房子. meanwhile连接前后句?为7. demand n. 需求,要求 vt. 强烈要求 什么?第③例句中是否可This project demands great patience. 这项工程需要很大的耐以去掉and, 直接用 心。 meanwhile连接?为什么? She demanded to see the editor. 她要求见编辑。 7.根据例句归纳demand The manager demanded that Mary (should) finish the task 的搭配及其意思. within a week. vt. 1) _______________;

经理要求玛丽在一周内完成任务。 We should try our best to meet the demand of the customers. 我们应尽最大的努力来满足顾客的需求。 二.重点短语 1. depend on You can’t depend on your parents forever. 你不能永远依赖父母。 We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。 You may depend on /upon his /him coming. 你可以相信他会来。 She’s a woman who can be depended on /upon. 她是个可以2 / 4

2) ___________________; 3) ___________________; n. 满足某人的需求:___________________ 二.重点短语 1.根据例句归纳depend on 的搭配及其意思: 1)____________________; 2)____________________; 3)____________________; 4)____________________; Guided-Learning-Plan----Unit-4-period3

信赖的人。 How much is produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小取决与我们努力的程度。 --Can I come? 我能来吗? --That depends: there might not be room in the car. 那得看情况,车里可能没有空座了。 2. concentrate on I can’t concentrate on my studies with noise. 由于吵闹, 我无法集中精力于学习。 We must concentrate our efforts on studying well. 我们应该集中精力,好好学习. 3. accuse ...of... My wife often accuses me of my carelessness. 我妻子经常指责我粗心大意. You can’t accuse Stephen of robbing the bank. He was at my house all evening. 你不能控告斯蒂芬打劫银行,他整晚都在我家。 He is accused of stealing. 他被指控犯有偷窃罪. 三.重点句型 1. What do you imagine will be your future occupation? Suppose you were to be a journalist for China Daily, do you know what kinds of jobs they have? 5)____________________; 6)____________________. 2.根据例句归纳concentrate on 的搭配及其意思: 1)____________________; 2)____________________ 3.根据例句归纳accuse 的搭配及其意思: __________________________________________________________________ [拓展]你知道accuse 的同义词吗?这个词与accuse sb. of sth./ doing sth. 的同义短语是什么? 三.重点句型 1. 请根据例句归纳“be to+动词原形”的常见用法: ①___________________; ②___________________; ③___________________; 你认为你未来的职业是什么?假设你即将成为《中国日报》2. not only… but also… 的意思:_________________; 的记者,你知道他们要做哪些类型的工作吗? We are to meet at the school gate. 我们将在学校门口见面。 not only 引导的是________句, 正常语序是You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. 孩子们,你们必须_____________________. 上床睡觉,不准吵闹。 总结: not only… but We are never to see each other again. 我们永远不会再见面。 (also)… 连接两个分句时, not only 引导的句子用2. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an __________, but (also) 引amateur course at university to update my skills. 对摄影我不导的句子____________. 仅感兴趣,而且我还去大学里进修业余课程来改进我的技术. 若not only…but also… 连Not only does he study hard at school, but also he is a good 接的是两个_________,不child at home. 是________,所以不用他不但在学校努力学习,而且在家是个好孩子. ________. 3. where 引导的是3. Have you ever had a case where someone accused your 3 / 4

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